Praise the Lord! Indeed He is a Great God that cares so much for those who are willing to allow Him carries their pains and sorrows!
After reading Sis Penny’s testimonial, I just couldn't control my tears. I think other than Brother Thomas; there are two more persons that are most joyful - Ps Paul and Ps Esther.
On 15 March, before we left Malacca, I was the last who walked out of CKRM. I heard Ps Esther broke into tears. I knew she not only missed us but also her family members especially her daughter (Luke 14: 25-27).
Ps Esther once shared with me, seeing brothers and sisters' life being transformed and set free by God are the strength that keep her moving forward. Each time when she sees how brothers and sisters are blessed by God, all persecutions, pains and humiliation that she has gone through all this while she considered that worth it!
When I was brought to CKRM about 2 years ago, I was almost spiritually dead. It was through the ministry, the presence of God, the touch of the Holy Spirit, the encouragement of the prophetic words that revived my spirit and change me to the “Mary” today. Mary was the new name God gave me on 24 Dec 2007. At the beginning, I thought the name was quite old fashion but now it is precious to me, as this name opened up a new chapter in my life……
I still remembered at the early days in CKRM, I will try to avoid talking to Ps Esther and Ps Paul because I was told that “they can see through your heart”, and at that time, my heart was full of rubbish!
I thank God that by His grace and through Ps Paul who constantly called down the fire of the Holy Spirit, the rubbish in me has became lesser and lesser (Matthew 3:11). It was only after I came to CKRM then I realized how a true Christian should live their life.
Weaknesses and behavior that I once thought were not a big problem; I subsequently realized those were unpleasing to God. The bible says in Matthew 6:24, no one can serve two masters. A true Christian is one that fully submits to God’s leading. The bible also says that those who do not do the will of God are actually doing the will of devil. There is no such thing as in between and if one chose to do the will for devil, then he/she is considered as child of devil. In Rom 8:7, Apostle Paul said that the sinful mind is hostile to God. As what Ps Paul always shares, the most horrible thing in a Christian life is to make God your enemy.
It was during one of my casual fellowship with Joshua that he said, since Ps Paul and Ps Esther “can see through our hearts”, the best solution is to be ourselves and do not pretend BUT, have a humble, teachable and obedient heart to allow Holy Spirit to work in you.
Previously, when there were problems or any unpleasant incidents, my first reaction was to find excuse to defend myself. Praise God that now I will seek The Lord and pray for Holy Spirit to reveal my mistakes. Bondages and bad habits that I tried very hard to “shake off” are no longer seemed impossible when pray with authority and using the spiritual weapons imparted by The Lord through Ps Paul. The bible verses that were quoted during the Saturday Power Ministry also played an important part in changing my life and characters. Live a repentance life and fear of The Lord are the keys to experience the awesome power of God.
At my ex-church, many times I was asked by one of the leaders on my gifting from God. At those days, I really do not know how to answer him. Praise Lord I now not only know it for myself but for my husband and daughters. I was also taught if I felt the peace in my heart after prayers, those were considered as “green light” from God to go ahead with what I prayed for.
However, most of the time these are not true because we know our desire and spirit are very closed and difficult to differentiate. As Christian, we all know that only those who do the wills of Father will enter the Kingdom of God. In order to do the wills of Father, one must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and be able to hear from Him. After soaking in God’s presence for a period of time and being baptized in the Holy Fire, I learn to hear from the Spirit and it is true that Jesus said, “My sheep hears My voice”.
Another wonderful thing is in CKRM, many brothers and sisters are very sensitive in their spirit and constantly communicate with God. They are of great help that I could seek confirmation while learning to hear from God. In CKRM, there is no hidden agenda as God is in full control.
I am so blessed to witness how The Lord transformed the life of Bro Mark, Bro Caleb, Sis HuiLian, my beloved brother- Joshua, and the one that I once considered terrible Christian, stamped on her feet, spoke some awful words and walked away just because you do not agree with her view on certain issue – lovely Sis Faith now.
With a grateful heart, I thank God for His Grace in leading me to CKRM and allowing me to grow here. It is the presence and anointing of God that draw the heart of His people back to Him. The experience I have with the Holy Spirit here, stirred the hunger in my heart for more because whatever that I know now is just very little and insignificant.
Lord, help me to know You in a deeper dimension. Strengthen me and continue to mould me according to Your wills so that I could be used for Your Kingdom. Lord, lead more people who are hurt, who love You and those that You have chosen to be equipped by You to the Promised Land. I pray that more and more workers will be raised up and willing to carry the cross for Jesus to help shine the lights to this hopeless world.
I also thank Lord for Ps Paul and Ps Esther who are willing to carry the cross and paid the price for Mary. There is really no amount of words that Mary could put forward to show my appreciation. I pray that wherever you go and whatever you do, the presence of God is with you all the time! Amen!
