Godly Encounter at Joshua Camp - Editorial Team / 在约书亚营中与神相遇- (编辑队报道)

Many Christians attend meetings after meetings seminars after seminars, conference after conference. Nevertheless, they are still spiritually dry. The fire they caught in such meetings starts to become colder the minute they begin to pack for home.

Bill Johnson says “God cannot be properly or even accurately represented without power. Miracles are absolutely necessary for people to see Him clearly.” Joshua Camp has an everlasting impact on Bro Joel’s life when the Fire of God fell on him with power in an awesome manner. Joel How said “My life was empowered, transformed and now sensitive to the Holy Spirit after the Joshua Camp. I have grown to be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and I now convinced that there is such a Fire that comes down from the throne room of Heaven to anoint His people. Being hungry and thirsty for the Lord I attended this Joshua Camp.” John 7:37-38 ( v37 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. v38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him”) this scripture came to past in my life after Joshua Camp.”

Another brother came all the way from Australia to visit his loved ones during Chinese New Year in Malacca, attended CKRM Supernatural and Anointing meeting with an opened mind. Being a Catholic for more than 10 years, it is indeed a miracle for him to desire for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Brother Augustine Quek was so blessed that he wants to make a special trip to attend this coming 5th Joshua Camp on the 28th to 30th May in CKRM Malacca. After being baptized with the Fire of God (Matthew 3:11), he begins to walk in the spirit. His desire and love for the things of God begins to grow and grow. Every night, Augustine and his family will have a family altar to soak in the presence of the Holy Spirit. His son Jayden (11 years old) also moves in the spirit. The fire of God will come upon Jayden and he is able to bless his family by imparting the Lord’s anointing to his father, mother and sister. Augustine is so refreshed and full of the Holy Spirit. Many have signed up for this coming Joshua camp. A sister called Sarah from China has made special effort to change her plans and signed up for this anointed Joshua camp.

The Lord has revealed that this coming Joshua camp will be a spiritual explosion for those who come with a child liked faith, seeking and hungering for a touch from the Lord.

If you find yourself serving the Lord with lack of zeal, joy, excitement, enthusiasm and experiencing symptoms of spiritual burnout- come and meet the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. The Damascus road encounter is waiting for you (Acts 9:3). All Glory to our lord, Jesus Christ!

Joshua Camp Testimonies through the link below:-





The fruits that the ministry has produced awesome testimonies which are posted in our CKRM websites http://www.ckrm.org/ (English) www.ckrm.org/cn (Chinese).
Pastor Footnote:-
CKRM Singapore 3rd Anniversary was on 16 April 2010 and we praise God that the ministry bears fruit and has blessed many people.
Looking back to the time when the Lord called us to set up the ministry in Singapore, we had to go against the tide of influence & connection by the powerful leaders who were out to destroy our ministry. When we came to Malacca a year ago, we were confronted with tougher opponents, a combination of the might of some leaders and their connected network who also shared the same objective to isolate us that they also spread very negative things about us and worst among all, the people who were behind these were none other than our brothers and sisters in Christ and associates.
However, staying within the will of God and within the territories He has called us, are our cover of protection and blessings (Please read Acts 5:38-39).
A man of God wrote: “The place of greatest anointing is also the place of greatest controversy. Think of the controversy that swirled around Jesus, then around the apostles, and, since then, around every major move of God in history. Characteristically in such moves of God, leaders of the reigning orthodoxy have survived for so long by their political skills that they do not recognize the anointing they are persecuting. This persecution is predictable, Jesus told his disciples that enemies would “falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me” (Matt 5:11). Too often, sadly, I have seen this prophecy fulfilled. I have listened to Bible-believing leaders spread gross lies and rumors about anointed men of God because they felt some of their constituency might defect to the anointed men of God.”
在约书亚营中与神相遇- (编辑队报道)




