God empowered me at Gideon Camp 11, Kota Kinabalu - Rebekah Lucinda Ipon

Praise God for the impartation of the Fire of God and the anointing of the Lion of Judah upon me in the Gideon Camp 11 at Holy Seal 611 Bread of Life Church in Kota Kinabalu about months ago.

My cousin Walter Lawrence Selutan was awoken from being in Coma for four days after my consistent prayer for him with my prayer partner, Lily Gimfil.

Rebekah Lucinda Ipon

Malaysia & Singapore BOL Pastors' Retreat

By God's grace, in early 2007 at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Redding USA, Bill Johnson laid both his hands on the heads of Ps Esther Yap and me to bless us. After returning to Singapore, we set up CKRM ministry.

After the Gideon Camp, we took a break and returned to Singapore early this year. During our stay in Singapore, Rev Elisha Chieng then invited us to join the family of Bread of Life as Missionaries to his Church, Open Heaven Tabernacle 611 Bread of Life Church to help us and expand Kingdom's ministries. Then the senior pastor and his wife of Holy Seal 611 Bread of Life was prompted to adopt us and put both of us under their spiritual covering.

On Dec 5th 2013, before we depart from Malaysia & Singapore BOL Pastors' Retreat in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for Singapore, by the grace of God, Rev Nathaniel Chow (周神助牧师) of Bread of Life, Taipei blessed both of us and our God-given ministry. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!


蒙神的恩典2007年初 美国的伯特利超自然训练中心回国之前比尔强生Bill Johnson为我和以斯贴同时按手祷告祝福我们。回到新加坡后,我们成立了CKRM事工。
2012底, 基甸营后,今年初2013我们回到新加坡休息了一下,就在新加坡逗留期间,我们邀请加入灵粮堂这大家庭,成为天井圣殿611灵粮堂的宣教士,同时神感动圣印611灵粮堂的主任牧师和师母领养我们为我们提供属灵遮盖。
蒙神的恩典5/12/2013在我们从 新马灵粮堂牧者退修会返新之前,灵粮全球使徒性网络周神助牧师为我和以斯贴祷告祝福给我们的的事工。感谢主!一切荣耀赞美归给主阿门!

Empowered by Fire of God at CK Grace Christian Church, Petaling Jaya

Dear Pastor Paul KP Ang,

Thank you for imparting the fire of God at CKRM PJ to me. Now I truly see the fire in the lives of people I prayed for.

A brother with cancer and complications after the bone marrow transplant has been discharged and he went to church on Sunday to testify of His healing. Another elderly brother with bronchitis was also discharged with a complete recovery. A young lady recovering from leukemia and with oxygen assist, this morning the doctor said that he was reducing her oxygen need.

When I prayer for her there was an awesome fire that went out when our hands met. Her sister was by her side, she too was invited to hold hands and she also felt the move of the Holy Spirit. All four that were greatly blessed are Christians.

Thank you Jesus and thank you Pastor for your faithfulness.

Pastor Alexander David John

Empowerment vide Baptism of Fire (Matthew 3:11) draws me closer to God - Ps Steven Lee/圣火施洗的恩膏(太3:11)让我更亲近神 - Steven Lee 牧师的见证

I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ.  Formerly a Taoist, an alcoholic and gambler but the Lord has miraculously set me free from bondages and baptised me with the Holy Spirit in the year 2000. 

Now by God's grace, I am called to the office of an Evangelist, an Itinerant Minister and a Teacher. I went into full time ministry in December, 2006.

As being led by the Holy Spirit, I have a great burden to pray, preach and impact youths in many parts of Sabah and Sarawak. God has also taken me to many parts of Indonesia to breakdown strongholds and healing the people through the Gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.

I am married to Chris Tai and I have four grown-up children, two boys and two girls. I worship in Full Gospel Assembly, Kuala Lumpur.

I first met Ps Paul Ang of CKRM, S'pore at a lunch fellowship at the Chicago Rib House in One Utama together with Dr Paul Ang of Paul Ang Global Vision, Ps Samuel, Ps Esther and Ps Paul Ang’s accompanying friends. 

While Ps Paul Ang was praying for Dr Paul Ang, the Fire of the Holy Spirit came down intensely, my Spirit man responded sensitively and I was literally 'barbecued', as I felt blazing hot throughout my entire body. Ps Paul Ang said that the Lord wanted to use me powerfully in these last days to bless the churches that I visit and preach.

This message confirms the prophesy given to me by my mentor and teacher: Ps Bernard Teh of FGA Taiping.

