多加的见证—我属灵生命的突破 / Breakthrough of my Spiritual life




从CKRM回来后,我发现我的属灵感官敏锐了。晚上睡觉的时候,我开始发异梦,有些是神的启示和属灵的更新,当我醒来时,我整个人舒畅,好像从瀑布洗过澡后喝下一杯凉水一样的更新。而当我为别人祷告以及有一次我和朋友电话交谈时,突然间我会看到异象,看到对方的状况。另外,就是我比较能清楚听见以及分辨圣灵的声音,有时候我会听见自己的灵在唱歌或祷告。有一次当我在祷告中唱一首歌时,当我唱到一段我不会的部分时,突然我听见我的灵接下去唱,而后来经过查验后证明那歌词是正确的。还有昨天,我清楚的在家中听到美妙技巧的钢琴声 盘旋在我耳边以及嗅到浓郁的香味,我的心顿时充满喜乐,知道这是神的同在。另外,有两次神带领我进入他的内心:一次是使我从他的心里去感受祂是多么喜乐与乐意的心去赦免与忘记人所犯的罪;另外一次是当我在与罪挣扎时,突然间我发现我在祂里面,我的一切已经结束、已经死去,而祂的一切全是属于我的,祂无穷尽的圣洁、仁爱、饶恕、喜乐、平安、得胜全是属于我的,我不需要靠自己来胜过罪,只要完全降服在祂里面、安息在祂里面。这一些的真理我早已知道,但却从未如此真实的去经历,就好象从一本书读到一些旅游胜地,与真实去到那地方旅游的不同。



邱 多加
April 2009

Breakthrough of my spiritual life

Few days ago, when I woke up in the morning, there was a prompting in my heart. Hence, I knew that God wanted me to note down these testimonies.

On 22nd March 2009, when we departed from Kuala Lumpur and was heading towards Malacca to attend the Saturday’s “Power and Prophetic Ministry” at CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd, my heart was filled with hunger and excitement. I did not expect this trip to CKRM was actually God’s will, that He began to lead me, entering into His spiritual world and to activate the gifts of the Spirit within me.

This was a prophecy given to us (my husband & me) that God would lead us to a man & a woman to revive our spiritual lives. Hence, the prophecy has come to pass.

While attending the meeting at CKRM for the first time, God used Ps. Esther to open up my hardened and hidden heart that was not known to anyone. At that moment, I heard the Word of God which I had not heard it for quite some time. God knows everything about me and every step that I had gone through. More importantly, He loves me and He knows that I do love Him and hunger for Him. The Lord also used the pastors to restore and strengthen me, and activated the prophetic gift which the Lord has previously given to me. From that day on, there was a breakthrough in my spiritual life.

After attended the meeting at CKRM, I realised my spiritual senses began to be more sensitive. During my sleep at night, I began to have dreams and some of them were revelation from the Lord and spiritual renewal. When I woke up from the sleep, my whole body was very refreshed, as if I had just taken a fresh shower over at the waterfall. While I was praying for others and talking to my friend over the phone, all of a sudden I would see visions regarding their situations. Besides, I could listen clearer to the voice of the Holy Spirit and to discern them. Sometimes, I would hear my spirit singing or praying. There was once while I was singing a song, I stopped at the latter part of the song as I do not know the lyric, I then heard my spirit continued singing. After verifying, it was confirmed that the lyric sang was correct.

Furthermore on yesterday, I clearly heard beautiful melody of a piano at my home, and I could smell a thick fragrance. My heart was filled with joy and I know that was the presence of God. There were also two experiences where the Lord let me feel His heartbeat, showing me that He is joyful and willing to show mercy and forget our sins. While I was struggling with sins, suddenly I realised I was in Him, my past was already been put to death and everything He has given me everything He has; the unlimited purity, love, forgiveness, joy, peace, and victory. I need not depend on my strength to overcome sins but to only surrender to God and rest in Him. I had already known all this truth, but I had yet to personally experience it. It was just so real. The difference is like between reading a book about some tourist attractions, and to actually visit them in reality.