Translation to Mandarin
在读了Penny姐妹的见证后,我不由自主地流下眼泪,久久不能平息。我想除了Thomas 弟兄以外,还有两位最喜乐和安慰的人- 就是Paul牧师和Esther牧师。
前个星期在我们离开马六甲之前,我是最后一个走出CKRM会所的。我听到Esther牧师那按捺不住的哭声。我晓得她不单单想念我们同时更想念她的家人,尤其是她的女儿(路加14: 25-27) 。若换成是我,要我放下孩子,只身离乡背井,主啊,此时此刻我真的不知道能否做得到。
大约两年前,我是在灵命已几乎枯干死去的时候被带到CKRM。乃是神的恩典,让我经过被服侍,圣灵的触摸及不断地经历到神的同在和预言性的鼓励话语,复兴了我的灵并改变我成为今日的“马丽亚”。“马丽亚”是神在2007年12月24日赐与我的新名。起初,我想这名有点老土,但现今对我来言是极为宝贝,因这名启开了我生命中一个新的旅程碑 。。。
我还记得早期在CKRM的日子,我尽其所能避免与Paul牧师和Esther 牧师交谈因我被告知“他们可看透你的心”,在那时的我心中确实充满了垃圾!
我感谢神因着祂的恩典和通过Paul牧师持续不断地唤下圣火,那在我里面的垃圾逐渐减少(马太 3:11)。我乃是来了CKRM之后才晓得一位名符其实的信徒该如何活出于救恩相称的生命。曾经被我视为极为不重要的软弱和行为;我逐渐明白那是不讨神喜悦的。圣经在马太福音6:24 说:一个人不能事奉两个主。一个真正的基督徒应是拥有一颗完全降服于神带领的心。 圣经也说那些不顺服神旨意而跟从世界的不但不配作祂的门徒,反而是悖逆之子走向灭亡!罗马书8:7如此说, 体 贴 肉 体 的 就 是 与 神 为 仇。就如Paul牧师经常所分享的在信徒的生命里最为可怕的是与神为敌。
在一次与约书亚交谈时,他说既然Paul牧师和Esther 牧师“可看透我们的心”,最好的方法就是坦然地做回自己,无需隐瞒。让我们的软弱全然显露出来。只要我们带着谦卑,受教和顺服的心必能被神改变。的确,这本来就是我们来到CKRM的目的之一:“做个讨神喜悦的孩子”!
在前教会,其中一位领袖屡次问我有关神赐于我的恩赐。在当时,我确实不晓得如何回答,现今的我不但知晓自己的恩赐,也包括丈夫与女儿们的在内。我也被教导倘若你感觉在祷告后有平安,这些是被视为从神而来的“绿灯”就可进行你所祷告的事项。然而,很多时候这些并不属实, 因往往我们的欲望(魂)和灵非常相近和难以分辨。身为基督徒,我们都知晓惟有那些按着父旨意行的才能进入神的国度。要行出父旨意,个人必需敏锐于圣灵的带领和能够分辨从神而来的声音。在神的同在里浸泡了一段时期并不断被圣火洁净后,我开始学习听从圣灵的声音。主说:“我的羊认得我的声音”是确实的。CKRM是神兴起的一个特别事工。在这里,许多的弟兄姐妹们都能够从主那儿领受到启 示。他们在我学习听从主的过程中给予极大的帮助因可向他们寻求印证。在CKRM,任何隐藏的不良动机都会被揭开因为是神在掌权。
我很蒙福能够见证主如何翻转Mark弟兄,Caleb弟兄,HuiLian姐妹,我亲爱的弟弟-Joshua和那位我曾经认为极度糟透的基督徒,跺脚,吐出些难堪的话而随之离去只因你不认同她在某些课题的“远见”-(现今可爱的 Faith 姐妹)的生命。
Praise God, in the drive to CKRM Malacca with my mother and bro Benjamin & wife last Saturday 21 March, I prayed softly that we would come back transformed. My belly responded with a loud ‘huh !’. I felt the anointing Presence of God and again my belly stirred and several times, it kept making ‘huh!’ sound. I knew the Lord had something in store for us because HE often expresses HIMSELF through stirrings in my belly, sometimes through that sound. Brother Benjamin confirmed he felt the Presence of God.
Praise God we had a good time and I thank the Lord for the gifts impartation and the warmth and love at CKRM. When I came home, I recorded all the gifts that I had received and asked the Lord if I had omitted anything. The Lord added two more to what I had received :- It was 2.30 a.m. Sunday 22 March and I saw vision of myself drenched in a fountain of rain, soaked with rain, rain, rain. I asked what gift it was and He, full of humour revealed it to me in Hokkien. The next gift was sharpness in prophetic utterance. I opened my hands to receive both.
My mother’s attendance at the meeting was itself a miracle. She often declines when I want to take her to church or healing meetings and only attends church with me once in a while. She is on Alzheimer medication and often loses her things and has difficulty remembering. There was much hindrance even before we came as she couldn’t find her key to her luggage bag which she had packed in case we needed to stay the night, and we were held back and she even suggested she not go. But GOD IS GOOD, despite all she came along. There were other issues along the journey, but GOD made the way.
