About 150 people were entertained to a ‘show’ put up by our wonderful Church pastors & co-workers for the Christmas celebration. After the show, there was an awesome display of the Holy Spirit’s power.
By the grace of God, about 10 people came forward to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
The revival of supernatural signs & wonders is the most powerful & biblical way to witness to unbelievers and people of other faith.
The glory of God appears in different forms & ways. It could be in the form of gold dust, fire, or some supernatural encounter. How can this be explained? Isaiah foretold: “... the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:2). Moses had a visible manifestation of the glory when his face shone after descending from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony (Exodus 34:29).
Though the founding members of CKRM do not have any formal Theological training, the Holy Spirit has been training us for many years. For me, He gave me revelation, taught me how to manifest His power in supernatural signs & wonders, and took me in the spirit to the spiritual realm. Once, the Holy Spirit took me in the spirit to a home of a prophet in USA.
It may sound strange but this was how Apostle Paul was taught by the Holy Spirit for 3 years in Arabia. Paul said in Galatians 1:11-12, “I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
Jesus had never separated the word and the work when He was walking the earth. This is because He is the word, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was on Him.
Bill Johnson wrote in his book, “Those who restrict themselves to mere word limit their gift and many may unintentionally lead believers to pride by increasing knowledge without an increased awareness of God’s presence and power. The spirit of the antichrist is at work today, attempting to influence believers to reject everything that has to do with the Holy Spirit’s anointing. That spirit has worked to reduce the gospel to a mere intellectual message, rather than a supernatural God encounter.”
Miracle is the work of God. Without God in our life and ministries, we cannot perform supernatural miracles, signs & wonders.
Dear readers,
My name is Mark and I began to attend CKRM Sat Empowerment Ministry on the 2nd Nov 2008. Back then, I was spiritually unstable and under the bondage of sin. All these were hard to swallow for me as I was once on fire for God and even graduated with good results for a diploma course in Theology. I naively assumed that all this will point to a life of blessings and ministry. Neither materialised and I was struggling very badly in 2008. Everything I touched turned into dust and I was experiencing setbacks in every aspect of my life. It was against such a backdrop that I stepped into CKRM.
I never expected God to touch me through CKRM. After all, I had been part of Benny Hinn's choir, and if Benny Hinn could not knock me down with his anointing, who could? Deep in my heart, I reasoned that experiencing God was a tall order I shouldn't hope for because of my sins and pride. But driven by desperation as well as obedience to prophecy, I keep returning to CKRM. I also told my friends Daniel, Janice, Joshua, Huiliang, Jieying etc about this ministry. God ministered to all of them!!!! I don't really understand what was going on in CKRM but I believe that God does show up on Sat with this peculiar group of people. In the midst of the turmoil surrounding my life, I felt that the safest place to be is where God is - at CKRM.
I was especially impressed with what the Holy Spirit could do with aunties, uncles .. lay-men who had no theological certificates whatsoever. The reality of God rekindled my spiritual zeal and I began to attend church service, cell group, prayer meeting etc faithfully. By the grace of God, a sister prophesised over me on the 29th Nov and what she said drove me to tears. That set the stage for Pst Paul to impart God's anointing on me. True to the prophecy, I was set free from the bondage of sin and is now sensitive to the presence of God. There is also a sense of destiny, knowing that I have a calling in my life to fulfil. The world continues to be gripped by fear and terror but I was at peace with myself and God. I know everything is going to be alright because God is now in the picture.
I was renamed Mark (formerly known as Gordan) in Dec 2008; a prophetic name for how God intends to use me. My new found sensitivity to the presence of God, in the form of shaking, wasn't something my church mates understood. I was told to control my shaking (which I couldn't quite control) by my church leader. My body would shake during worship, during Kathie Walter's seminar and even at home or in public places! I couldn't explain to my mother or my friends for this weird manifestation which accompanied even as I write now. I was also jolted out of sleep on the 12 Dec at 4.30 am by a sharp pain in my right chest. It felt as if someone thrust a long sharp needle through my ribcage and I awoke to find my inner man praying in tongues within me! I became fearful because there was nobody around me! The thought that a demon had attacked me during my sleep came to mind. I realised I have to pray for protection since then.
I never expect God to accomplish so much in five weeks which I couldn't in 8 years as a Christian! I look forward to the days ahead with the Lord. I also look forward to persecutions and spiritual attacks if I am of any value in the kingdom of God. It's inevitable if I want to be part of God's army. I rather die as Mark... than live as Gordan again.
Lastly, I want to thank CKRM for the price they pay for the anointing and God for giving me, his prodigal son... a 2nd chance.
On 26 Oct 2008 night after the service, when Pastor Paul asked me whether I want to have the anointing of carrying the cross – however, I was not ready. I need to consider this very carefully as this means a lot to me. Am I willing to let go of everything and follow the Lord’s way? There is no turning back for me – is my mind, my heart, my thoughts in the correct way?
Thanks God that He let me heard a Chinese song “Mandate” by Ezra worship in Praise 2. The Lord used this song to prepare my heart and finally a week later, I told the Lord “I’m willing”. I kept reminding myself “He must become greater, I must become less” - John 3:30 to build up my faith...
After our worship practice on the night of Wed, 5 Nov, after Pastor Paul released the power of The Sword's anointing on me, the power of God came upon my body and I started to bend. I couldn’t stand straight. Suddenly my right hand seemed to be carrying something and a very heavy weight was on my back. Oh! In my heart I asked God whether this is the day? It was already quite late and I was about to go home. The more I struggled, the heavier the Cross. In order to be obedient, I repented and tell the Lord “I am willing to carry His cross”.
I began to feel His pain - of helplessness, loneliness, rejection by people and even God Himself! The burden of sin was so heavy beyond words. One of our sisters cried, mourned and wailed like the woman mentioned in Luke 23:27-29. I then climbed to this sister, comforted her and gave her a hug – I was still under the anointing.
Thank you Jesus for giving me this experience. It not only strengthens my faith, it also helps me to trust Him and be more courageous to face the challenges ahead. I am now more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. The Lord has given me 2 angels with me and I also know their name.
Now, I can tell The Lord is greater, I am less. Amen!
感谢天上的父让我在祷告时听到这首歌“使命”(以斯拉专辑2),让我能因着这首诗歌深思“自己”是否准备好。我牢记着约翰3:30 “他必兴旺,我必衰微”的经文-坚固我的信心。一星期后,我很肯定告诉天父“我愿意”。
我等待着天父的时间,就在一个星期三的晚上(11月5日),當保羅牧師行在圣灵恩膏时,他向我射出三支属灵的劍,这劍带着很大的力量進入我的灵的层面,我不知道神賜下什麼,只是彎著腰,然后兩手好像拉著東西在右邊,我的背好像有很重的物件壓下。哦!心想不會是今天吧,心里又開始掙扎,因为練習完主日崇拜的诗歌,時間已经很晚了,我的心很想要回家。虽然如此,我還是順服神把十架背上。在背的過程中,我感受到耶穌的心情- 無助,孤單,悲痛,被遺棄,藐視的感覺;他背上世界全人类的罪,真的是很沉重,这是無法用言語可形容得“重”。我聽到一位姐妹的凄凉的哭泣聲,就好像耶穌聽見那些婦女為他號哭(路23:27-29)。我就慢慢地爬向那位姐妹,就好像代表耶稣去安慰她,过了一段时间,她的哭聲渐渐停了下来,我感覺是结束的時候了,然后說了一句“成了” (約19:30),我就昏睡了。當我醒來時,腦里一片空白,什么都想不起,只想睡覺。
天父啊!求你來使用我這微小的器皿來完成你的大事吧! Amen.
