I am writing this testimony to promote the glory of God and to give honor where honor is due.
When Ps. Paul & Ps Esther of CKRM came to minister at our March Revival Conference, it was the first time I was being exposed to their ministry. So, when Ps Paul began to say things like "Now, there is a stone on my finger..." or "I am going to shoot an arrow..." etc. It was something new to me and I was wondering what he was doing. But the Lord opened my eyes to discern that they were actually prophetic acts used by the Lord to release the anointing of the Holy Spirit. As he says the word or mentions the manifestation of a spiritual weapon, the corresponding anointing is being release to accomplish God's purpose on the recipients' lives. These spiritual weapons are mighty to destroy strongholds and yokes, and shatter the gates of Hades.
As Ps. Paul used the "hammer" on me, clarity began to come into my mind. I was able after that to set my hand to modify my academic doctorate thesis into a reader friendly version, something which I have wanted to do since I graduated from the Doctor of Ministry program in 2006. The clarity of mind plus the deepened experience of the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit have also enabled me to revise and expand a book I published in 2004, which is written on the subject of understanding the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit in God's present move.
The anointing of fire on Ps. Paul's life and ministry has also wrought deeper inner cleansing in my life. Most of the conference participants testified to being blessed and revived by Ps. Paul's ministry and the corporate anointing of our church has gone up to another level because of the spiritual breakthroughs our people have experienced.
It's my prayer that the partnership or teaming up of the Wingspread School of Ministry with Ps' Paul's ministry in the gospel of our Lord will further the present move of the Holy Spirit and cause a mighty revival and outpouring of the raw power of the Holy Spirit to happen in Malaysia. Come, Holy Spirit! Rend the heavens and come down, O Lord!
Rev. Dr. Joyce Tai
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Co-founder of Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly
Joyce Tai 牧师的见证
我祷告透过Wingspread of School of Ministry 和保罗牧师的事工的合作,主的福音和此刻圣灵所吹的风将不断的扩展。复兴的火焰和圣灵属天的大能也大大地浇灌在马来西亚这块土地上。圣灵啊!请你来!从天而降。主啊!我们呼求你降下来充满浇灌和得着这地!
Rev. Dr. Joyce Tai
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Co-founder of Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly
Ps. Paul,
Remember what I said the other day that you were one of the sovereign vessels of the Lord. I believe many more awesome testimonies will be heard because of what the Lord is going to do through you and your ministry.
You are a flame of fire. Keep burning for the Lord and the whole world will be set ablaze for Jesus our King.
I fully recommend Joyce Tai’s book entitled “More, Lord.” It is a ‘must’ read for those who are hungry and want to walk into their birthright of being children of a Supernatural God consisting of ‘miracles, signs & wonders.’
This is the hallmark of our living God. This book is indeed an eye-opener, providing an insight and understanding of the deeper mysteries of God. His ways and purpose will encourage those who have the hearts to bring revival to their Churches. You can first begin this exciting supernatural discovery by reading the pages of this wonderful book and further craving to experience the supernatural.
If you feel that your spiritual life has reached a plateau, this book is for you.
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