My mother has said the sinner’s prayer a few times but considered Jesus only as one of the many gods. She refused to give up praying to kuan yin and believed in feng shui and the occultic.
Miraculously the key to my mother’s luggage bag that she lost was found after we came back. She has lost handphone, purse, monies, keys, etc. which were not found. There is a spiritual battle in the house where we stay.
On Sunday 22 March (night after our return from CKRM), my mother was fearful and when I prayed for her, I felt she was ready and she repeated after me in renouncing kuan yin and idols and received Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Though I don’t quite know how to use it, by faith I exercised the 7 arrows, shooting in the direction of my brother’s room which door, directly faces my mother’s door. He is steeped in Tibetan Buddhism and his room is an altar to the idol, he chants, uses rosary and wields some equipment which looks like stirring in the spiritual environment. I have sometimes heard eerie sounds coming from his room when I go to the toilet which is back to back with his toilet. My brother is owner of the house where we stay.
Praise God, my mother allowed for me to remove all the occultic and idolatry items in her room. That was around midnight. Suddenly she lost the key to the top drawer of her cabinet, but GOD is awesome. Strengthened in faith by our experience at CKRM, I prayed for the key to return and somehow my mother found it back. Inside were buddhist books and materials, rosary, occultic mirror from a temple near the house, etc. I prayed over and destroyed the items by fire and anointed her room. Praise God, her room is now cleared of the feng shui items, including crystals, buddha pendant and Tibetan buddhist cardboard altar with the statue image.
I thank God for CKRM Ministry, the servant heart, humility, warmth and love of HIS Anointed, Pastors Paul Ang and Esther, the sharing and impartation from Ps Paul Ang. and the prayers and sharing received by my mother from Mr Wong and Ps Esther. This is a supernatural ministry which sets captives free and will propel HIS KINGDOM for the end time harvest. May God continue to multiply the fruit of their labour and prosper them in HIS Kingdom.
Christina Lee
Translation to Mandarin
赞美主,上个星期六,三月二十一日,我和母亲还有Benjamin弟兄与他的妻子前往马六甲超自然事工训练学校。在驾驶途中, 我轻声祷告我们的生命将被翻转。当时我的肚子大声回应‘huh !’. 我感觉到神的同在而我的肚子再次被搅动, 它一直发出‘huh!’的声响。我知道神有预备东西给我们因为他时常搅动我的肚子来表达自己。同时, 靠着那个声响, Benjamin 弟兄证实他感觉到神的同在。
赞美主, 我们度过了美好的时光。我要感谢主的恩典和CKRM对我们的热诚与爱护。我回到家后,记录了所有领受的恩赐并且问神我有没有漏掉了什么。神启示我多加两个恩赐。在三月二十二日, 星期天凌晨两点三十分, 在异象里, 我看见自己湿淋淋的在喷泉里, 浸湿在雨水里。我问神哪是什么恩赐而他满怀幽默地以福建语向我显明。下一个恩赐是预言启示表达更敏锐。我张开我的手领受那两个恩赐。
虽然我母亲已经做了悔改祷告好几次,但耶稣对她来说,只是那么多神当中的其中一个。她拒绝舍弃敬拜观音而且相信风水和巫术。我母亲遗失的行李箱钥匙奇迹地在我们回来之后被找到。她遗失过手机, 钱包, 钥匙等等。这些东西都没被找回。我们住的屋子有属灵的争战。
在三月二十二日,星期天(我们从CKRM 回家后的晚上),我母亲感到惧怕而当我为她祷告时,我觉得她心里已准备好了。她跟着我祷告舍弃拜观音和其他的假神,接受耶稣成为她个人的救主。我虽然不知道如何使用属灵的箭,但依然凭着信心对着我母亲的房间对面的房间(我哥哥弟弟的房间)射了七只属灵的箭。我的兄弟执着于西藏佛法,房间里有偶像的神台。他有用念珠念经和使用一些佛教的信物,好象在属灵界里做些什么。我有时上洗手间时会听见他的房里传出阴森可怕的声音。我的兄弟是我们家的屋主。
我为CKRM 的事工,为祂所他恩膏的Pastor Paul Ang和Pastor Esther,他们的谦卑,仆人的心态,热诚和对主的爱来感谢主。为Pastor Paul 的分享和传受恩赐与Brother Wong 和Pastor Esther 给予我母亲的祷告和分享献上我的感谢。这是一个能释放俘虏,为末日收割桩家,推动神国度的超自然事工。愿主继续增加他们辛劳的成果,并且让他们在神的国度里兴盛。阿们!