Bro Thomas Ong first received the impartation of the ‘Fire & Blowing Anointing’ through the phone. Due to his deep hunger for more blessings, he came to CKRM on 22nd November 2008 with his wife. Stayed overnight at the CKRM Sanctuary, he was tremendously blessed especially with the powerful gift “Sword of the Spirit."
Thomas and his wife are both civil engineers working in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Please read his awesome experience he wrote in his blog below.
I have posted Thomas's testimony in my blog (below).
Thomas Ong弟兄第一次领受圣火与吹气的恩膏是在电话里。由于他里面深深的渴慕,在2008年11月22日,与妻子专程来到新加坡CKRM并且晚上住宿在教会。他大大地蒙神祝福,特别领受了大能的武器“圣灵的宝剑”。
Hi Ps Esther,
Realised I didn't get a chance to thank you just now for your ministry to me and my wife. =) First of all, we wouldn't be so blessed today if you didn't relay the prophetic message through Sharmaine to tell us to come back as the Lord had something for us. That prompted us to come once our work allowed us a day off. (The fact that the Lord arranged this whole day so suitably is really a huge surprise.) Thanks so much!
There were so many things you said today that also confirmed things that were happening in our lives. You know, when you mentioned about my being in both my Sunday church and my church plant, at first I thought you were going to ask me to focus on my Sunday church (that's the advice that most of the people have been giving anyway in our circles). What impressed me, however, was that you told me the Lord dropped the message in your heart to focus on the church plant instead--you didn't say your opinion, but rather what the Lord asked you to say--and immediately when you said that word I saw a vision of myself, talking to my Sunday church pastor one year ago, and that was the time when I had didn't feel the peace that I would be at my Sunday church for long. It struck me very deeply especially since I told myself I wouldn't act on it unless the Lord confirmed it. And that word of knowledge was during makantime!
Besides that, for my wife, as we were recounting what you were sharing with her, I really can see how it was so accurate and really spoke to her circumstances. The word to leave behind the past and how people have treated her in the past, to not fear the opinion of people, and the verse you gave her--when I heard all these, I really knew it was from the Lord. It really addresses some of the major things that're not so easy in her life. So really thank God for ministering to her.
Both my wife and I realised that God has given you a wonderful prophetic gift and really praise Him for it. May the Lord continue to use you powerfully in His kingdom and may your prophetic flame continue to burn brightly! And may God raise others like you who will bring a timely word of encouragement to God's people!
Agape and with many thanks,
Daniel and Janice
22th November 2008
I read Bill Johnson’s note (http://www.bjm.org/regarding-todd-bentley.html) on how he and a few others stood up for Todd Bentley and even after the mishap, to restore Todd through a period of healing.
I praise God for using such a man with a Father’s heart, truly a model for all Christians to follow, to have the heart & love of our heavenly Father. James wrote, “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17).
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is well known for awesome divine healings and miraculous signs & wonders.
By God’s grace, we were part of a team selected to go to Bill Johnson’s Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in early 2007 for a few days. This was under the scholarship given by Bethel School to the school in California that we were attending.
I was very impressed with the school, where they have a 24 hours Prayer Tower on a hill. When we were at the Prayer Tower, their prophetic team would draw pictures of the vision they saw on us and gave us prophetic guidance.
In one of the meetings at Bethel School, the team of Bethel Outreach ministers came forward and shared testimonies of the awesome and divine healings occurred during their outreach evangelistic missions. They shared on how God would just lead them to pray for the disabled. There were instant healings where sight restored, the lame got up from wheelchairs and many more awesome testimonies.
The outreach ministers comprised of young men, women and even youths. Their simple minded faith and courage really touched me. It was also the first time that I witnessed such an event.
In our Chinese culture, such sharing would have been deemed to be boastful & considered ‘pride’ – a taboo. Thus, many of the Chinese ministers have lived with such false humility by not standing up to boldly testify how the Lord has used them as instruments to bless the people with the power of God.
We cannot boast about ourselves because apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5, Zechariah 4:6). When we boast about the power of God, we are giving glory to the Lord. Testimony not only gives glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is also a very powerful tool to break the power of darkness.
Jesus told his disciples in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. The command from Jesus is very clear; we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us. When we receive the power from God, we have to use His power to bless the people like healing the sick and setting people free from bondages. Then we shall bear witness for the Lord, testifying and glorifying Him.
The school has many anointed people who flow in various gifts of the Spirit. Ps Esther and I were blessed, when Bill Johnson laid his hands to pray for both of us. The Lord also healed me of hypertension during my stay at Redding, which I shared in my article
The anointing of the ‘Chinese Opera’ will be used to preach the word of God, and it will be a common feature at CKRM.
Bro Timothy is an Accountant by profession. As one of our ‘Joshua Generation’ team members, he has not performed nor was he trained in ‘Cantonese Opera.’ However, when the anointing came on him at last Saturday prophetic ministry, he could deliver God’s messages to the audiences, by dancing and singing in the motion of a Cantonese opera performer.
The Lord then prompted Sis Grace that performance of the Cantonese Opera is to entertain the King of Glory. Like the olden days, the king of England would have a joker to entertain His Royal Highnest whenever he felt moody or depressed. Thus, isn’t it wonderful that the ministers of CKRM could preach and deliver the Lord’s messages through such amazing feat, and entertain the King of Kings who creates us for His pleasure? Sis Grace was recently at the Florida Lakeland Outpouring for a few weeks.
The same happened during our last Sunday 4 pm Cantonese/Hokkien Church service. The anointing came upon our Church pastor in charge Ps Naomi Choo as she joyfully delivered the sermon, dancing & singing in the motion of a Cantonese Opera performer. The anointing also fell on 4 others and many of the congregation burst into laughter.
Thereafter, the power & glory of God came down to heal the sick.
It was an amazing & awesome scene that will be the ministry that God has given to CKRM to preach the gospel to the lost souls under the anointing of the Chinese Opera (i.e. Cantonese, Hokkien etc…).
Sister Victoria wrote about this amazing anointing in her blog: http://victorgal.blogspot.com/2008/11/cantonese-opera-anointing.html.
Talents are given by God. In Exodus 35:30-32, Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze.”
God is really doing new things (Isaiah 43:19). The Youth Empowering service, commencing on January 18, 2009, will attract the youths with ‘miracles, signs & wonders’. It will draw the youths back to the Lord., while the ‘Chinese Opera’ anointing will draw interest of the old folks to hear the gospel.
(Translated from Mandarin into English)
Dear Ps. Paul,
Here is my testimony. Thank you so much for all the blessings that I have received from CKRM.
I visited CKRM in Singapore on 8 & 9th November 2008. This is the most joyful Church that I have ever seen. Everybody was just very joyful. I experienced the joy and manifested into uncontrollable laughter, like most in the congregation.
Having attended such awesome kind of meeting, I don’t feel like going back to Hong Kong. I have witnessed the audiences used the gifts of the Spirit to bless others. Although this is the first time at for me at CKRM, God is wonderful as He downloaded me with gifts of the Holy Spirit such as Lion’s Roar anointing, Worship anointing, Warfare and Fire anointing.