Ever since our first visit to CKRM till now, God has been dealing with my sins and sanctifying me, leading me to repentance and to live a holy life. It is His heartbeat that my life is to be consecrated and only belongs to Him. On 11th April 2009 (Saturday), before we departed to go to CKRM at Melaka, during my prayer, God told me that Jacob has passed and He wants to give me a new name of Israel. On that particular Saturday (11th April), Pastor Esther told me she received that the Lord gives me a new name called “Dorcas”, my old has passed away, and God has already opened a new chapter in my life. I believe that this is only the beginning of entering into a new spiritual life; there will be more things to come in the future. Most importantly, it is to draw me closer to Jesus and knowing Him better.

Deep in my heart, I thank God that He began to prepare and equip me, in order for me to serve Him. God will never forget His promise. He is a miraculous and faithful God. I thank God for raising up CKRM Melaka, a ministry that is humble yet full of God’s power. I thank God for leading His servants, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther to Melaka, so that those in Melaka, who are spiritually hungry and thirst, could be blessed. I also thank God, for remembering Malaysia and I believe through His servants, God is going to light up the fire of revival over here. Amen!

Kuala Lumpur
April 2009

Blessed beyond measure in just one session at CKRM Malacca - Jane Then / 出席一次在马六甲CKRM的特会,领受了难於估计的祝福

It was truly a divine appointment for me to be at CKRM Malacca’s official opening on the 14 March 2009. I went because my friend was invited and I was blessed beyond measure in just this one session.

Sometime last year, my friend told me about CKRM Singapore, but I never desired to go. Before going to CKRM Malacca, the Lord in His supremacy & grace revealed the followings to me:

· I will begin to see Miracles, Signs & Wonders,
· A picture of the Lion & the Lamb.

All these happened at CKRM Malacca. So when I saw the manifestations during demonstration time, I was speechless but at the same time I was excited & I wanted to experience it.

So, when Ps Paul called us (the first timers) to go out to the front, I was really eager to see what would happen to me? First, he prayed for the fire of God to come upon us & then later he asked if I wanted to receive the arrows of God. Yes of course I wanted it. He then shot 3 arrows at me from a distance of about 5 meters and I fell onto the floor.

As we were about to leave after the session, Ps Paul prayed to empower me, simply by pointing his finger on my hand from a distance. WOH! I went down on the floor again, this time screaming & then laughing. O it was just awesome. I have never seen or experienced anything like this before.

We stayed on and we received anointing after anointing through Ps Paul & his team.

I received the Lion of Judah’s roar, spiritual wine, fireball, prophecy wine, & many more. At one point, I asked Ps Paul, is it possible to receive so many anointing in one session and he responded “Our God is the God of the impossible!” Oh! That really whets our appetite to want to receive ‘More’.

After we were activated & empowered, the Lord gave us opportunities to minister in Petaling Jaya & to put into practice what we have received.

The days that followed after the empowerment were simply awesome. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon us, He will lead us and do what He wants for that session. Never before have had I experienced such awesome manifestations like playing the Guzhen, the drum for deliverance under the anointing (never played these instruments before in my life) and hosting the Presence of God & many more.

Even after returning to Singapore, the Lord gave us assignments to impart & empower some ladies back home. It was simply amazing! This verse that says: For My yoke is easy & My burden is light – Mt 11:30 became a Rhema Word to me.

We were so hungry for more, that shortly after, we flew to Kuala Lumpur again to attend a teaching seminar conducted by Ps Paul & Ps Esther at Jubilee Initiative Malaysia and also at Portals of His Glory. Here we witnessed the Mighty & Awesome Power of God at work again.

Ps Paul invited us to CKRM Singapore and here we were blessed with even more. I am so grateful & blessed by all of you. Thank you.