Christina Lee
This is my wife’s testimony after second visit to Power Ministry, CKRM’s School of Supernatural Malacca. She was suffering from depression since June, last year. However, there is a purpose & season throughout the journey of life so that we may become vessel that He want us to be and used for His glory! Being spirit-filled Christian doesn’t means that we will be free from every temptation and tribulation in our life, however, knowing that we have a Almighty God who watch over us and we can surrender everything to Him and claim his promises in our life. Forgiveness is everyday, healing is everyday! Here is her testimony.
This God–his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. (Psalm 18:30 ESV)
Praise the Lord! Truly our heavenly father is faithful and full of love. The second visit to Power Service, CKRM’s School of Supernatural Ministry in Malacca is truly trip worthy to travel at least two hours all the way from my place of stay in Klang, Selangor. God deeply touched me through the words spoken by Ps. Esther when she ministered to me. I felt my burden was lifted up and felt more relief. When Ps. Paul given me the spiritual wine from heaven, I felt the heat and healing taking place in my body.
When I reached home, while I’m dancing and singing to worship God (Ps. Esther prophesied and directed me to dance and sing along with songs playing by machine in order to build up the inner man and for healing), in the midst of worshipping God, suddenly I felt the urgency to ask my husband to pray over me as I experienced the dizziness while I spinned. My husband prayed and exercised The Thunder anointing over me. I was slained under the powerful anointing.
While I’m lying on the floor, this is my first time I felt the heavy weight falling down and clothed my whole body from above, I could not move my body for about 15 minutes and I felt healing took place. Later, I shared my experience with my husband, he said that was the ‘kavod’ (Hebrew word for GLORY) means the weightiness and heaviness of His Presence!
I felt very blessed and excited because God is very good to me! All the Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Penny Ong
22 March 2009
(Translation to Mandarin)
这是我的妻子第二次参加了马六甲超自然事工训练学校聚会后的见证。她在二零零八年六月患了忧郁症。但是人生的旅途是没有一帆风顺的,有不同的季节和意义,好让我们被神塑造成合祂使用的器皿,能荣耀祂的名! 虽然已是一个被圣灵充满的基督徒,这不表示我们的人生就没有诱惑或苦难, 而是知道我们有个全能的神看守着我们,只要我们能够降服于祂,得着祂的应许。天天得赦免, 天天得医治! 以下是她的见证:
至 於 神 , 他 的 道 是完 全 的 ; 耶 和 华 的 话 是 炼 净 的 。 凡 投 靠 他 的 , 他 便 作 他 们 的 盾 牌 。(诗 篇 18:30)
赞美主! 我们的天父是信实和满有怜悯的。我们花了最少两个小时从我居住的 Klang, Selangor到马六甲超自然事工学校那里。但这一切的辛苦都是值得的。神借着Ps.Esther 对我说话,所讲的话语深深地触摸我。我觉得我的负荷被举起并感到安慰。过后当Ps.Paul 给我圣灵的酒时(约翰福音2:9), 我感觉到热能和医治在我体内运行。
抵达家后, 正当我在为主跳舞赞美祂的时候 (Ps.Esther 发预言指引我跟着播音机里的歌曲唱,以刚强我的灵人和得着医治), 我突然觉的我须要赶紧叫我的丈夫为我祷告,因我旋转时感到头晕。我的丈夫为我祷告并且使用如打雷闪电的恩膏 (哈巴谷书3:4)。我被圣灵恩膏所释放出的能力击倒在地上。
当我躺在地上时, 我有身以来第一次体验到无形的重量从上面降到我身上。接下来的十五分钟,我动弹不得也同时觉得身体正被医治。后来, 我与丈夫分享我的经历, 他说那是 ‘kavod’ (在希伯来语是荣耀) 意思是祂同在的重量!
我感到非常的蒙福与激动因为神对我是那么美好!愿将一切荣耀归给神! Hallelujah!
Penny Ong
若不是耶和华建造房户,建造的人就枉然劳力。若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒 (诗篇127:1)。
蒙主的恩典,马六甲超自然事工训练学校在二零零九年三月十四日正式投入服务,开始了第一次的权能事奉。CKRM新加坡的同工们也特地赶来马六甲支持。感谢主, 特会在下午三点正顺利开始, CKRM也正式跨入一个新的领域。
进军马六甲,成立超自然事工训练学校,是主托负与 CKRM 的使命 。把神的能力带回祂的教会, 复兴祂的教会。。以赛亚书61:1: “主耶和华的灵在我身上,因为耶和华用膏膏了我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人;差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出牢。。。。。。。。。。
马六甲超自然事工训练学校的目标是:装备主内肢体在圣灵的恩膏下,成为神家中贵重的器皿。此事工是为那些心灵渴慕主,追求主,愿意把自己分别为圣,过圣洁生活被主使用的基督徒所预备, 在圣灵亲自降临下 (使徒行传1:8) 能启动神所给祂儿女的属灵恩赐。(哥林多前书12:8-10)圣灵的彰显会挑旺人的信心,把人起初的爱心回转归向主耶稣。这些被神装备好的基督徒,将能带着神的能力为主做见证(使徒行传1:8)并要在外邦人和君王并以色列人面前,宣扬神的名(使徒行传9:15-16)。靠着圣灵和祂的恩赐, 他们要活出马可福音16:17-18的应许,就是信的人必有神迹奇事随着他们,就是奉我的名赶鬼,说新方言,手能拿蛇,若喝了什么毒物,也必不受害,手按病人,病人就好了。啊门 !!!