The sisters & brothers of the Church are so filled with love and their hearts so willing to bless others with impartation of spiritual gifts. On my 2nd day at CKRM, I continued to soak in His presence and receive more blessing & impartation of spiritual gifts. My desire is to be delivered and set free from bondages. The gift of the ‘Roar’ of the Lion of Judah helps to deliver and clear me from the ‘rubbish’ accumulated over the period. As I roared, I felt lightened.
In the afternoon, a manifestation came upon a sister of how the Lord carried the cross for the final journey to Calvary. My heart was very touched and this was a reminder to me on how the Lord was rejected by the world. I was deeply moved in my spirit. I believe that I would need to spend more time to seek Him with meditation.
In the night, I witnessed how the participants danced under the anointing of the Spirit and how God could use a willing & obedient vessel for His glory. My inner man has been strengthened and I have become more sensitive to the Spirit. I pray that my spiritual life will continue to grow that I could be used by God to bless others.
Sarah Tam,
Hong Kong
15th November 2008
Sarah Tam’s Testimony in Mandarin
我於11月8-9日到CKRM探訪, 這是我見過最喜樂的教會, 每個人都在聖靈裡笑過個不停, 第一天經歷熱身後, 也開始在聖靈裡不停的笑, 心想有這樣的聚會都不想回家了。
這是我看到最多會眾使用聖靈恩賜的教會, 雖然只是參加了一天聚會, 但就被download了不同的東西, 有lion roar, worship anointing, warrior anointing, fire等等, 這也讓我看到教會的弟兄姊妹很願意祝福人, 也很願意將屬神的恩賜分享出去。
第二天我繼續在聚會裡接受膏抹, 繼續接受恩賜的傳遞。感謝主, 在我很最希望接受釋放服事時, 結果通過了lion roar, 把裡面的東西清理出來, 下午有一段時間在靈裡體會耶穌背十字架的情況, 雖然時間不是很長, 但內裡面對主被人棄絕的情況有更深的了解, 聚會後的兩天, 腦海裡仍然浮著耶穌受苦的圖畫, 相信我還要花時間再去親近祂, 默想這件事。當天晚上也看到在聖靈裡載歌載舞, 和人如何順服在聖靈裡的聖靈運作。
自這次的經歷後, 感到靈裡的敏銳性和強壯度都有提升, 我求主讓我學習將所得的恩賜從可以釋放出來, 以致屬靈生命得以成長。
Sarah Tam
Hong Kong
Dear Ps Paul Ang,
We were having awesome cell group gathering just now where the presence of God and His fire was so strong like never before in this cell. I released the fire of God during worship and even the first song of worship, many can felt His tangible strong presence.
Many were enjoying in high praise, worship and shout to the Lord, blowing of shofar. The watching of Ps Benny Hinn's Healing Crusade's Dvd has boosts the faith level of the cell member, thus increase the atmosphere of 'Glory'. We prayed for the sick and also for my wife. She coughed & vomited again even after the cell, when there is still an anointing in my living room. We also prayed for a sister who going for surgery on her back this Saturday, may God performs miracle healing for her.
Thanks God for your impartation of the fire and it stirred my heart again and wipe away my spiritual disappointment and water my spiritual dryness since June this year (June was the time of my wife got depression).
No matter how I strongly desire more from the Lord and want to make a trip to CKRM. I still arrange the logistics to come tomorrow night or Saturday morning, if not, I 'must' come on next weekend!
God bless,
Thomas Ong
-- Outpouring of New Wine... fresh anointing.. joy unspeakable.. new oil.. great anointing... abundant living joy in Holy Ghost...cheer up, sons of God..
Note: Thomas came from the Klang Valley, Malaysia with his wife to CKRM on 22nd November 2008. On his return to Malaysia on 23rd Nov, he commented on the blog that:
Thomas Ong said...
I have witnessed 'Chinese Opera Anointing' yesterday and indeed our God is doing new thing! There is no rule/formula for God to evangelize, prophesy, healing the sick and doing miracle. People tried hard to access supernatural realm by trying certain formula.
However, if you can 'tap' in the glory of God and let HIM do whatever He want to do, don't let your mind control you. You will be amazed and began to realise that our God is a creative and humorous God.
Frankly speaking, unless you come to experience yourself in CKRM, otherwise you won't believe it!
November 23, 2008 10:05 PM
Paul Ang said...
Dear Thomas,
This trip must be very tiring for both of you, having to come all the way from Klang Valley to CKRM and returned the next day.There are all kind of languages in the world and the gospel has to be preached to all creations to fulfill the Great Commission commanded by our Lord.
Miracle is to change lives so finally we look at the fruit. If a person is set free from bondage, healed from sickness, spiritual life revived and sensitiveness to His leading enhanced; these are the fruits.
November 24, 2008 8:32 AM
Thomas Ong said...
Not really tiring, but both of us filled with excitement, fire, joy and wine of Holy Ghost! One day in the House of God is better then thousand day...
Thanks God that He has downloaded spiritual weapon for me, eg. fire, blowing and Sword anointing. For the Roar of the Lion of Judah, I just felt embarassed to roar although many has prayed for me at night.
CKRM's members really very friendly and generous to share and bless other with spiritual gifts.
November 24, 2008 3:50 PM
2nd Testimony from Thomas Ong after being at CKRM on 22nd November 2008
Dear Ps Paul Ang,
Thanks for the info. Noted.
The gifts I received was Fire anointing, Sword of the Spirit, 'Holy Blowing' and perhaps 'Thunder Anointing', 'Arrow anointing' & 'Lion of Judah'.
For the arrow anointing, I am not sure. I practice arrow anointing on my wife when she was coughing, but the spirit doesn’t come out. So I 'choose' to take up a bow in my hand, and shooting the 'fire arrow' to the enemy. The enemy was vomited out. Also, I use 'thunder anointing' over my wife. I am not sure whether I got it or not because I mixed all the weapons. (First, I prayed for fire anointing come upon, then thunder anointing, I wielding SWORD of the spirit, she started coughing, then I use arrow to shoot the enemy, she vomiting.
Finally, I blowing to let her filled with the Holy Spirit - Sometimes these all process was mixed together)However, I am very sure I have 'SWORD of the Spirit'. And it is very powerful weapon and whenever I wield the sword, the deliverance takes place easily and faster if compare to just commanding in Jesus name. I prayed for Fire of God in online prophetic chartroom, those people in US felt the heat sensation in 'belly' and tingling at arm.
However, whenever I use the 'SWORD', two persons said they felt heaviness and dizziness in their head, so I told them is spirit of oppression, need to cast out.For the roar of the Lion of Judah, I tried at home and using my own voice, but not like those in CKRM one. Very hard to roar.
Hope will receive worship anointing (dancing type), 'Roar of Lion of Judah' again
Thomas Ong
27th November 2008
神在CKRM赐给我许多大能的“释放与权能”武器——马来西亚Thomas Ong弟兄的见证
Thomas Ong
-- 新酒浇灌... 新鲜恩膏.. 无法言表的喜乐.. 新油.. 极大恩膏... 圣灵中丰盛鲜活的喜乐...欢呼吧, 神的儿子们..
Thomas Ong 说...
2008年11月23日10:05 PM
Paul Ang 说...
