马六甲超自然事工训练学校正式开始 (With English Translation)

若不是耶和华建造房户,建造的人就枉然劳力。若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒 (诗篇127:1)。

蒙主的恩典,马六甲超自然事工训练学校在二零零九年三月十四日正式投入服务,开始了第一次的权能事奉。CKRM新加坡的同工们也特地赶来马六甲支持。感谢主, 特会在下午三点正顺利开始, CKRM也正式跨入一个新的领域。

进军马六甲,成立超自然事工训练学校,是主托负与 CKRM 的使命 。把神的能力带回祂的教会, 复兴祂的教会。。以赛亚书61:1: “主耶和华的灵在我身上,因为耶和华用膏膏了我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人;差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出牢。。。。。。。。。。

马六甲超自然事工训练学校的目标是:装备主内肢体在圣灵的恩膏下,成为神家中贵重的器皿。此事工是为那些心灵渴慕主,追求主,愿意把自己分别为圣,过圣洁生活被主使用的基督徒所预备, 在圣灵亲自降临下 (使徒行传1:8) 能启动神所给祂儿女的属灵恩赐。(哥林多前书12:8-10)圣灵的彰显会挑旺人的信心,把人起初的爱心回转归向主耶稣。这些被神装备好的基督徒,将能带着神的能力为主做见证(使徒行传1:8)并要在外邦人和君王并以色列人面前,宣扬神的名(使徒行传9:15-16)。靠着圣灵和祂的恩赐, 他们要活出马可福音16:17-18的应许,就是信的人必有神迹奇事随着他们,就是奉我的名赶鬼,说新方言,手能拿蛇,若喝了什么毒物,也必不受害,手按病人,病人就好了。啊门 !!!

当日, 牧师们在圣所里做了许多示范, 展示圣灵的大能和祂恩赐的运行。在圣灵的恩膏下, 一名十七岁的青年展现了犹大狮子的吼叫(阿摩司书3:8)。保罗牧师也按手在一名只有七岁大的小女孩, 膏她, 并叫她去祝福一位在会众里的姐妹。可爱的小女孩跑向那位姐妹, 轻轻把自己的手放在那位姐妹的手上。不到一会儿, 那位姐妹的手开始如老鹰飞翔。这位小妹妹也祝福了一位从吉隆坡特地赶来参加特会的基督徒。被圣灵充满的这位兄弟在圣所里摇摇晃晃地走动, 真是祝福满满。一位来自新加坡CKRM的同工, 提摩太弟兄, 在圣灵的引导下以地方戏剧的行式发预言。若不是圣灵的能力, 一般人都不可能象他那样, 脚跟向内斜地在圣所里里走动。神也藉保罗牧师启动了几位兄弟姐妹的属灵恩赐, 好让他们为众人示范跳印度舞和讲印度语的方言恩赐。在场的一位印度基督徒微笑地看着他们交谈与跳着自己民族舞, 不知他心中是否感到惊讶。

属灵界里的宝贝真是无所不有,让人看为惊讶。就连阅读圣经, 对一些CKRM的同工来说, 是办不到的事。这是因为神的话语大有能力, 使这些灵里敏锐的基督徒无法顺畅的开口念出经文。保罗牧师也不时地叫几位会众里的兄弟姐妹出来, 为他们祷告。为了展示神的大能,是圣灵自己的工作。 保罗牧师没有触碰他们, 只挥手和祷告把神的能力传给他们。领受到神能力的信徒一个个地被圣灵降下的能力击倒在地上, 一些人的身体一直不停颤抖。聚会结束前, 保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师把八杯水变成圣灵的酒,(约翰福音2:9) 请有病痛的人出来享用。喝下这酒的信徒, 一些被圣灵充满倒在地上, 一些身体颤抖摇摆, 明显的显现酒里确实带着圣灵的能力。最后保罗牧师做了一个结束祷告, 圣火大大地扫过整个圣所, 燃烧在场的人。灵里敏锐的基督徒个个有不同的彰显, 并浸泡在圣灵的火焰里。


让我们大家继续一同为神的儿女们代祷,祷告基督徒兴起渴慕更多的属灵恩赐;因这恩赐在不渴慕的人来说是没什么;但在我们这些渴慕的人来说是非常的宝贝 (哥林多后书4:7)。所以经上记:祂要灭绝知慧人的知慧,废弃聪明人的聪明(哥林多前书1:19,以赛亚书29:14)愿更多的基督徒愿意被装备成为基督国度的精兵。阿们!