当日, 牧师们在圣所里做了许多示范, 展示圣灵的大能和祂恩赐的运行。在圣灵的恩膏下, 一名十七岁的青年展现了犹大狮子的吼叫(阿摩司书3:8)。保罗牧师也按手在一名只有七岁大的小女孩, 膏她, 并叫她去祝福一位在会众里的姐妹。可爱的小女孩跑向那位姐妹, 轻轻把自己的手放在那位姐妹的手上。不到一会儿, 那位姐妹的手开始如老鹰飞翔。这位小妹妹也祝福了一位从吉隆坡特地赶来参加特会的基督徒。被圣灵充满的这位兄弟在圣所里摇摇晃晃地走动, 真是祝福满满。一位来自新加坡CKRM的同工, 提摩太弟兄, 在圣灵的引导下以地方戏剧的行式发预言。若不是圣灵的能力, 一般人都不可能象他那样, 脚跟向内斜地在圣所里里走动。神也藉保罗牧师启动了几位兄弟姐妹的属灵恩赐, 好让他们为众人示范跳印度舞和讲印度语的方言恩赐。在场的一位印度基督徒微笑地看着他们交谈与跳着自己民族舞, 不知他心中是否感到惊讶。
属灵界里的宝贝真是无所不有,让人看为惊讶。就连阅读圣经, 对一些CKRM的同工来说, 是办不到的事。这是因为神的话语大有能力, 使这些灵里敏锐的基督徒无法顺畅的开口念出经文。保罗牧师也不时地叫几位会众里的兄弟姐妹出来, 为他们祷告。为了展示神的大能,是圣灵自己的工作。 保罗牧师没有触碰他们, 只挥手和祷告把神的能力传给他们。领受到神能力的信徒一个个地被圣灵降下的能力击倒在地上, 一些人的身体一直不停颤抖。聚会结束前, 保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师把八杯水变成圣灵的酒,(约翰福音2:9) 请有病痛的人出来享用。喝下这酒的信徒, 一些被圣灵充满倒在地上, 一些身体颤抖摇摆, 明显的显现酒里确实带着圣灵的能力。最后保罗牧师做了一个结束祷告, 圣火大大地扫过整个圣所, 燃烧在场的人。灵里敏锐的基督徒个个有不同的彰显, 并浸泡在圣灵的火焰里。
让我们大家继续一同为神的儿女们代祷,祷告基督徒兴起渴慕更多的属灵恩赐;因这恩赐在不渴慕的人来说是没什么;但在我们这些渴慕的人来说是非常的宝贝 (哥林多后书4:7)。所以经上记:祂要灭绝知慧人的知慧,废弃聪明人的聪明(哥林多前书1:19,以赛亚书29:14)愿更多的基督徒愿意被装备成为基督国度的精兵。阿们!
Written by Bro Mark Tay (Translation to English)
Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Psalms 127:1)
By the Grace of God,CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd officially started the first empowerment ministry on 14th March 2009. Co-workers from CKRM Singapore made a special trip to Malacca to lend their support. Thank God, the ministry started smoothly at 3 pm sharp and CKRM officially entered a new frontier.
Entering Malacca to set up CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd is the Lord’s mission to CKRM; to bring God’s power and revival to His church. Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners …… “
The objective of setting up CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd is to equip the body of Christ so that everyone may become a vessel of noble purpose in God’s house under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This ministry was set up for those who hunger and chase after the Lord, who are willing to consecrate and be used by the Lord. Through this ministry, the spiritual gifting God has installed for His children (1 Cor 12:8-10) will be activated when the Holy Spirit falls on them (Acts 1:8).
The works of the Holy Spirit will stir up their faith and bring them back to their first love for Christ. These Christians who are equipped will witness for the Lord with His power (Acts 1:8) and take His message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel(Acts 9:15). Depending on the Holy Spirit and His gifts, they will live out the promise in Mark 16:17-18, which is “they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Amen!!!
That day, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther did many demonstrations in the sanctuary to showcase God’s power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a 17 yr old youth demonstrated the roar of the Lion of Judah(Amos 3:8).