2008年11月24日, 8:32 AM
Thomas Ong说..
2008年11月24日3:50 PM
Thomas Ong于2008年11月22日到CKRM之后第二个见证
Thomas Ong
Dear Ps Paul,
Since Sharmaine shared her testimony, I also want to share mine. The first time I encountered the miraculous power of God was in 1996, when I was 12 years old. It was the time when Rodney Howard-Browne came to Singapore, and we barely knew what Holy Laughter or other manifestations were all about. I remember my church background: if anyone was touched by God, they'd cry. It was always cry cry cry. =P It was that, and speaking in tongues, healings, and deliverances. Foolstop.
I remember 1996 very distinctly because I felt it was one of those rare times when I saw the power of God flow to so many churches all over the place. I met up with so many Christians, in school, other churches etc, and realised they too were enjoying the latest outpouring of the Spirit. For me, I was on fire. That fire which God lighted in my heart since 1996 is something burns strong within me. One desire I strongly had was that God would bring something similar back to town. That's 'cos I've seen so many youth who don't know the power of God and do not know anything of the spiritual gifts beyond speaking in tongues.
I've been praying and praying for so many years...I nearly thought that this was hardly going to come again in my generation. But it's here that I want to thank God for your ministry in CKRM. The day that I first encountered the power of God in your ministry, I realised God had answered my prayer.
Hope you will appreciate something about my background. I'm a full-fledged Pentecostal, very open to the move of the Spirit, but very particular about Scriptural adherence and precedence. And, in all honesty, I had problems with manifestations that involved eagles and lions. My friend Sharmaine asked me and my wife (then girlfriend) to come and visit your ministry in CKRM. I thought, no harm going, even if I need to discern. I know the power of God, so shouldn't be a big problem identifying real from fake. (so thick-skinned right. haha.)
As that day turned out, I was held up with something, so I actually came 1 hour late into the meeting. Needless to say, I was very "paiseh" and so I did my best to be as inconspicuous as possible. I quickly sat on the seat my friends had reserved, try to be as unnoticable as possible, and then I prayed: "O Lord, if it's you, I hope to be blessed today. I know you will not lead me into error." So I watched you preach. Or so I thought, because 2 min after that you laid hands on someone, and that person began roaring in the Spirit.
As you probably already know, I don't like this roaring stuff. But as that brother roared in the Spirit, I felt something move up my spine. It was a very familiar feeling: the electricity through my veins, the sudden alertness, the opening of my spiritual senses. I could feel myself caught up in the wave of the Spirit. I closed my eyes, enjoyed the presence of God, very ministered to, but as that guy kept roaring, something stirred within me and it was bubbling from my belly. At one particular roar, my girlfriend, slapped on the front of her face by the Spirit, gripped my hand tight (knee-jerk reaction)--that was it, I felt it too, I couldn't control it any longer. I began to chuckle. I was quite soft, you know. But don't know why you noticed me. Then you called me to go to the front for prayer. So much for me trying to be the inconspicuous latecomer. Haha.
When you called out "the Fire of God", I was lifted up by the Spirit, slammed on the floor: it felt like as if someone did a wrestling move on me. I felt the power of God go through my bones. I just felt like shouting out. For a long long time, I never felt so free in the presence of God, to shout his praises, to just pray and pray and pray in tongues, to just lift up his holy name, and to keep doing it over and over again. And I can't remember the exact sequence of events from there on. What I do know is that that was the first time I was drunk in the Spirit--I still didn't roar, thank God, he knows my theological suppositions--but what I do know is that I had a tremendous dose of the Spirit's power. I think I was at the altar area for quite long. And when someone else was struck by the Spirit, I knew: 'cos it was as if all of us, connected by the Spirit, could feel when a wave was coming in. Someone would be struck by the Spirit, start laughing or crying or roaring etc, and all of us would feel it. I couldn't help myself--not that I couldn't resist the Spirit, but I had no intention of doing so when I was having such a blessed time with him. So each time the Spirit struck someone, I felt it very strongly, it was as if some electric current struck me. And it struck me with such a great force that I was lifted up from the floor each time, then it would simmer down and I would be left on the floor again.
When I left the meeting that day, I was so refreshed, I said: I'd definitely come back again. if not this week, then next. And I knew that I had to bring some of my friends who had never seen the work of the Spirit before. Some people may criticise that move, but honestly, if all the others see is tongues, the thought that just keeps coming up in their minds is that it's all fake and we're misleading ourselves. They need to experience the manifest presence of God--that's the exact thought that came into my mind--and so I decided the next time I could I would bring them.
I wanna thank you, and the rest of the CKRM people, for paying the price to hold the anointing that God has placed upon your lives. I know you must have paid an enormous price for it. I would pay the price if I could, but it wasn't up to me to choose. I thank God that we can see the genuine power of God taking place. I hope you don't mind when I say that I don't agree theologically with everything, but to be honest, I hunger more for God's presence than partisan differences. What's a bit of difference compared to knowing the real presence of God? I wanna bless your ministry with all my heart. I pray God will protect all of you, to continue to have a pure ministry, blameless before God; I pray the people you disciple will be outstanding men and women of God who will not bring the power of God to shame, but rather have the lives that reflect His character and glory; I bless the people in your ministry that they will never run dry, but will pursue the crown of glory that Christ has for all those who faithfully pour out their lives for him. Above all, I hope you will guide the people you minister to to catch the anointing, to have a life transforming experience, and to move into impacting the world and catching the ways of God.
May God protect you from all discouragement and give you strength for the adversities that you will face. God bless you for paying the price. We've all been blessed because you paid the price.
With my utmost blessings,
Daniel Ng
Presiding Elder
Outreach Church Singapore
God is good, awesome & amazing. Two persons called me on the phone from overseas two days ago after reading the articles on my blog. They desired to be anointed with fire of the Holy Spirit so that they could bless others. When we prayed for them on the phone, God instantly hit them with the fire. Praise God!
Matthew 13:44, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
Thus, don’t miss God’s blessing allowing the evil one to hinder you with fear, doubt and unbelief & preventing you from tapping into the heaven’s treasure. Seek counsel from those who have proven to walk in the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17 "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
At CKRM, God has blessed many Christians with powerful spiritual gifts. Please read
http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2008/11/new-empowerment-ministry-for-todays.html & http://www.ckrm.org/testimonials.html for more information.
Below is a testimony which I have just received and it will encourage you:
Testimony from Sharmaine:-
Dear Pastor Paul and Esther,
I would like to share with you about how God has led me to and blessed me through CKRM. First, let me share with you a dream I had on 6 October 2006 that I have penned down in my journal. I had totally forgotten about this dream until I read my past entries in my journal last Sunday.
Today, I had the most amazing dream. I dreamt that I was in a church hall that was unfamiliar to me but it was a city harvest church service. I walked in and stood with people whom I do not know. The hall was divided into 2 portions, the front and the back. I stood in the first front row of the back portion.
Then I saw Rodney Howard-Browne (RHB) at the pulpit! I was surprised and excited to see him. I thought to myself "Why didn't the church bulletin announce he was coming to minister to us?" Usually, if a guest speaker comes, the church will announce beforehand. As I know not many Christians know who RHB is, I asked the person on my left, a stranger, who this minister at the pulpit was.