Written by Bro Mark Tay (Translation to English)

Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Psalms 127:1)

By the Grace of God,CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd officially started the first empowerment ministry on 14th March 2009. Co-workers from CKRM Singapore made a special trip to Malacca to lend their support. Thank God, the ministry started smoothly at 3 pm sharp and CKRM officially entered a new frontier.

Entering Malacca to set up CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd is the Lord’s mission to CKRM; to bring God’s power and revival to His church. Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners …… “

The objective of setting up CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd is to equip the body of Christ so that everyone may become a vessel of noble purpose in God’s house under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This ministry was set up for those who hunger and chase after the Lord, who are willing to consecrate and be used by the Lord. Through this ministry, the spiritual gifting God has installed for His children (1 Cor 12:8-10) will be activated when the Holy Spirit falls on them (Acts 1:8).

The works of the Holy Spirit will stir up their faith and bring them back to their first love for Christ. These Christians who are equipped will witness for the Lord with His power (Acts 1:8) and take His message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel(Acts 9:15). Depending on the Holy Spirit and His gifts, they will live out the promise in Mark 16:17-18, which is “they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Amen!!!

That day, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther did many demonstrations in the sanctuary to showcase God’s power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a 17 yr old youth demonstrated the roar of the Lion of Judah(Amos 3:8).

Pastor Paul also laid hands on a 7 yr old girl to anoint her and asked her to bless a sister in the congregation. The lovely girl ran towards that sister and gently placed her hands on the hands of that sister. A short while later, that sister’s hands began to flap like an eagle. This little girl also blessed a Christian who came especially from Kuala Lumpur for this ministry.

Filled with the Holy Spirit, this brother staggered around the sanctuary; what a blessed man he is. A co-worker from CKRM Singapore, Brother Timothy, prophesized in Cantonese Opera style when he is under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If not for the power of the Holy Spirit, he would not be able to move around with his heels tilting inwards, a feat we aren’t capable of. God also empowered Pastor Paul, enabling him to activate the spiritual gifting of a few brothers and sister so that they can demonstrate the gift of Indian tongue and dance to the congregation. A Christian who is an Indian looked on and smiled as they danced and conversed in his native language. I wondered if he is shocked by what he saw.

There are so many treasures in the spiritual world to keep us in awe. Even reading the bible to some CKRM co-workers is an impossible task. As the Word of God is powerful, these Christians who are spiritually sensitive are unable to recite the scriptures smoothly.

Pastor Paul also from time to time, called out a few brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for them. In order to show that the power is from the Holy Spirit, Pastor Paul did not touch them but imparted God’s power via prayer and swaying his hands. Those who received the power of the Holy Spirit fell under the power when the Holy Spirit came upon them; some of them trembled. Before the meeting ended, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther changed eight glasses of water into spiritual wine (John 2::9) and invited those with sickness to come forward. After drinking the spiritual wine, some believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and fell under the power of God, others were trembling. It is plain for all to see that the wine did carry the power of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, Pastor Paul closed the meeting with a word of prayer. Holy fire swept across the whole sanctuary and “burnt” all who were present. Those who were spiritually sensitive manifested in various ways as everybody soaked in the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Thanks to God’s grace,the manifestations of the Holy Spirit touched the unbelievers who were present and two of them received Jesus as their savior. Let us rejoice their birth with the angels (Luke 15:7). Bear them in mind so that they will be greatly used by the Lord to demolish the gates of the enemy in the near future. Amen!

Let us continue to pray for God’s children, pray that the Christians will desire for more and more gifts of the Holy Spirit because these gifts to those who have no desire are nothing but for those who desire them, they are great treasures (2 Cor 4:7). As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent. Because of this, I will once again astound these hypocrites with amazing wonders. The wisdom of the wise will pass away, and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear” (1 Cor 1:19, Isaiah 29:14).

May there be more Christians who are willing to be equipped as a soldier in God’s kingdom. Amen!