Pastor Paul also laid hands on a 7 yr old girl to anoint her and asked her to bless a sister in the congregation. The lovely girl ran towards that sister and gently placed her hands on the hands of that sister. A short while later, that sister’s hands began to flap like an eagle. This little girl also blessed a Christian who came especially from Kuala Lumpur for this ministry.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, this brother staggered around the sanctuary; what a blessed man he is. A co-worker from CKRM Singapore, Brother Timothy, prophesized in Cantonese Opera style when he is under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If not for the power of the Holy Spirit, he would not be able to move around with his heels tilting inwards, a feat we aren’t capable of. God also empowered Pastor Paul, enabling him to activate the spiritual gifting of a few brothers and sister so that they can demonstrate the gift of Indian tongue and dance to the congregation. A Christian who is an Indian looked on and smiled as they danced and conversed in his native language. I wondered if he is shocked by what he saw.
There are so many treasures in the spiritual world to keep us in awe. Even reading the bible to some CKRM co-workers is an impossible task. As the Word of God is powerful, these Christians who are spiritually sensitive are unable to recite the scriptures smoothly.
Pastor Paul also from time to time, called out a few brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for them. In order to show that the power is from the Holy Spirit, Pastor Paul did not touch them but imparted God’s power via prayer and swaying his hands. Those who received the power of the Holy Spirit fell under the power when the Holy Spirit came upon them; some of them trembled. Before the meeting ended, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther changed eight glasses of water into spiritual wine (John 2::9) and invited those with sickness to come forward. After drinking the spiritual wine, some believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and fell under the power of God, others were trembling. It is plain for all to see that the wine did carry the power of the Holy Spirit.
Finally, Pastor Paul closed the meeting with a word of prayer. Holy fire swept across the whole sanctuary and “burnt” all who were present. Those who were spiritually sensitive manifested in various ways as everybody soaked in the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Thanks to God’s grace,the manifestations of the Holy Spirit touched the unbelievers who were present and two of them received Jesus as their savior. Let us rejoice their birth with the angels (Luke 15:7). Bear them in mind so that they will be greatly used by the Lord to demolish the gates of the enemy in the near future. Amen!
Let us continue to pray for God’s children, pray that the Christians will desire for more and more gifts of the Holy Spirit because these gifts to those who have no desire are nothing but for those who desire them, they are great treasures (2 Cor 4:7). As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent. Because of this, I will once again astound these hypocrites with amazing wonders. The wisdom of the wise will pass away, and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear” (1 Cor 1:19, Isaiah 29:14).
May there be more Christians who are willing to be equipped as a soldier in God’s kingdom. Amen!
耶稣说:我实在告诉你们,人为神的国,撇下房户或是妻子,弟兄,父母,儿女,没有在今世不得百倍,在来世不得永生的。(路加福音18 :29-30)。。。。。。。他是我所拣选的器皿,要在外邦人和君王并以色列人面前,宣扬我的名。我也要指示他,为我的名必须受许多的苦难。(使徒行传9:15-16)
在这夜深人静的凌晨,在异国的土地上,更想念在新加坡的家人,CKRM的弟兄姐妹。。。。。想啊想不知怎么切哭了。。。也不知哭了多久忽然想起昨天下午 Pastor Paul 问我:神要你翻译的那编见证你做好了吗?翻译好了这篇在新加坡祈祷院的日子,我感触很深,顺手提笔写下心中的感想:
Pastor Esther Chow
Translation to English
Crown and Righteousness
I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." (Luke 18: 29-30)
“This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name" (Acts 9: 15-16).
The quietness of daybreak and living in a foreign land, made me miss my family, brothers and sisters in-Christ from CKRM even more ... and the more I thought of them, I began to weep ... I’m not sure for how long, but all of a sudden, I recalled yesterday Ps Paul asked me if I completed the article God wanted me to translate.
After translating the article ‘The Season for me to be at Singapore Christian Prayer House’, I also decided to pen down my thoughts and feelings:
I thank the Lord for His great endurance and for the way He used people around me to mold me. Looking back, I’m really grateful to Him for using trails and hardships to mold me into a vessel for His use. 2000 years ago, not only did the Lord set a great example for us, but He is also our perfect role model. Though faced with all kinds of humiliation and accusation, He did not utter a word. He simply carried the heavy cross all the way to Golgotha, for the ultimate glory of God.
Thus, the pain and humiliation we faced are nothing compared to His. Thank you for such a beautiful experience. It enable me to understand what Apostle Paul said about “Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” (Romans 4: 7); why did Peter say: Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8); and why Jesus said: .. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39).
I thank the Lord for His abundant grace, for having chosen me, and for my calling. Who can understand His infinite loving kindness? Who can examine thoroughly His infinite wisdom? Nobody can. He is the one who decides whom He wants to have mercy on and whom He wants to extend grace to. He is the one who rewards and He is also the one who retracts. He is greatly to be praised.
Lord, from today onwards, I do not want to worry nor treasure too much of my life. But what I want is to finish the race you have called me, to testify the gospel of God’s grace. I hope some day; I will be like Apostle Paul saying: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness. Amen!