The stranger said that she does not know but she knows that many wonderful things happen when this man ministers. Then she said something like he is like Oral Roberts or Billy Graham, a great servant of God. Then as RHB ministered, the power of God filled the place. I began to cry for quite a while. I then lifted my hands and worship God. Then there was a break.
Pastor Kong, in casual green polo t-shirt came up to the pulpit to preach. RHB is no longer there. I received a sms from my cell group helper telling me he has booked 18 seats in the front portion and got a seat for me to sit with the cell group. So I obliged. There were many new friends. He introduced me to some of the new friends. We exchanged some superficial greetings and then I went back to worshiping God, standing in the front row of the seats.
As I was enraptured in worship, suddenly, RHB came back on stage again and started to minister. The power of God filled the hall again! This time, I felt lightning hit me and I fell, unable to open my eyes for quite sometime. I was crying and in my heart, I was asking God to forgive me. Then someone who was helping me (the catcher?) said something like "The work is done." End of dream.
When I read this dream, I realised that this dream was a prophecy that is coming to pass. RHB is a symbol for CKRM ministry in the dream (both RHB and CKRM move in the power, miraculous and signs and wonders).
The first part of the dream is likened to the time when I first visited CKRM in the beginning of the year. At that time, I was checking out CKRM (Me asking who the minister was in the dream) and at that time God delivered me from a spirit of heaviness, during "Soak in the presence" 12-1.30pm when I was seeking God individually.
After visiting for another 1 or 2 times, I stopped going (The "break" in the dream). The 2nd reappearance of RHB is likened to the season now that I am back attending CKRM. For the past 2 Saturdays @ CKRM, I have been mightily blessed.
On the first Saturday of my return, I was hit by the power of God and was delivered from evil spirits. Secondly, my body for the first time began to manifest the sign of the eagle (the prophetic anointing). This is a real miracle! Why do I say that? Because during my very first visit to CKRM, when I saw all these manifestations of Lion of Judah, Eagle I was stunned and taken aback and I thought to myself "I can never do that...I am not so drama!..so pai seh!"
I also believe that Saturday was the day my spiritual gift-the prophetic was being stirred up (2 Timothy 1:6). Other than that, of course the I experienced the joy and peace of the Holy Ghost! But God's work in my life did not stop here! 2 days later, on Monday, I went to trumpet praise bookstore and stumbled upon this book "The prophetic Intercessor" by James Goll. Suffice to say, God revealed many things to me through that book, but I shall not elaborate here.
On Thursday evening, I had a dream. In this dream, I was shouting at my mother saying unkind things and I woke up feeling a lot of anger. I know immediately that God is showing me that this is something not pleasing to Him. I was feeling quite discouraged, as I have been to through many many deliverances on a yearly basis and looks like its not going to end!
True enough, on the following Saturday, I was once again delivered with the many other blessings that occurred previous Saturday happening again. On Sunday morning, I again had a dream, this time I was screaming at my father and said some horrible stuff. The context of the dream was like that of what had happened in real life however I never said those horrible stuff in real life.
In fact in the dream I premeditated on what to say (Which in reality was what I thought) but out come out from my mouth was something different and horrible that shocked me! I know God is revealing again something in my heart that displeases him that he wants to take away. (I guess I will be anticipating another round of deliverance this Saturday? haha) Indeed what King David wrote is true. "Behold I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. Behold you desire truth in the inward parts, In the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom" Ps 51:5-6 (Dream: I was crying and in my heart, I was asking God to forgive me.) Isn't God amazing and great to His people? Praise the Lord! I am looking for more wonderful things to happen!
I hope by my testimony, you will be encouraged in the good work that you are doing. I've been greatly blessed by God through your ministry. Thanks for persevering in the midst of trials and persecution.
The most precious gift for a Christian is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The anointing is God Himself being with you in your life and ministry. It is living in the empowering presence of God and God gives us the power to do things that we cannot do in our own strength.
Moses said to God, “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up there.” God granted his request, saying, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14-15).
In the presence of God, there will be freedom, peace, rest, joy and love. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes upon our life, we will be transformed forever.
I was an ordinary Christian; seldom miss attending Sunday Church service. I enjoyed the weekly Cell Care Group fellowship and loved the frequent tours conducted by our Church senior members. That was before the Fire of the Holy Spirit hit me like a powerful bolt of lightning and swept through my entire body. Thereafter, I lost the desire for the things I used to do which included my addicted habitual card playing sessions. I gave up my business. I develop a fear for the Lord and desire to live a life holy & pleasing to God.
I could no longer fit into the old lifestyle of what I was. Strangely, my close Christian friends began to keep away from me as they could not understand what God was doing in my life.
Meanwhile, the Fire of God constantly swept through my right palm in a very powerful way. Sometimes I experience it 2 or 3 times daily especially in the beginning stage of empowerment. It is the refining & ministering anointing fire. Before God could use me for the powerful ministry that He has called me to, the thick layer of sin in me has to be burned and I have to be refined and purified as “… He will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap and He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver…” (Malachi 3:2-4).
With sins flashed in my mind, the repentance cleared the path that hindered what God wanted to give me as my heritage & birthright being a child of God. Once when I was being swept by the Fire of God, He opened my vision, and I saw a light from heaven beamed through my body. I could see the empty void in my body where the light beamed through.
Thereon, ‘miracles, signs & wonders’ began to accompany me (Mark 16:17). When the anointing is upon me, people may just fall when they come near to me. When I call a person’s name, or point my finger at him/her, the person with a sensitive spirit may even fall to the floor or drop off from the chair or sweep by the power of God.
Soaking into the anointing at CKRM weekly, the Saturday Power ministry has made almost all our co-workers so sensitive in the Spirit (Romans 8:14) that I could not have a meal fellowship with them in a public place without creating a scene.
The Lord says, “Apart from Him, we can do nothing” (John 15:5). Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.”
Thus, whatever we do in our life or ministry, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The anointing is living in His presence and it is more precious & desirous than any spiritual gift a Christian could have. Without it, there will be no growth, victory and blessing in our ministry.
“The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isaiah 10:27). When the anointing comes, the devil’s hold on lives is destroyed.
The anointing in me has kept evil away from me. The anointing is a treasure from heaven. We must always guard our heart, mind and tongue and be faithful and obedient to God so that we will not lose the anointing like Saul. 1 Samuel 16:14, “Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.” Use the anointing to bless others and don’t misuse it.
A Christian desiring to learn walking in the Spirit, should seek godly counsel from mature God-fearing fellow Christians, especially those elderly saints who know the Lord and have walked in the Spirit. It’s like you don’t go to a secondary student and ask him things that are being taught in the university. Hence, for spiritual things, seek counsel from a Christian who is at the spiritual level to give you the correct advice.
When I became a Christian, I had a desire to enrol in a Bible School. However, the Lord did not permit me to do so. The Lord led me to a School of Practical Ministry in California where I had a real encounter with God. As in Zechariah 13:9, He brought me into the fire to purify me and burn away the dross of my life, every resistance, fear, doubt and unbelief burned away and drawn me close to God and back to the first love – Jesus.
The Holy Spirit taught me for about 3 years, giving me revelations and trained me to walk in the Spirit for a power ministry that He has called me. Miracles after miracles followed me with many demonstrations of God’s power (1 Corinthians 2:4-5). Click http://www.ckrm.org/?p=566
Being young in faith without any formal theological training, many pastors, Church leaders including my close Christian friends, counsellor and mentor find me weird and kept their distance.