Indeed God rewards those who earnestly seek Him and He never fails to bless us each time we take that step of faith to trust in Him.

All Glory to our Lord God Almighty! Hallelujah!
Jane Then - 23 April 2009


是神的旨意与安排, 让我能够参加马六甲CKRM超自然事工训练学校在2009年三月十四号的第一个聚会。 因着我的朋友有被邀请出席,我便和她一同参加这个聚会。神就在这一堂聚会里,超过我所求所想的祝福了我。

在去年的时候,我的朋友曾经和我分享过关于在新加坡CKRM的事工, 但是,我没想要去那里参加聚会。 在我还没去马六甲CKRM超自然事工训练学校之前, 感谢主的怜悯和恩典,祂向我显明我将会开始看见神迹奇事和一幅犹大狮子与羔羊的图案。神向我显明的,就在我来到马六甲 CKRM超自然事工训练学校时,这启示给成就了。 当牧师在示范圣灵的能力时,我看见了,惊讶地说不出话来。我也同时感到兴奋,也很想能亲自经历到圣灵的能力。





当我们回到新加坡之后,主给了我们任务去传递恩膏给一些姐妹,让她们得着圣灵的能力。这好极了!马太福音11:30“因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”也就成为了我瑞马的话语。我们都好渴慕,想要领受更多圣灵的能力。不久过后,我们乘着飞机到吉隆坡去参加保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师在禧福训练中心的教导以及在Portals of Glory祈祷院的聚会。在那里,我们再次见证了神的大能在当中运行。保罗牧师也邀请我们到新加坡的CKRM去。在那里,我们得到更多的祝福。 我心中真正充满了感恩。

确实, 神奖赏那些认真去寻求祂的人。祂是信实的,并且当我们踏出信心的脚步来信靠祂时,祂必定赐福于我们。


Jane 姐妹
2009年 四月 二十三号

Anointing of the Lion of Judah's Roar & Jesus' Whip made me more sensitive to the move of God - Sharon / 犹大狮子吼叫的恩膏和耶稣的鞭子使到我对神的带领更加敏锐。

Email from Sharon

Well Pastor Paul, I missed your session during Chinese New Year time as I was away hometown and when I came back and heard of all the things that God did and what happened in Portals of Glory and also from Gina and also reading your blogspot and the various testimonies I was very eager to experience for myself for it is nothing like seeing and experience it for yourself.

When you finally agree to come to Portals of Glory on 15 April 2009, I came early from office and did not go back home in Subang as I did not want to be caught in the traffic jam and we started early and worship before the rest arrived.

When you called me for to be prayed for the anointing of the ‘Roar’ of the Lion of Judah, yes I was a bit sceptical at first as I have never done it before and yes I have seen the manifestations before.

When the anointing was released to me, I felt like something within my body and sometimes it is so hard to describe I just know something is different and it just makes me want to just let go and I could not control it. I have always been a back bencher and observe and that day I just let the Lord use me and it was my first experience.

I can’t believe myself roaring in front of people ...that is not me ...anyway....!!!! When you called me for the second time to be prayed again, I felt more comfortable and was able to receive more. Praise God!!!

Again the whip is very different, the fact that you don’t literally see the whip and when it is released, I felt so much power, fire, and I don’t know,,,very strong anointing, entirely different from the first and it was yes very very strong.

As a result, I am now even more sensitive to the move of God when I am in the presence of God and just wanting more of God..., spending more time in worship and the word.

Praise God and all glory to Jesus for what He has done!!!!



A Reader's Research on the Lion's Roar.