Translated by Sis Elizabeth Teo
(Printed the Reader's email with his consent)
Dear Pastor Paul Ang,
I was doing some searching on the internet trying to find out information on the Lion’s Roar. Let me give you a bit of background. I’m a seminary student at Regent University working on a Masters in Practical Theology in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA and God has drawn me to the Hebraic Roots of Christianity, I am a born-again believer and am waiting on the Lord Jesus to show me what He wants for my life. In doing some reach for various projects, I discovered that in Jewish literature (Midrash) it describes this story:
“The midrash tells a fascinating story of how Judah and Joseph
almost came to blows over the release of Benjamin. Judah roared like
a lion, and displayed super-human feats of strength, tossing boulders
into the air and pulverizing chains with his teeth, all to show
what Joseph would have to contend with. Joseph then gave
Manasseh a look, and Manasseh stomped his foot on the floor so
hard, he made the whole palace tremble, while Joseph kicked a marble
column, breaking it into pieces, to which=2 0Judah wisely replied,
"Such stamping comes from Father's house," meaning he recognized
these feats as only accomplishable by those related by blood to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, thus he sought a non-violent alternative.
(Chassidah, Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities, pg. 331.)
As looked for examples of this on the internet I came across references to the Lion’s Roar first in one of your congregants blogs and then on your blog site. While the above quote is certainly not a scriptural reference for the Lion’s Roar gift as it is the Midrash, I do think it is interesting. I don’t have access to the Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities personally as this is a secondary quote from a magazine called Targum. I don’t normally contact people out of the blue like this, but felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit that this was rather important for you to see.
As I read about this, I thought to myself, I think I may have this gift. Several years ago in Korea (around 2000), I was at a worship services where I could not stop shouting “Glory” at the top of my lungs, after that I hadn’t experience or seen anything like it before or after, until this past year. I was in Iraq and praying with my prayer group on top of the Chapel. We were doing our weekly intercession and I felt the Lord urging me to yell “JESUS” as loud as I could, It seemed at one point deafening and I felt I could go even louder, but the Chaplain came up and stopped us for being too loud. The Chaplain that stopped us on the roof (who by the way is a Spirit Filled Believer in Jesus), was very encouraging and recommended we continue in the Base Chapel, just not on the roof. I haven’t really used it since and not even sure what to use it for, though I knew instinctively that I was doing for Spiritual warfare.
The other reference that I found was that the “Lion’s Roar” was a type of Kung Fu, which was portrayed in a Kung Fu Movie called “Kung Fu Hussle” Which had a lady roaring supernaturally to defeat her opponent. Certainly Satan will try to attempt to twist any gift that God has bestowed, so that didn’t surprise me.
I was hoping that perhaps you could shed some light on the subject for me regarding this spiritual gift, how it is used in your congregation and elsewhere and any other insight you could give me on the subject. Thank you for your time and may God richly bless you in the coming weeks.
In Christ,
I also wanted to say that I appreciate the links you sent me I read both the blog and the testimonials previously, but I had not read Elder Dainel Ng’s testimony so thank you!
Additionally, For those interested Targum is a small press PDF Game Magazine that is no longer in publication (though you can find it on the internet The focus initially was on a Game called Testament: Role-Playing in the Biblical Era. I wanted to fact check the magazine’s article so I found an online copy of the Midrash on the internet at and it fully confirms the story in the Midrash.
I’ve included the full text of the stories below for your review, with portions concerning a loud voice, cry, shouting, etc. in Bold.
When the brethren yielded to Joseph's demand, and consented to leave their brother behind as hostage, Simon said to them, "Ye desire to do with me as ye did with Joseph!" But they replied, in despair: "What can we do? Our households will perish of hunger." Simon made answer, "Do as ye will, but as for me, let me see the man that will venture to cast me into prison." Joseph sent word to Pharaoh to let him have seventy of his valiant men, to aid him in arresting robbers. But when the seventy appeared upon the scene, and were about to lay hands on Simon, he uttered a loud cry, and his assailants fell to the floor and knocked out their teeth. Pharaoh's valiant men, as well as all the people that stood about Joseph, fled affrighted, only Joseph and his son Manasseh remained calm and unmoved. Manasseh rose up, dealt Simon a blow on the back of his neck, put manacles upon his hands and fetters upon his feet, and cast him into prison. Joseph's brethren were greatly amazed at the heroic strength of the youth, and Simon said, "This blow was not dealt by an Egyptian, but by one belonging to our house."
These words had such an effect upon Judah that he broke out in sobs, and cried aloud, "How shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me?" His outcry reached to a distance of four hundred parasangs, and when Hushim the son of Dan heard it in Canaan, he jumped into Egypt with a single leap and joined his voice with Judah's, and the whole land was on the point of collapsing from the great noise they produced. Joseph's valiant men lost their teeth, and the cities of Pithom and Raamses were destroyed, and they remained in ruins until the Israelites built them up again under taskmasters. Also Judah's brethren, who had kept quiet up to that moment, fell into a rage, and stamped on the ground with their feet until it looked as though deep furrows had been torn in it by a ploughshare. And Judah addressed his brethren, "Be brave, demean yourselves as men, and let each one of you show his heroism, for the circumstances demand that we do our best."