The Lord revealed to me that He has trained me differently and very few would understand me unless they are also walking in the Spirit.
Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:18, “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
We can do the impossible (miracles) when we are able to see the invisible. However, we need to have an encounter with God. The encounter with God strengthens our faith level. Our faith moves the hand of God to perform miracles.
Bill Johnson said, “Without an encounter with God, one can have all the theology/Bible knowledge and still go to hell.”
There is always a struggle & conflict between faith & logic. The devil deceives and plants doubts in us through our logic. The way to faith is difficult. Live by faith --- not by sight, and God will do miracles in your life.
We can never understand God if we are to use our reasoning and logic (Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 55:8). The Bible is full of examples of people who were willing to obey God’s voice instead of logic and were blessed beyond measure because of it.
We can only walk in the Spirit with divine empowerment. Without divine empowerment, it is impossible to do the will of God perfectly and consistently. We may not be able to fulfil God’s will in our life if we are not sensitive to His leading (Romans 8:14).
Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
All real ministries are carried out by the anointing & empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). Without the Holy Spirit, there is no power of overcoming evil in the world, no power of establishing righteousness.
Many teachers of the Bible simply lack revelation of what the Bible really said about the Holy Spirit. The Word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit are our best teachers (John 14:26, 1 John 2:27).
Walking in the Spirit is walking by faith. The Bible says, “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:22-24).
Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:16, “Paul says then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:22-23, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.”
Galatians 5:18, “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.”
Faith is difficult to understand because it rises above the five senses --- seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, & feeling. However, the only way to live a godly life is by faith. Jesus did not follow the five senses. He lived by faith and completely trusted in the Word of God. He could then be victorious over the devil.
When we live by faith, we have to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who is our Counselor, Helper, and Navigator. It is through faith that leads us to believe. It is through our belief that we will obey God. It is the belief in Him that we earn our righteousness.
Faith comes with deed so we must act in accordance to what has been prompted to us. It is only when we take a step forward to move by faith then we will be able to see the hand of God’s moving.
“Abraham believed the Lord, and He credited to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6). “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Doubt is faith in reverse.
Walking & seeing in the Spirit are what make us different. God gives the Spirit without limit (John 3:34). When the Spirit of the Lord rest on us --- the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, the Bible says that we will delight in the fear of the Lord. We will not judge by what we see with our eyes, or decide by what we hear with our ears (Isaiah 11:2-3).
The Fire Baptism is a very precious gift from God. Many of us are baptized with the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues, and lay hands on the sick. Unless you experience the Fire baptism, you may take a very long time to reach the fullness of the power & glory of God. We need to be baptized with Fire as to allow God to refine and purify us (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16).
What is the purpose of the Fire?
God is a consuming fire (Exodus 24:17, Deuteronomy 4:24, Hebrews 12:29). The presence of God will consume us to burn away:-
- Our works and motives that is contrary to God’s purpose in our life.
- The dross of wrong purposes and motivations, leaving behind a concentrated focus on the things of God.
- Unnecessary desires of life, leaving behind the one burning desire that God wants you to accomplish as you serve Him.
- Resistance that the enemy puts in your way that prevents you from proclaiming God’s message.
- Resistance, doubt/unbelief and fear.
The refining fire is to prepare us for a service. Only after going through the refining & purifying process, can God then fills us with the fullness of His power & glory or ministering fire anointing to be purified channel to bless His people. As in Isaiah 60:1-2“… but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you” and in Verse 5, “Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy.”
David Herzog wrote, "If you try to cast away darkness but you yourself are not full of light, chances are it will take a long time to do it. When you are full of the glory of God, often one word from God will expel the darkness."
You will be amazed what the Fire of God can do to transform a person’s life. The fire will draw our hearts back to our first love – Jesus.
Zechariah 13:9, "This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, they are my people, and they will say, 'The Lord is our God.'"
Ezekiel 11:19-20, The Lord says, “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.
Touch by the Fire of God, life changed. The person would be transformed from an ordinary lukewarm Christian to a new man on zeal and fire for God. It is amazing, the fruit that we can witness of such great transformation of a person's life.
Saul’s encounter with the (fire) light on the road to Damascus instantly & completely changed his direction from persecuting the Church to defending the gospel to his dying days (Acts 9:3). Prior to the encounter, Saul had no genuine knowledge of God.
When the fire of God falls, so too does the anointing of God. The anointing fire is the one God uses to commission his people into the work He has for them. The anointing of the Holy Spirit can be felt. You can feel the anointing as it comes upon you and enables you to do things that you cannot do in your own strength. The anointing is the empowering presence of God.
At CKRM, the Fire of the Holy Spirit has blessed and empowered many believers with spiritual gifts, enhancing their sensitiveness to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14), and sharpening their seeing & hearing senses (Proverbs 20:12). Many were also healed and set free from bondages.
Many of those who were swept by the fire of God, experienced the burning sensation with powerful anointing, activating their gifts like the 'Roar' of the Lion of Judah and prophetic gifts. Many Christians were being empowered and some within a relatively short period began to minister powerfully in 'miraculous, signs & wonders.'
The following gifts are used powerfully to bless many believers at CKRM and it is just amazing & awesome to witness the new things that God is doing (Isaiah 43:19):-
Fire Anointing or Baptism of Fire (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16)
The 'Roar' of the Lion of Judah (Amos 1:2, 3:8, Rev. 5:5, 10:3)
The Watchman (Isaiah 56:10, Ezekiel 3:17)
The Flying Arrows (Habakkuk 3:11, Psalm 18:14, 2 Samuel 22:15))
The Lightning of the Flashing Spear (Habakkuk 3:11)
The Rays Flashed From His Hand (Habakkuk 3:4)
Jesus Eyes like Blazing Fire (Revelation 1:14)
Water changed to Wine (John 2:9)
Laughter - Joy of the Lord (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 126:2, Luke 10:21)
The Wind (Acts 2:2)
The Thunder (Psalm 29:3, Revelation 10:3)
The Lightning (2 Samuel 22:15, Job 36:22)
Drunk in the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)
Dance & Sing in the Spirit (Colossians 3:16, 2 Sam. 6:14, Jeremiah 31:4)
The Net (Ezekiel 19:8, 32:3, Matthew 13:47)
Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5:5)
Drink the Heavenly Rain (Deuteronomy 32:2, Job 29:23, Isaiah 45:8, Hosea 6:3)
The Hammer (Jeremiah 23:29)
The Sling and Stone (1 Samuel 17:50)
The Arsenal (Jeremiah 50:25)
"Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book" (John 20:30) and He said “anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father’ (John 14:12).
God comes to purge our sin. Thus, if you desire to be blessed, please come with open heart and ask our Heavenly Father to "Consume me with your fire. Please examine me and to show me the errors of my way. I want to be more like you, God. I want your convictions. I want your heart. I want to be more like you more than anything else.” Amen!
Start seeking God if you desire the anointing. Pay the price and carry the cross. Put God first above everything. As the Lord says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).