This happened on Thursday, 7th February 2013.

My journey of experiencing God's empowerment began as in Hebrews 1:7 "He makes His ministers a flame of fire."  Hebrews 12:29 says, "God is a consuming fire." After the encounter with Ps Paul Ang, he would call me periodically from S'pore to minister and empower me through the phone. I felt tangible Fire within me and I woke up several times in the middle of the night for more than a week. 

Being a person who is also sensitive to the Spirit of God, I knew that the Lord was breaking away all my resistance in order for Him to empower me.

I was invited by Ps Paul Ang to attend CKRM, PJ in Ara Damansara the following Saturday afternoon on the 9th of February where I brought along my wife and two of my children. 

When Ps Paul shared the Word on Jeremiah 50:25, I was amazed by the way he ministered to me and some other people in the church. When he asked my son and daughter to read Daniel 10:10 and they were both trembling and slain under the power of God, I was amazed that the Bible came alive.

I attended the CKRM church again the following Saturday. This time I brought some friends along. They too were amazed at the way Ps Paul ministered. They have never seen a ministry like this before.

Recently I was invited to be ordained as a council member of CKRM, PJ. I was not surprised as there was a prophesy given to me to help a church in PJ to grow both in spirit, teaching and encouragement.

I was invited to CKRM, S'pore a month ago and attended their prayer meeting. I noticed that all their council members there are also very hungry for God. The Lord manifested His presence differently and uniquely in each one of them.

During my mission trips to Keningau and recently in Brunei, I used the spiritual Gifts that the Lord empowered me through CKRM and the churches were greatly blessed. I know that when we are holy, hungry and humble, the Holy Spirit will empower us without measure.

To God be the glory!
这个信息印证了我的属灵导师和教师:太平全备福音堂,Bernard Teh牧师给我的预言。
我经历神恩膏的旅程开始如希伯来书17节「祂以火焰为仆役。」;十二章29节说:「我们的神乃是烈火。」自与洪保罗牧师相识之后,他都会定期的从新加坡打电话给我,并透过电话服事恩膏我。我感觉到有火在我体内,在半夜中我醒来好几次,这样持续了一个星期多。 对于一个敏锐于圣灵的人,我知道神是在打破我的拦阻以便可以恩膏我。

Healed of a 23 Years of Depression - Polly Thian

When my husband asked me to join him for a visit to CKRM Saturday afternoon
service in Ara Damansara PJU, I was rather reluctant for I had already attended far too many church meetings. Strangely, I went along anyway to seek healing for my long suffering from depression. My husband was very much intrigued by what he saw happening in CKRM, especially such a unique anointing the Lord has put on Pastor Paul Ang. It was on my second visit to CKRM when I received the holy laughter and my depression of 23 long years was miraculously healed. Praise the Lord for truly He who is mighty has done great things for me (Luke 1:49).

I was saved in 1978, at the age of 41 when a church elder came to my house to pray for my 8 years old son who was having a chronic ENT problem. Although I was saved and had become a Christian, the pressure of life soon proved to be too much for me to bear especially, for someone like me who was always timid and fearful of many things, partly due to my early childhood upbringing. I drifted in and out of depression. At times, I did not know whether to live or to die. In addition, Satan’s voice was tormenting me to commit suicide all the time. I even experienced the fear of losing my salvation. My husband and I had sought many avenues for healing but my depression persisted. All my family members were also truly burdened because of my depression problem.

The healing I received in CKRM has completely cured and liberated me from the misery of depression for 23 years. I thank God for this unspeakable joy of the Holy Spirit in me and I feel I am the happiest person on earth now. That was in the year 2010. Since then, the Lord has used me to help five persons with their problem of depressions. Praise Him for ever more. Amen!

The anointing of creative miracle in CKRM has also caused my hair to slowly turning to black (see photo).  The miracle of my white hairs turning black again is indeed an added bonus from the Lord because of my simple obedience of faithfully attending CKRM church service. I praise the Lord for all His marvelous works! 
(Pastor's Footnote: Polly Thian's husband, Ps O.K. Thian shares his testimony vide Beyond Any Doubt - Pastor O.K. Thian, J.P)

CKRM Gideon Camp II Announcement / 第二届基甸营

Please download and view the flyer for English :

Please download and view the flyer for Mandarin

Forthcoming Gideon Camp 2 - Kota Kinabalu /即将到来的第二届基甸营---沙巴- 哥打京那巴鲁

Gideon Camp 2 – Kota Kinabalu

The Empowering Fire of the Holy Spirit

The purpose of Gideon Camp training is to raise up mighty warriors.