In the meantime Manasseh had assembled a great army, five hundred mounted men and ten thousand on foot, among them four hundred valiant heroes, who could fight without spear or sword, using only their strong, unarmed hands. To inspire his brethren with more terror, Joseph ordered them to make a loud noise with all sorts of instruments, and their appearance and the hubbub they produced did, indeed, cause fear to fall upon some of the brethren of Joseph. Judah, however, called to them, "Why are you terrified, seeing that God grants us His mercy?" He drew his sword, and uttered a wild cry, which threw all the people into consternation, and in their disordered flight many fell over each other and perished, and Judah and his brethren followed after the fleeing people as far as the house of Pharaoh. Returning to Joseph, Judah again broke out in loud roars, and the reverberations caused by his cries were so mighty that all the city walls in Egypt and in Goshen fell in ruins, the pregnant women brought forth untimely births, and Pharaoh was flung from his throne. Judah's cries were heard at a great distance, as far off as Succoth.
I am amazed at everything I’m reading and I’m interested in what you will have to say, especially if you get a chance to read the whole story as these are simply excerpts from the story about Joseph meeting his brothers. Of course, none of the Midrash scriptural as it is not in the canon of the Bible, but it is fascinating.
We know that the spoken word is powerful, and this was demonstrated in Genesis 1 when God spoke the world into existence. Matthew 12;36 tells that we know that we’ll be held accountable for every word that proceeds forth from our mouths, so it is no surprise that the Lions Roar as you describe would be so powerful a gift thru which the Holy Spirit operates. It also interesting to see how the Midrash potrays the destructive power of voice as well. I’m going to continue to explore this subject study and prayer and I'll keep you posted on what I find. Please keep me in prayer as well not only in my school studies, but also for discernment in where God wants me to serve along with discernment about that have been imparted to me by the Holy Spirit. Please let me know how I can be praying for you and your congregation. I look forward to hearing back from you on these Midrash excerpts, and feel free to include these in your blog as well. May God richly bless you in the coming weeks.
In Christ,
一位读者关于狮子吼的研究 (中文翻译由中国Sarah Shan博士完成)
我在网上搜索想找到关于狮子吼的信息。首先介绍一下我的背景。我是美国维州维吉尼亚海滩维真大学神学生,攻读实用神学硕士学位。神带领我来到Hebraic Roots of Christianity。我是一个重生的基督徒,现在正等候神对我生命的呼召。在对一些项目进行研究的时候,我发现在犹太文化(Midrash)中记载了一个故事。
midrash中讲述了一个精彩故事,犹大和约瑟因为释放便雅悯的问题几乎争打起来。 犹大如狮子般吼叫,展示超人力量,向空中投掷大石头,并用自己的牙齿磨碎链子,他展示这些技艺,要看约瑟用什么来跟他比试。约瑟给玛拿西一个眼色,玛拿西就在地上跺脚,力量之大以至于整个宫殿都颤动。而约瑟则踢向一个大以萨理石柱,将其踢成碎片。犹大看到了这些,很智慧地回答一句:这样的力量来自父的家。意思是说,他认出来这些技能只有亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的家族才会拥有。于是他选择不用武力来解决问题。(Chassidah, 圣经人物百科全书Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities,第331页)
我找到的另一个参考信息是:“狮子吼”是一种“功夫”。在一部叫做“功夫”的功夫片中有描述 。片中一位女士超自然地吼叫,打败她的对手。当然,撒旦会试图扭曲神所赐的恩赐,因此我对此并不感到惊奇。
我也要感谢您给我的链接,我读了您的笔记和以前的见证,但我还没有读Dainel Ng长老的见证。谢谢您!
我把完整的故事列在下面以便您阅读,有关大声 呼喊 吼叫等的部分。
当弟兄们屈服于约瑟的要求,同意留下他们的兄弟做人质时,西缅对他们说,“你们要待我象从前待约瑟一样吗” 但他们绝望地回答说:“我们有什么办法呢?我们全家都要饿死了。”西缅回答:“按你们的意思办吧,但我要看看谁敢把我投入监狱。”约瑟传话给法老,让法老派给他70个勇士帮助捉拿强盗。但当70个人来到并要动手捉拿西缅时,他发出大声,这些人倒在地上撞掉了牙齿。法老的勇士们以及在约瑟旁边的人都吓坏了,只有约瑟和他儿子玛拿西镇静不动。玛拿西起来,对西缅后颈击打一下,把手铐戴在他的手上,脚镣戴在他脚上,把西缅投入监狱。约瑟的弟兄们对这个年轻人的英武非常震惊,西缅说,“这一拳不是出于埃及人,是我们家族的一员”。