Our Mission to the Klang Valley


Sharon 姐妹的电邮

保罗牧师,因着我回了家乡,很可惜的,我错过了在农历新年时的聚会。当我回来的时候,我听到好多神奇妙的作为,以及在Portals of Glory祈祷院所发生的一切事。除了Gina姐妹的分享,我也上网到你的部落格读了许多的见证。我好渴慕,很想自己也能亲身经历到神的能力。

当你答应在2009年四月十五号来Portals of Glory 祈祷院 时,为了避免遇到交通阻塞, 就提早从办公室离开到祈祷院去。在其他人还没到达之前,我们就开始在那儿敬拜。 我虽然曾经见过犹大狮子吼叫的彰显, 但是,当你要为我祷告领受犹大狮子吼叫的恩膏时,我起初有点怀疑,因为我从未吼叫过。当那恩膏浇灌 在我身上时,我觉得我身体里有一股力量(有时就是不知怎样用言语来形容,只知道在我体内跟平时是不一样的), 这股力量使到我无法控制,那感觉就是想要释放出来。




Sharon 姐妹

Pastor Esther Chow -- Co-Founder of CKRM & my ministering partner / 以斯帖牧师 -- CKRM的共同创办人和我的事工伙伴

I would never imagine that being English educated and westernized, God would call me to serve in the Chinese speaking ministry. More shockingly so, to pair me with a very traditional, Chinese educated woman, who’s married with 2 adult children. It’s simply beyond human comprehension.

Though it’s neither logical nor easy to team up with someone who has very different lifestyle, views, educational and cultural background; God’s command surpasses all of these.

It is the Lord’s command to pair the two of us in the power & prophetic ministry, which are also the Lion and the Lamb ministry. Our mission is to empower the body of Christ, under anointing of Holy Spirit, to empower (1 Corinthians 12: 8-10), prepare and equip the body of Christ for their ministries, to break the power of darkness, and prepare for the Lord’s return.

A man of God wrote in his book, "Whatever He calls you to do, many a times His word to you will collide with the world's notion of logic and good sense. Other people will tell you that it’s foolish and not feasible. Even you will say that it’s illogical. But if you believe you heard God’s voice and very certain that it’s from Him, and then does what He tells you to do. For what He wants to bless you is beyond measure."

The Bible is full of examples of people who were willing to follow God’s word instead of logic and were blessed beyond measure because of it.

In early 2006, on several occasions, the Lord revealed and ordered us to pair as ministering partners. In the beginning, Ps Esther struggled to obey God’s command, until the Lord used someone to give her a stern warning that she would lose the calling if she was reluctant to obey His command.

In end 2003 & beginning of 2005, Ps Esther and I were led by the Lord to Singapore Christian Prayer House (SCPH) for the final preparation. In 2007, CKRM was set up.

Following are links to the some articles, on how the Lord called us to our ministry, and our willingness to obey God’s command and suffer for His name:

The Season for me to be at Singapore Christian Prayer House

在新加坡祈祷院的日子公义和冠冕 (Crown & Righteousness)

During the period of our struggle to obey His voice, God prompted me to read 1 Samuel 15. To the people of the world, the command to put to death women, children & infants is a great sin. In the present world, it would be considered genocide & madness to kill innocent people. However, it was not a sin when the Lord commanded Saul to do it. Disobedience to God's voice is a sin. Disobedience is rebellion.

And in 1 Samuel 15:22-23, "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance likes the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."

When Saul did not obey God’s command fully, the anointing left Saul, and he lost his calling. This is the consequences for not obeying God’s command.

Though the Spirit of God left him, Saul still remained as king. Today, there are many pastors and ministers who are like Saul. Because of their disobedience, the glory of God has left them, without them knowing. Some of the ministries remain stagnant while some have been dismantled.

Ps Esther is called to be my ministering partner and translator. I am called to move in power, while she moves in the prophetic. When both of us are ministering from the pulpit, we will be listening to the voice of God to discern what He wants us to do. Very often, the Lord would give me one part of the revelation while the other part to Ps Esther.

