It has been 31 days since I first stepped into CKRM by How Lingli / 马六甲CKRM ----我与主与圣灵相遇

My journey started when my dad came back from Joshua Camp on 1st May 2009. He was excited and told us (my mom & I) about how he saw the Power of God moved in the camp. He said that the pastor did not even lay hands on any one but they were slained. Dad asked me to go to CKRM on the next day. I really wanted to study since my final exams will be in 2 weeks time. So I make a deal with him. If the meeting is not interesting, I will want to go back during lunch break. That was my plan.

I reached there about 9am on 2nd May 2009. During the morning session of Joshua camp, what amazed me was when Pastor Paul called out 7 people to sit in front facing the audience. All these 7 individuals are highly sensitive to the Holy Spirit. They were there to confirm Pastor Paul’s words. I was amazed because all of them manifested in different ways but they can agree on the same things. It was something I have never seen before in my life.

Bro. Timothy was in charge for the afternoon session. The meeting started with the Fire Anointing. While I was focusing on God, my hands started to shake. At one point, I felt like someone was covering my ears with warm hands. My body was trembling and I was screaming my lungs out. I did not know what was happening to me. Later, I fell down on my seat. I was really exhausted.

Next, Pastor Esther was in charge of the 2nd half of the afternoon session. She was explaining the difference between the gift of prophecy and the calling of to be a prophet of God. When she finished the session, Pastor Paul called me up. He said that God has given me the gift of prophecy. I lifted my hands up and received it. Later, I was down on the floor. My hands were shaking and my body was trembling. At one point, I was happy and laughing very loudly. I have never laughed so loudly in public before. It was the Joy of the Holy Spirit. I soon discovered that I was confirming Pastor Paul’s words by nodding my head while I was on the floor. I was truly blessed in the meeting.

When I was at home, I recalled that a visiting prophet who came to my church in February 2008. Pastor Thomas Cheng anointed my ears and prophesied that God has given me a gift. At that time, he did not say what the gift was about. About a year after God begin to confirm the gift he mentioned to me. Indeed, I have been truly blessed by my 1st visit to CKRM Melaka on 2nd May 2009. I have encountered the Lord and the Holy Spirit. I count myself blessed to be chosen by the Lord at such an early age of 20 in a couple of days’ time. I hope that all the young people of my generation will have a hunger for the things of God and believe that God will reveal his plan and purpose for their lives.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

How Lingli
Pastor’s Footnote:- The rapid spiritual growth within a short period is indeed awesome for Sis Lingli and she has been attending the CKRM Saturday Meeting faithfully since her 1st encounter with God at the Joshua Camp. God has called CKRM to set up a School of Supernatural in Malacca.

At the recent Prophetic Conference held at the Church in Malacca where Lingli attends, Ps Thomas Cherian, an anointed prophet from India very much like the prophet Samuel of the Bible gave a word to Sis Lingli that God has given her a gift and that she is attending some sort of training in School of Supernatural. He couldn’t have known about CKRM, least about Lingli attending the supernatural ministry, if the Lord has not revealed to him.

踏进马六甲CKRM已经有三十一天了,旅程的开始是从我父亲在五月一日;参加了约书亚营回家后开始。那天他兴奋的向我和母亲诉说神的大能如何在营中运行。他说牧师为人祷告时没有按手在任何人的身上,但是人们仍然被击倒在地上。父亲叫我隔天去CKRM 。但是在两个星期后,我有年终考试,所以我想在家复习功课。于是, 我与父亲立约。如果聚会淡然无趣, 我就会在午餐时间回家。那就是我的计划。

我在二零零九年五月二日大概早上九点抵达哪儿。约书亚营早上的时间是教导圣火的恩膏,由保罗牧师教导。 让我感到惊讶的是: 一开始保罗牧师先叫七个人出来坐在讲台下面大家面前。(他们都面向会众)这七个人的灵对圣灵非常敏锐。他们坐在哪儿印证保罗牧师所说的话。让我惊讶的是:虽然他们每个人的彰显都不同, 但他们都在不同的事物上有同样的认同。这是我一生从未曾见过的。

提摩太弟兄负责下午的部份。聚会一开始就谈到圣火的恩膏。当我专心仰望神时,忽然发现我的手开始颤抖。在其中一段时间, 我觉得似乎有人用温热的手盖住我的耳朵。我的身体在不断发抖,同时我不断大声地喊叫。我不知道在我身上发生了什么事。后来我筋疲力尽的躺卧在坐椅上。

接着, 以斯帖牧师负责下午剩下的时间。她解释先知启示性的恩赐与先知的呼召是有分别的,是不一样的。她教导完后, 保罗牧师把我叫出来。他说神给了我先知启示性的恩赐。我举起手来领受。接着, 我发现自已躺卧在地上。而我的手不断在颤抖,而身体在发抖。有一段时间, 我感到喜乐,并且大声地笑。我从来没有在公共场所那么大声笑过。那是圣灵的喜乐在我身上。当我躺卧在地上时,我发现自已很自然会点头印证保罗牧师所说的话语。真的,神在这个营会非常祝福了我,我非常的蒙福。

在家中, 我想起在二零零八年二月时有一位先知名叫 Thomas Cheng的拜访我的教会。Thomas Cheng 牧师恩膏我的耳朵并且向我发预言说神给了我一个恩赐。当时, 他没说是什么恩赐。一年后, 神开始向我印证 那预言。确实, 我在二零零九年五月二日首次拜访马六甲CKRM 是很蒙福的。我与主与圣灵相遇了。二十岁的我觉得自己很蒙福, 年纪轻轻的,在几天里就被神拣选。我希望我这一代的年轻人对神的事物有渴望。我也相信神会显明祂在我们生命里的计划和意义。
"你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门 “。马太福音7:7-8

How Lingli