Part 1 - The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Power - Miracles, Signs & Wonders - Bro Joel How

A miracle is the occurrence of any event apparently contradictory to and unexplainable by the laws of science and usually attributed to God.

For what reasons does God generally perform miracles in our midst?

A. Miracles serve as a confirmation of a person's ministry or message.

1. The minister (person), that he is sent by God.

Exodus 4:3-9, 30:7:10, 12 Numbers 16:28-35 I Samuel 12:17, 18 I Kings 17:24 Mark 9:39; 16:17-18 John 3:2:6:14, 36; 11:42 Acts 2:22 2 Corinthians 12:12

2. The message (word), that it is from God.

Exodus 4:3-9, 30; 7:10, 12 Judges 6:11-21 I Kings 17:24; 18:37-39 2 Kings 20:8-11 Matthew 11:2-5 Mark 16:20 John 5:36 Acts 2:22; 8:6 Hebrews 2:3-4

B. In the Old Testament, signs or wonders served as evidence of the one true God.

Exodus 7:17 Deuteronomy 4:35 Joshua 2:11 1 Kings 18:24, 37-39 2 Kings 5:15, 17 Daniel 3:28, 29

C. God performs miracles to meet the needs of His people.

Exodus 14:22 (the parting of the Red Sea, to save God's people in time of trouble) Exodus 16:4-31 (manna fell from the sky, that God's people might be fed in the wilderness) Exodus 17:5, 7 (water came from a rock, to quench their thirst) I Kings 17:4-7 (ravens fed Elijah during famine) I Kings 17:10-16 (the widow's cruse of oil and barrel of meal never emptied, during time of famine) 2 Kings 2:19-22 (the waters were sweetened) 2 Kings 4:38, 40-41 with Mark 16:18 (eating of poisonous food not harmful to His people) 2 Kings 4:42-44 (100 people fed in famine with a small portion of food) Matthew 16:8-10, etc. (thousands fed with the small amount of food available) John 2:1-11 (water was turned to wine at. a wedding feast) Acts 28:3-6 with Mark 16:18; Luke l0:19 (a poisonous snake bite un harmful to believers)

D. Miracles increase our faith.

John 2:11, 23; 4:53:7:31; 11:45;20:30-31 Numbers 14:11 Acts 9:42

E. God sends them sometimes as judgment upon the unjust.

1. The plagues, etc. – Moses and Pharaoh. Exodus chapters 7-12
2. Elijah and the drought of several years. I Kings 17:1, 14, etc.; 18:1, 42-45 Luke 4:25-26 James 5:17, 18
3. Hailstones sent in battle against the enemy. Joshua 10:11
4. The sun standing still during battle. Joshua 10:12-14
5. The waters turned to blood; a drought pronounced upon the land – the two witnesses of Revelation. Revelation 11:5-6

However, it must be recognized that Satan can also perform lying (counterfeit) signs & wonders. Not everything supernatural is of God.

Exodus 7:9-11, 8:17-19, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, Revelation 13:13-14, 16:14, 19:20.

Satan could also do signs & wonders up to about 30% of what our God could do. The Pharaoh’s magicians could not do when Moses at the 4th level of miracle, struck the ground and throughout Egypt the dust became gnats. Exodus 8:18, “But when the magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they could not. And the gnats were on men and animals. Verse 19: The magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God…”


马六甲CKRM 第一季报告-第一部份

第一部分: 神的国度是一个有能力的国度。神迹奇事和百般的异能 – 约耳弟兄

所谓奇事是指对科学法律相反和无法解释的事件, 而且一般是属于神的作为。

A. 奇事乃是对个人事工或讯息的印证。
1. 印证那仆人是神所差派的。
出埃及记4: 3-9,30; 7: 10,12; 民数记 16: 28-35;撒母耳记上 12: 17, 18;列王纪上 17: 24;马可福音 9: 39; 16: 17-18;约翰福音3: 2; 6: 14, 36; 11: 42;使徒行传2: 22;哥林多后书 12: 12

2. 印证祂仆人所传的道。
出埃及记4: 3-9, 30; 7: 10,12; 士师记 6:11-21; 列王纪上17:24; 18:37-39; 列王纪下 20:8-11; 马太福音11:2-5; 马可福音 16:20; 约翰福音5:36; 使徒行传 2:22; 8:6; 希伯来书 2:3-4

B. 在旧约里,神借着神迹奇事来见证祂是独一无二的真神。出埃及记 7:17; 申命记 4:35; 约书亚记 2:11; 列王纪上18:24; 37-39; 列王纪下 5:15; 但以理书 3:28-29

C. 神行奇事来满足祂子民的需要。
出埃及记14:22 (打开红海拯救在患难中的子民);出埃及记 16:4-31 (吗 哪从天上降下,喂饱在旷野中神的子民);出埃及记 17:5-7 (水从磐石里流出来,为他们解渴); 列王纪上 17:4-7 (在饥荒时刻,乌 鸦喂养了以利亚);列王纪上 17:10-16 (在饥荒时刻,寡妇坛内的面不减少,瓶里的油也不缺短);列王记下2:19-22 (恶 劣的水被治好);列王记下4:38, 40-41, 马可福音16:18 (吃了有毒的食物却不受任何伤害);列王记下4:42-44 (在饥荒时刻,一点的食物却足够给百人吃);马太福音16:8-10 (少许的食物足够分给好几千人);约翰福音2:1-11(在一个筵席里,水变成了酒);使徒行传28:3-6,马可福音16:18, 路加福音 10:19 (信徒被蛇咬却不受伤害)

D. 奇事加增我们的信心
约翰福音2:11, 23; 4:53; 7:31; 11:45; 20:30-31; 民数记 14:11; 使徒行传 9:42

E. 神有时以奇事来审判不公义的人
1. 十灾 – 摩西和法老。(出埃及记 7-12 章)
2. 以利亚和三年零六个月的旱灾。(列王纪上17:1, 14; 18:1, 42-45;路加福音 4:25-26; 雅各书 5:17-18)
3. 天上降大冰雹打死仇敌 (约书亚记 10:11)
4. 在争战时,日头在天当中停住(约书亚记 10:12-14)
5. 启示录里的两 个见证人能叫天闭塞不下雨,又有权柄叫水变为血 (启示录 11:5-6)然而,我们必须辨认撒 但能够模仿我们真神的神迹奇事。 不是一切超自然都出至于神的作为。出埃及记 7:9-11; 8:17-19; 民数记 13:1-5; 马太福音24:24; 马可福音 13:22; 帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:9; 启示录 13:13-14;16:14; 19:20

与我们真神的神迹奇事相比,撒但最多只能模仿到三成的能力。当摩西在第四层的奇事时 - 击打地上的尘土 , 使尘土在埃及遍地变作虱子, 那些在法老身边行法术的却不能够模仿。出埃及记 8:18 行法术的也用邪术要生出虱子来,却是不能。於是在人身上和牲畜身上都有了虱子。第十九节: “行法术的就对法老说:这是神的手的作为。。。。。。