As it is written in Isaiah 29:13-14 the Lord says, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

April 16, 2009 was the 2nd Anniversary of CKRM Christian Centre Ltd, Singapore. It is just amazing and beyond human understanding how just a Saturday Power Ministry could grow so rapidly to include 3 Sundays Church Services in such a short period. Besides the ministry being blessed with very healthy & strong cash reserve, the Lord has led many co-workers to CKRM. The co-workers are being raised up in CKRM and they have been blessed with their spiritual life revived drawing them closer to God and grow to be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Our oldest co-worker is a 78 years old woman. She came in a wheelchair and now without having the need of a wheelchair, she is now serving CKRM Church as an usher. Our youngest co-worker is an 8 years old girl. She works on the computer during worship and despite working on the computer, she would also be singing with her hands moving & responding to the worship song.

Now that CKRM is in Malacca, we also see God’s hand at work (can view many awesome testimonies posted in http://www.ckrm.org/. )At this point, I recalled there was a vibrant ministry. However, the pastor went against God’s decision and using the time to criticize CKRM. Within 1-2 years, I witnessed the ministry being dismantled.

We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Paul taught in Philippians 2:12, "we should continue to work out for our own salvation with fear & trembling." If we seriously take Paul's teaching and work out for our own salvation with fear & trembling, we would be so busy repenting that we would not have really the time to be critical or judging others.

As it is written, if the Spirit of the Lord rest on a person with Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord, he will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears" (Isaiah 11:2-3).

It is by His grace that we can be obedient and do the will of the Father. All glory and praise belongs to Him, and peace and joy to His beloved children! Amen!

Translation into Mandarin

我从没有想过以我这个受英文教育,生活完全西方化的人。神会呼召我进入华文华语的事奉,更糟糕的是命令我与一位非常保守受华文教育,而且是有家庭,有已长大的孩子的姐妹配搭。对我来说真是不可思议 而难以接受。


以斯帖牧师与我的配搭是神赐於我们的命令,以行走在能力与启示的事奉。这是狮子与羔羊的事工。我们的使命是去得着主内肢体,在圣灵的恩膏下,开启神给予他们的属灵恩赐 (歌林多前书 12:8-10),找到自己在基督身子的位置,好装备成为神家中贵重的器皿,末日的精兵,去拆毁邪恶的势力,得着仇敌的城门,预备主的再来!



神在2003年底和2005年初,奇妙的各别把我们引领来到新加坡基督徒祷告院,做最后的装备。在2007 年 CKRM 正式成立。以下两篇见证可提供一点神如何呼召我们进入这事工和我们因为顺服神的命令而走过的风雨路 。

The Season for me to be at Singapore Christian Prayer House


公义和冠冕 (Crown & Righteousness)

在那段与神挣扎着要如何顺服的日子,神感动我 去读撒母耳记上 15章。对世人而言,把无辜的妇女,小孩,婴孩都杀了,这命令绝对是错误的,是愚蠢,是疯狂的,是天大的罪过。以现在的眼光来说,这叫着种族灭绝,这样的行为可说是犯下涛天大罪 ,是要被判死刑的。但对神而言,这是他给扫罗的命令 ,这样就不是罪了。相反的扫罗因为没有完全顺服尊行神的命令而得罪了神。

撒母耳记上 15:22-23 耶和华喜悦燔祭和平安祭,如喜悦人听从他的话呢?听命胜于献祭,顺从胜于公羊的脂油。悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等。顽梗的罪与拜虚神拜偶像相同。你既厌弃耶和华的命令,耶和华也厌弃你做王。


虽然神的灵已离开扫罗,但当时扫罗还是坐在王位上。今天很多在职场上的牧师领袖也一样,因为不顺服 而得罪了神,神的荣耀已离开了 ,他们还不知道。这可从他们的事工的停顿不前,甚直被神拆除就可看到,但事实是他们本身还不知道。


以赛亚书 29:13-14 因为这白姓亲近我,用嘴唇尊近我,心切远离我。他们尊敬我,不过是领受人的吩咐。所以我在这白姓中,要行奇妙的事,就是奇妙又奇妙的事,他们知慧人的知慧必然消灭,聪明人的聪明必然隐藏。以赛亚书 55:8 我的意念非同你们的意念,我的道路非同你们的道路。