Bill Hamon wrote: "From the thousands who are participating in the present most exciting move of the Holy Spirit, only a small percentage will make the transition and moved to become part of God's end-time prophetic/apostolic warriors.

God will bring forth the 'Gideon's 300’ that He plans to use to put the enemy on the run. Jesus will choose those drinking at His river, who have the right spirit and attitude, to be part of His 'Gideon's Army.' They are being prepared for the great end-time battle against the 'Midianites' that are encamped against His Church.

The 'river' was a place of testing one's personal commitment, motive and character.
From the 32,000 who came to Gideon, less than one third continued on at the river of testing. Out of the 10,000 who drank at the river, only 3 percent passed the test to become soldiers in Gideon's army. Therefore, less than 1 percent of the original participants passed the test and moved on to become part of Gideon's 300 mighty warriors."

As the car needs petrol to burn and drive the engine, we need the Fire of God to empower us to do the will of God in our lives.

God is raising up for Himself a warrior Bride whose spirit is sensitive & active in yielding to His working and is clothed with the fire power of the Holy Spirit to plunder hell and populate heaven, through the supernatural manifestation of His power and gifting with the full gospel of Jesus Christ.(Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Isaiah 61:1). 

Venue  : Holy Seal 611 Bread of Life,
                City Mall, Jalan Lintas,
                Kota Kinabalu
                Sabah, East Malaysia


神将选出祂在末世收割时用来击垮仇敌的‘300名基甸战士’。耶稣会选召那些在祂河里取水、有正确的精神和心态的人成为祂基甸军队的一份子。他们正为着末后的日子,要对抗那扎营攻打祂教会的“米甸人” 的大征战而受装备。
神正在世界的各角落为自己兴起灵里敏锐、积极顺从参于祂的圣工的新妇战士。这些新妇战士将穿戴着圣灵的烈火,以圣灵超自然的彰显和恩赐,并耶稣基督全备的福音来 掠夺地狱、充满天堂!(以弗所书4:11-13,哥林多前书2:4-5,以赛亚书61:1)。
地点:   马來西亚圣印611 灵粮堂,
              哥打京那巴鲁城市广场,Jalan Lintas 
(The Sanctuary has a seating capacity for at least 800. There is a hotel within the mall)

Date: Camp Commencing Night : Wednesday 5th June 2013 (All four nights meeting are opened to the public – 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th).
                                                            Meeting ends night on 8th June 2013

The two speakers are: Rev Dr Henry Chieng - Each morning – 2 sessions
                                        Ps Paul Ang - Afternoon  - 1 Session and Night meeting opened to the public.

Rev Dr Henry Chieng (詹立言博士牧师)
詹立言牧师信主1年后就进入神学院受装备。在卫理公会牧会26年,曾在4个教区担任教区长共达12年、担任牧职部主席8年。在新加坡三一神学院 (B.Th.)、美国Asbury 神学院 (M.Div.)、Westminister神学院 (Th. M.)及爱修园国际领袖训练学院 (D. Min.) 接受训练。曾在马六甲爱修园担任院牧及教务主任3年半,同时也是马来西亚清泉医治释放事工的负责
Rev Dr Henry Chieng came from a non-Christian background. He received training from Singapore Trinity Theological College (B.Th.), Asbury Theological Seminary (M.Div.), Westminster Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and Agape International Leadership Institute (D. Min.). He has served in Methodist Church for 26 years, as pastor, district superintendent and Chairman of Board on Ministry. He was the Chaplain and Dean of studies in Malacca Agape Renewal Center. He was also the director of the Cleansing Stream Ministry (Chinese) in Malaysia. He is the founder and pastor in charge of Open Heaven Tabernacle 611 Bread of Life Church in Miri, Sarawak. He ministers powerfully with the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit bringing healings, deliverance and salvation of souls. 

Ps. Paul Ang (Singapore)
In 2004, Pastor Paul Ang had a life-transforming encounter with God at a Chinese seminary in California where he received the mighty baptism with the fire of the Holy Spirit. It turned him from being a successful businessman to an anointed minister of the Lord.
He carries a strong revival anointing and ministers with powerful spiritual impartation. Numerous believers and pastors have been empowered to walk into their ministry after receiving an impartation from him. The Lord always works with him to confirm the word through healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders. He is the co-founder of CKRM Christian Centre, Singapore and CKRM Leadership Training, Malaysia with its various centres in Malacca, Petaling Jaya and Banting.