另一位在新年期间来自澳洲拜访亲人的弟兄,带着一颗敞开的心参加了马六甲的超自然与恩膏事工的聚会。对于一个十多年的天主教徒来说,渴慕圣灵充满和圣火的施洗的确是个神迹。Augustine Quek弟兄非常蒙福。他也决定作特别的安排来参加这五月二十八日至三十日,在马六甲举办的第五届约书亚营。自从被圣火施洗后(马可3:11),他开始在灵里运行。对神的渴慕和爱不断的加增。每晚Augustine弟兄和家人会在家中敬拜赞美神和浸泡在圣灵的同在里。他的儿子Jayden(十一岁)也在灵里运行。当神的圣火降在Jayden身上时,他能把神的恩膏传递给父母和姐姐。Augustine 现在已被更新和充满神的灵。许多人已开始报名参加来届的约书亚营。一位来之中国的Sarah姐妹更特意改变了她原有的计划,报了名参加这神恩膏的约书亚营会。








CKRM 事工所结出的果子,从CKRM 网站上的惊人见证就可以看得出来∶

http://www.ckrm.org/ (英语) www.ckrm.org/cn (华语).



神的一位仆人说∶“神恩膏最强的地方也是争论最多的地方”。看看那围绕在耶稣身旁的争论,然后在使徒们身旁,接着围绕着每一个神大能运行的历史里。自古以来,为了巩固自己的权利和地位,那些自以为义的传统宗教领袖对神如此运行的一个典型反应就是逼迫和击垮神恩膏的仆人。如此逼迫是预料中的事。耶稣告诉门徒仇敌将“因为我,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们”(馬 太5:11)。可悲的是,我经常亲眼目睹这预言的成就。我也曾听见圣经知识丰富的领袖撒谎和造谣毁谤神恩膏的仆人。只因担心目前所拥有的会被这神恩膏的仆人所夺取。

The Testimony of Pastor Joyce Tai / Joyce Tai 牧师的见证

I am writing this testimony to promote the glory of God and to give honor where honor is due.

When Ps. Paul & Ps Esther of CKRM came to minister at our March Revival Conference, it was the first time I was being exposed to their ministry. So, when Ps Paul began to say things like "Now, there is a stone on my finger..." or "I am going to shoot an arrow..." etc. It was something new to me and I was wondering what he was doing. But the Lord opened my eyes to discern that they were actually prophetic acts used by the Lord to release the anointing of the Holy Spirit. As he says the word or mentions the manifestation of a spiritual weapon, the corresponding anointing is being release to accomplish God's purpose on the recipients' lives. These spiritual weapons are mighty to destroy strongholds and yokes, and shatter the gates of Hades.

As Ps. Paul used the "hammer" on me, clarity began to come into my mind. I was able after that to set my hand to modify my academic doctorate thesis into a reader friendly version, something which I have wanted to do since I graduated from the Doctor of Ministry program in 2006. The clarity of mind plus the deepened experience of the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit have also enabled me to revise and expand a book I published in 2004, which is written on the subject of understanding the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit in God's present move.

The anointing of fire on Ps. Paul's life and ministry has also wrought deeper inner cleansing in my life. Most of the conference participants testified to being blessed and revived by Ps. Paul's ministry and the corporate anointing of our church has gone up to another level because of the spiritual breakthroughs our people have experienced.

It's my prayer that the partnership or teaming up of the Wingspread School of Ministry with Ps' Paul's ministry in the gospel of our Lord will further the present move of the Holy Spirit and cause a mighty revival and outpouring of the raw power of the Holy Spirit to happen in Malaysia. Come, Holy Spirit! Rend the heavens and come down, O Lord!

Rev. Dr. Joyce Tai
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Co-founder of Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly

Joyce Tai 牧师的见证





我祷告透过Wingspread of School of Ministry 和保罗牧师的事工的合作,主的福音和此刻圣灵所吹的风将不断的扩展。复兴的火焰和圣灵属天的大能也大大地浇灌在马来西亚这块土地上。圣灵啊!请你来!从天而降。主啊!我们呼求你降下来充满浇灌和得着这地!

Rev. Dr. Joyce Tai
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Co-founder of Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly
