公义和冠冕 (Crown & Righteousness)

耶稣说:我实在告诉你们,人为神的国,撇下房户或是妻子,弟兄,父母,儿女,没有在今世不得百倍,在来世不得永生的。(路加福音18 :29-30)。。。。。。。他是我所拣选的器皿,要在外邦人和君王并以色列人面前,宣扬我的名。我也要指示他,为我的名必须受许多的苦难。(使徒行传9:15-16)

在这夜深人静的凌晨,在异国的土地上,更想念在新加坡的家人,CKRM的弟兄姐妹。。。。。想啊想不知怎么切哭了。。。也不知哭了多久忽然想起昨天下午 Pastor Paul 问我:神要你翻译的那编见证你做好了吗?翻译好了这篇在新加坡祈祷院的日子,我感触很深,顺手提笔写下心中的感想:




Pastor Esther Chow

Translation to English

Crown and Righteousness

I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." (Luke 18: 29-30)

“This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name" (Acts 9: 15-16).

The quietness of daybreak and living in a foreign land, made me miss my family, brothers and sisters in-Christ from CKRM even more ... and the more I thought of them, I began to weep ... I’m not sure for how long, but all of a sudden, I recalled yesterday Ps Paul asked me if I completed the article God wanted me to translate.

After translating the article ‘The Season for me to be at Singapore Christian Prayer House’, I also decided to pen down my thoughts and feelings:

I thank the Lord for His great endurance and for the way He used people around me to mold me. Looking back, I’m really grateful to Him for using trails and hardships to mold me into a vessel for His use. 2000 years ago, not only did the Lord set a great example for us, but He is also our perfect role model. Though faced with all kinds of humiliation and accusation, He did not utter a word. He simply carried the heavy cross all the way to Golgotha, for the ultimate glory of God.

Thus, the pain and humiliation we faced are nothing compared to His. Thank you for such a beautiful experience. It enable me to understand what Apostle Paul said about “Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” (Romans 4: 7); why did Peter say: Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8); and why Jesus said: .. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39).

I thank the Lord for His abundant grace, for having chosen me, and for my calling. Who can understand His infinite loving kindness? Who can examine thoroughly His infinite wisdom? Nobody can. He is the one who decides whom He wants to have mercy on and whom He wants to extend grace to. He is the one who rewards and He is also the one who retracts. He is greatly to be praised.

Lord, from today onwards, I do not want to worry nor treasure too much of my life. But what I want is to finish the race you have called me, to testify the gospel of God’s grace. I hope some day; I will be like Apostle Paul saying: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness. Amen!

Translated by Sis Elizabeth Teo


Anonymous said...

Ps Esther,

启示录 3:4
主说∶“还有几名是未曾污秽自己衣服的,你和Ps Paul 以后要穿白衣与主同行,因为你们是配得过的。”

我们都感同身受,很想念你们!感谢主在这将近两年的时间,把你和Ps Paul 放在我面前,让我学习何谓真正敬畏神,何谓顺服,受教,谦卑等等的....谢谢你们!的确是神的恩典,把JC sheep 带到CKRM。是神的怜悯慈爱,这两年所走过和经历的是我认识主以来最踏实,最喜乐的日子。谢谢你们付上的代价。

虽然十字架的道路不容易走,但有主与同行是最大的福气。This is one-way ticket, 向着标杆直跑永不回头!但愿主也留下一件白衣给JC sheep...

Anonymous said...

Dear Ps Esther,

哗!praise the Lord,今天早上听到“握手”这首歌,不知道为什么心有好大的感触,眼泪在框框里打转。原来天父要我看你的见证和感触,也是 他要告诉我的话。



Ps Esther, I Love YOU.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ps Esther,

Very impacted by what you shared about Jesus and how he suffered for the glory of God. Particularly this statement "I thank the Lord for His abundant grace, for having chosen me, and for my calling. Who can understand His infinite loving kindness? Who can examine thoroughly His infinite wisdom? Nobody can."--i felt something within me break as I read it. Really, it's absolutely true. Makes me want to worship him today.