圣火的恩膏及其目的 (中文翻译由中国Sarah Shan博士完成)
“火洗”是神所赐的一种宝贵恩赐。很多人经历过“圣灵的洗”,说方言,手按病人。但除非经历火洗,否则你会花费相当长的时间达到神所赐予的全备能力和荣耀。我们需要经历火洗,让神来炼净我们,达到纯洁(太 3:11, 路 3:16).。
我们的神乃是烈火(出 24:17, 申 4:24, 来 12:29)。神的同在会将我们的不洁焚烧净尽。
David Herzog写道,“如果你想赶走黑暗,而你自己尚未被光充满,你很可能要费很长时间去做。但当你被神的荣耀充满,通常用一句来自神的话就足以赶走黑暗”。
扫罗在大马士革的路上遇见大光,立刻被完全翻转,从逼迫教会转变为福音战士直到死。(徒9:3)。 遇到神之前,扫罗对神并没有真正的认识。
当神的火降下,神的恩膏也会赐下。神使用恩膏之火来差派祂百姓进入祂呼召他们去做的工作。圣灵的恩膏可以感觉得到。当恩膏加在你身上时,你能感觉到,并使你有能力去完成凭 自己天然力量无法完成的工作。恩膏是神同在的能力。
在CKRM, 圣灵的火祝福和装备了很多信徒,赐给他们属灵恩赐,提升他们对圣灵引导的敏感度(罗 8:14),增强他们属灵视觉和听觉(箴 20:12)。很多人也得到医治释放。
以下列举出在CKRM被大大用来祝福信徒的恩赐。 目睹我们的神所行的新事(Isaiah 43:19),真是奇妙可畏。
圣火恩膏或火洗(太 3:11, 路 3:16):
犹大狮子吼(摩 1:2, 3:8, 启. 5:5, 10:3)牧羊狗的灵-守望者(赛 56:10, 结 3:17)
飞箭(哈 3:11, 诗18:14, 撒下 22:15)
闪光的枪(哈 3:11)
祂手中射出的光线(哈 3:4)
耶稣的眼目如火焰(启 1:14)
水变酒(约 2:9)
喜笑-主的喜乐(尼 8:10, 诗 126:2, 路10:21)
风(徒 2:2)
雷(诗29:3, 启 10:3)
闪电(撒下 22:15, 伯 36:22)
圣灵中沉醉 (弗 5:18)
灵歌灵舞(西 3:16, 撒下. 6:14, 耶 31:4)
网(西 19:8, 32:3, 太 13:47)
墙上写字(但 5:5)
饮用属天的雨(申32:2, 伯29:23, 赛 45:8, 何 6:3)
大锤(耶 23:29)
机弦甩石(撒上 17:50)
神的武库(耶 50:25)
“耶稣在门徒面前,另外行了许多神迹,没有记在这书上。”(约 20:30),祂说:“我实实在在地告诉你们,我所作的事,信我的人也要作。并且要作比这更大的事。因为我往父那里去。” (约 14:12)
如果你渴慕恩膏,现在就开始寻求神。付上代价、背起十字架。把神放在第一位,在一切之上。 如主所说:“你求告我,我就应允你,并将你所不知道,又大又难的事指示你。” (耶 33:3)
The Lord told Samuel, “I have found David, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” Thus God replaced Saul with David as the King of Israel. 1 Samuel 16:13-14, “So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power. Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.”
In 2004, putting aside my logic (Proverbs 3:5), I took the step of faith to attend a course in a Chinese Seminary in California. As I don't quite understand Mandarin, I misunderstood deliverance time for impartation and was rewarded with a powerful ‘Fire Anointing.’ (See the article written by Dr Henry Chieng posted in the Website: http://www.ckrm.org/?p=566
Prior to this, the Lord gave me a message through the speaker in the seminar on my first day of attendance. The Lord was pleased with my faith that despite that there was a language barrier; I came from afar to attend the seminar. Thus, God would bless me with a very special gift which I would not be able to obtain even in my country.
At the Power ministry every Saturday, this powerful gift has blessed many Christians especially in empowerment & enhancing their sensitiveness to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14), which also include healings, deliverance and activating the gifts of the Spirit.
It is by the love of our Heavenly Father and His grace that we are able to be led and to obey Him.
Saul lost God’s favour and lost his kingdom to David because he gave in to his people out of fear that caused him to disobey God (1 Samuel 15:22-24).
Disobedience has caused many Christians to lose the calling without even knowing it because of their fear of men.
As Christian, we have too often taken things for granted. We think that if we study the Bible, pray and go to Church regularly, and even get involved in some ministries, we will be accepted into the kingdom of God, regardless of the will of God.
According to our Lord, this is not so. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “only he who does the will of my Father will enter the kingdom of heaven.”
One of our Church Elders invited a few of us to dinner in a prestigious Chinese Restaurant located in a hotel. I am usually quite hesitant to dine in a public place with my Church members. If I have to, I would try to remain silent because God’s revealed Word, spoken through the lips of an anointed man of God, ought to lead to a demonstration of power.
Jesus said “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). “Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces” (Jeremiah 23:29).
This is what happens in every Saturday Power Meeting at CKRM. God’s word just hit some people to the floor and some will be filled with joy with various manifestations, whether it is spiritual, physical or emotional.
On that day in the restaurant, however hard I tried not to speak and just had casual conversation sharing my life experience, the Holy Spirit suddenly filled us with His joy and our table was the noisiest with eyes staring at us. All of us were laughing uncontrollably and a sister just fell to the floor under the power of God laughing. Suddenly one of our brothers in Christ overheard a child telling the parent or relation dining on another table to call the police, thinking that the sister fell because she was pushed down.
Nehemiah 8:10 “… for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6). That is exactly what happened during my first meeting with Pastor Paul Ang and Esther Chow on March 18, 2007.
Paul and Esther were invited to join us for that Sunday service by one of our church members. When they arrived, the Lord spoke to me and asked me to hand over the meeting to them so they can minister to the Congregation. I obeyed and handed over the meeting.
Paul asked us to let go of our reasoning, open our hearts completely to the Lord, and invite His presence to fill the room. Then he invited people to come forward to receive prayers for healing, deliverance, prophecy, and impartation.
Immediately, people in the congregation begun to be filled by the Holy Spirit - they started to speak in tongue, falling to the floor, trembling, weeping, and laughing - all under the power of God.
One sister found herself not being able to stand on her feet in the front area, that she tried to step to the back so she could avoid the strong presence of Holy Spirit. She later told me that, as much as she tried to move, she was still not able to stand up.
When Paul prayed for me for impartation, I felt the big current of fire gushing into my body (Matthew 3:11). I couldn't contain it; it seemed my body was going to explode. Later, I was eventually lifted up and fell to the floor.
God does not give Jesus the Spirit by measure. (John 3:34), and Jesus does not hold the anointing for Himself only. He is still pouring out the anointing to His Body (Church). Through His servant Paul and CKRM, God is releasing the fire of revival, activating the Gifts of Holy Spirit and equipping the Saints for His Kingdom.
Ever since that meeting on March 18th, brothers and sisters of our church have been on fire to preach and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In less than 2 months, we have baptized 13 people into the Lord.
To God be the glory!
Paul and Esther's visit was one of the greatest meetings we have ever had, even to a Pentecostal, Holy Spirit filled Church.
I believe God is using CKRM as a blessing to all the churches and ministries, to manifest and demonstrate the presence and power of the Holy Spirit God; And for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ.
May the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our Lord
And of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever.
