Salvation by the Power of God - by Ps Isaac Jang, FBCC, California/神的大能带来救恩---张以撒牧师,全福基督教会(美国加利福尼亚州尔湾)

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6). That is exactly what happened during my first meeting with Pastor Paul Ang and Esther Chow on March 18, 2007.

Paul and Esther were invited to join us for that Sunday service by one of our church members. When they arrived, the Lord spoke to me and asked me to hand over the meeting to them so they can minister to the Congregation. I obeyed and handed over the meeting.

Paul asked us to let go of our reasoning, open our hearts completely to the Lord, and invite His presence to fill the room. Then he invited people to come forward to receive prayers for healing, deliverance, prophecy, and impartation.

Immediately, people in the congregation begun to be filled by the Holy Spirit - they started to speak in tongue, falling to the floor, trembling, weeping, and laughing - all under the power of God.

One sister found herself not being able to stand on her feet in the front area, that she tried to step to the back so she could avoid the strong presence of Holy Spirit. She later told me that, as much as she tried to move, she was still not able to stand up.

When Paul prayed for me for impartation, I felt the big current of fire gushing into my body (Matthew 3:11). I couldn't contain it; it seemed my body was going to explode. Later, I was eventually lifted up and fell to the floor.

God does not give Jesus the Spirit by measure. (John 3:34), and Jesus does not hold the anointing for Himself only. He is still pouring out the anointing to His Body (Church). Through His servant Paul and CKRM, God is releasing the fire of revival, activating the Gifts of Holy Spirit and equipping the Saints for His Kingdom.

Ever since that meeting on March 18th, brothers and sisters of our church have been on fire to preach and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In less than 2 months, we have baptized 13 people into the Lord.

To God be the glory!

Paul and Esther's visit was one of the greatest meetings we have ever had, even to a Pentecostal, Holy Spirit filled Church.

I believe God is using CKRM as a blessing to all the churches and ministries, to manifest and demonstrate the presence and power of the Holy Spirit God; And for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ.

May the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our Lord

And of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever.

Pastor Isaac Jang,
Full Blessing Church of Christ,
Irvine, California
Pastor's Footnote:
My most memorable visit was a Chinese Church in Irvine, California in March 2007. A college friend invited Ps Esther and me to attend their Sunday Church Service. He drove us to the Church, however along the freeway, the Lord spoke to us that he was sending both of us to minister to the Church. It this was the Lord's heartbeat, the Lord would speak to the pastor and He did for the pastor just told us that he would be handing the pulpit to us after he had made the announcement.

2007 年三月十八日是我第一次见到保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师,紧接着所发生的事让我见证什么叫着 不 是 倚 靠 势 力 , 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 , 乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 灵 , 方 能 成 事 的经历。(撒迦利亚书4:6)。


保罗对我们说: 把一切人为的推理,逻辑放在一边,把你们的心完全向神敞开,接着他邀请圣灵来充满整个圣殿。然后,他邀请会众前来接受医治祈祷,拯救,预言,和传递恩赐。

即刻我看到许多会众被圣灵充满,并开始说起方言来,有些被圣灵击倒在地上,颤抖,哭泣,喜笑等等圣灵同在的彰显 –都在神的大能下。



根据约翰福音 神赐圣灵是无限量的(约翰福音3:34)主耶稣也不会把恩膏保留给自己而以,祂乃是把恩膏浇灌流出给祂的身体(教会)。通过祂的仆人保罗和CKRM的服侍,神释放复兴之火把,激活开启圣灵的恩赐来装备圣徒以扩展祂的国度。





牧师留言: 2007 年3月在美国加利福尼亚州拜访这间华语教会的经历,给我留下最难忘的记忆,一开始是我们学院的一位同学邀请我和以斯帖参加他们的星期天教会的主日崇拜。当天他开车送我们到教会,然而,当车子沿高速公路行驶时,主忽然向我们说话:是祂差派我们到这教会服侍,若这是主的心跳,祂会启示教会的牧师。所以当我们低达那教会时,主任牧师对我们说等他做一些报告后会把讲台移交给我们。


Anonymous said...

Hai Paul, this is kimseng, your childhood pal.

Anonymous said...

Been to CKRM only twice. But I feel dat a ministry such as CKRM shd exist. It's sad that disputes n conflicts occur n persecutions from within the body of Christ happens... (Gordan)