Pastor Isaac Jang,
Full Blessing Church of Christ,
Irvine, California
Pastor's Footnote:
My most memorable visit was a Chinese Church in Irvine, California in March 2007. A college friend invited Ps Esther and me to attend their Sunday Church Service. He drove us to the Church, however along the freeway, the Lord spoke to us that he was sending both of us to minister to the Church. It this was the Lord's heartbeat, the Lord would speak to the pastor and He did for the pastor just told us that he would be handing the pulpit to us after he had made the announcement.
2007 年三月十八日是我第一次见到保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师,紧接着所发生的事让我见证什么叫着 不 是 倚 靠 势 力 , 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 , 乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 灵 , 方 能 成 事 的经历。(撒迦利亚书4:6)。
保罗对我们说: 把一切人为的推理,逻辑放在一边,把你们的心完全向神敞开,接着他邀请圣灵来充满整个圣殿。然后,他邀请会众前来接受医治祈祷,拯救,预言,和传递恩赐。
即刻我看到许多会众被圣灵充满,并开始说起方言来,有些被圣灵击倒在地上,颤抖,哭泣,喜笑等等圣灵同在的彰显 –都在神的大能下。
根据约翰福音 神赐圣灵是无限量的(约翰福音3:34)主耶稣也不会把恩膏保留给自己而以,祂乃是把恩膏浇灌流出给祂的身体(教会)。通过祂的仆人保罗和CKRM的服侍,神释放复兴之火把,激活开启圣灵的恩赐来装备圣徒以扩展祂的国度。
牧师留言: 2007 年3月在美国加利福尼亚州拜访这间华语教会的经历,给我留下最难忘的记忆,一开始是我们学院的一位同学邀请我和以斯帖参加他们的星期天教会的主日崇拜。当天他开车送我们到教会,然而,当车子沿高速公路行驶时,主忽然向我们说话:是祂差派我们到这教会服侍,若这是主的心跳,祂会启示教会的牧师。所以当我们低达那教会时,主任牧师对我们说等他做一些报告后会把讲台移交给我们。
Dear Ps Paul & Ps Esther,
Matthew 12:24 says people with a religious spirit accused Jesus of co-working with the demons. A religious spirit is a spirit of anti-Christ. Religious spirit cannot see, hear, receive and know Jesus. So CKRM glorifies Jesus, the religious spirit will accuse CKRM for co-working with demons. Apostle Paul said that this is called being persecuted for Jesus.
At CKRM, I witnessed the Holy Spirit bears witness to God’s Word with signs, wonders, miracles and healings. *The prophetic words that both of you released to me since 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been fulfilled in 2008. The prophetic fire I caught at CKRM has sustained me through the time of testing. Thank for your willingness to be a blessing to me.
The Star newspaper : Spotlight on Young CEOs
Former corporate banker now runs food outlet chains locally and abroad
Though running a restaurant is hard work, former corporate banker George Ang finds it a most satisfying switch in career. The managing director of Revenue Valley Sdn Bhd believes that if you do something you love, you will never go wrong.
Ang, who holds a bachelor of business in accounting and finance degree from the University of Western Australia, has always wanted to set up his own business. Upon graduation, he joined OCBC Bank (M) Bhd before being headhunted to join Paribas Labuan branch in 1996. Subsequently, he was transferred to Paribas Singapore as assistant vice-president of the corporate banking division.
Despite being a high flyer in the financial industry, Ang’s entrepreneurial spirit continued to lurk, waiting for a chance to surface. “I realised that I did not want to be a high flyer after all. So, I left the corporate world to set up my own business,” he told StarBiz. Full of enthusiasm, Ang, 36, and his partner, Dr Jeffrey Goh, a dentist-turned-politician, invested about RM60,000 in a food and beverage (F&B) business. “We wanted to operate a small business and decided to try our hand at F&B. We developed our own brand, the Manhattan Fish Market (MFM) restaurant chain, with our limited resources. We opened our first outlet in Mid Valley City, funded mostly via loans,” he said. Ang said there were a lot of fish and chips places, but they needed one with a “wow” factor, thus MFM was conceived.
MFM is a casual dining seafood restaurant found in various shopping malls. “MFM has been profitable since day one. With the small profit we made, we rolled over the money and opened the second outlet in Subang Parade and expanded from there,” Ang said.
Set up in 2002, Revenue Valley currently has 25 MFM outlets throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
“Apart from increasing our presence in Malaysia, we are also trying to establish a presence overseas,” Ang said, adding that the group would be franchising the MFM brand in the Middle East, Indonesia and the Philippines.
He said MFM had reached a certain maturity in Malaysia and the way forward for the group was to expand into the Asia-Pacific region. “Our overseas sales have been increasing proportionately with our expansion. Currently, it contributes about RM15mil to revenue,” Ang said.
Apart from MFM, Revenue Valley also owns other food chains, including fast-food joint London Fish Tale and Hainan Kopitiam. It also operates Tony Roma’s restaurants in the Klang Valley via subsidiary Grandpolitan Sdn Bhd, the exclusive franchisee of the American restaurant chain owned by Texas-based Romacorp Inc.
In addition, it also runs two SushiGroove restaurants in the Klang Valley via SushiGroove (M) Sdn Bhd, a joint venture with SushiGroove Jakarta. Ang said apart from expanding MFM, the group would also be growing its other restaurant chains. “We are currently looking for suitable locations for our expansion plans. We will also be bringing in more new brands to the market,” he said, adding that its first London Fish Tale outlet opened its door in Kota Baru recently.
Ang said Revenue Valley was optimistic of achieving its revenue target of RM85mil for the financial year ending Dec 31, buoyed by organic growth and rapid expansion.
He said earnings have been growing steadily by about 25% year-on-year over the past four years. Revenue Valley is projecting RM100mil in revenue next year, of which 65% would be contributed by MFM.
Ang is a hands-on person. He plays an active role in the running of the restaurant, including cleaning up at times when the restaurant is short-handed. He also practices an open management style and coaches his employees. “I see myself as a football coach. I know I am not the best player on the field but I know how to maximise their best potential,” said Ang.
The energetic father of a year old enjoys cooking for his family, an activity he finds relaxing, creative and fun. He is also very meticulous about the quality of the food served in his restaurants.
Even though his job keeps him busy, Ang finds time to read. He loves cook books and is currently reading Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin.
“We will continue to expand our business overseas despite the anticipated slowdown in the global economy. We have not experienced any dip in our business. Our business continues as normal.
“We will stay focused and overcome the hurdles during bad times. Our philosophy is to provide great food and service. In the restaurant business, it is always about service and creating a whole dining experience,” Ang said. He added that Revenue Valley would try to maintain its food prices in the face of rising raw material costs by adhering to its cost, reduction, action and plan (CRAP) concept. “With CRAP, we can maintain costs despite inflation and there is no compromise on quality and service,” he said.
Revenue Valley was eyeing a stock exchange listing by 2010, Ang said. He has started discussions with some merchant bankers and was considering listing on Bursa Malaysia or the Singapore Stock Exchange. “We are still studying the market, hoping to choose a better time. The market is rather slow now. If we list, it will be within 24 months, so that we have a proven track record to show to our investors,” Ang said
Footnote: Revenue Valley went on to acquire the franchise of Popeye in Singapore and bought over the the company that owes the franchise for Popeye in Malaysia. As at 1st quarter of 2011, the annual turnover for Revenue Valley has passed RM150 million and will be expanding into Mainland China.