16.04.2009 是CKRM 二周年记念, 我为神在CKRM 的工作而惊叹,从一个几个人的祷告小组在短时间发展到有三堂主日崇拜。这除了神,有谁能做呢? 神除了祝福 CKRM 有很健康的资金,更带领很多同工来到 。很多原本没有家,被神更新了的弟兄姐妹,有些神感动他们留下来服侍。


现在 CKRM 已经进军马六甲,也看到神的手在马六甲做工(可上网享受神如何祝福弟兄姐妹。http://www.ckrm.org/ )写到这里让我想起,有一个原本很有活力的事工,后因牧者不顺服神的带领,违背神的心意,很可惜把时间用在批评论断 CKRM 我看到在这一两年内很快的下降,最后被神拆除。

罗马书 3:23 世人都犯了罪亏欠了神的荣耀。保罗在菲立比书 2:12 教导我们要为自己的救恩恐惧战兢,以持守神给你的救恩。若是受教的,真正爱主的,那你就不会让仇敌来使用你,去损伤别人,诽谤别人。所做的就是在拆毁神的工作。最后自己的事工被拆除。

以赛亚书 11:2-3 若我们有主耶和华的七个灵 :耶和华的灵住在身上,智慧的灵,聪明的灵,谋略的灵,能力的灵,知识的 灵,和敬畏耶和华的灵。那我们就可以审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻。


Written by Ps Paul Ang
Translated by Ps Esther Chow

God told me to come to CKRM Malacca in a dream - Sis Georginia 神用异梦引领我去马六甲的CKRM

The Lord spoke to me in a dream. In the dream, I saw that I was running on a street with lamp posts hanging with banners on my right. Suddenly a bus drove passed me and so close enough to knock me. However, the Lord protected me from this nasty accident.

When the bus stopped in front of me, I saw a very big word “God.”

Then, my Church cell group member, Bro Thomas sent me a text message, inviting me to come to CKRM Malacca as he had received a confirmation that the Lord wanted me to come.

Thomas, his wife and I left Klang for Malacca on 6th April 2009. On the way to CKRM Leadership Training Centre, Malacca, there were so many banners hanging on the lamp posts. When the vehicle stopped at the traffic light junction, I saw a Toyota car next to our vehicle, with the back screen pasted with a sticker with the word “God.” I then told Thomas that this was the scene I saw in my dream.

On arrival at CKRM Malacca, I excitedly shared the dream with Pastor Paul. Pastor Paul then asked me to open my heart to the Lord. Suddenly the power of God came upon me and I trembled and shake uncontrollably.

It was not the end. During ministry time, the power of God came upon me so strongly which I have never in my own life experienced such strong anointing before. The fire of God came upon me and activated the ‘Roar’ of the Lion of Judah and I was also manifesting soaring like an eagle. Both the pastors of CKRM told me that the Lord is increasing the gift of prophecy in my life. Then I began to minister to a sister setting her free from certain bondages under the anointing of the ‘Roar’ of the Lion of Judah (Amos 3:8, Revelation 10:3).

Praise the Lord for His love & grace that He has chosen me to come to CKRM to be empowered for ministry. Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Praise the Lord. Surely He is good (Psalm 73:1). Amen! I am thoroughly amazed by His love to show me precisely what is to take place.

I am encouraged by His word, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8). Amen!

Sis Georginia

Footnote: A link to A Reader's Research on the Lion's Roar.

神用异梦引领我去马六甲的CKRM - Sis Georginia

感谢主!祂在梦里向我说话。在梦中, 我看到自己不停的奔跑在一条街上,在我右手旁的路灯都挂着旗。突然, 一辆巴士很靠近地驶过我, 差一点把我撞倒。但是主保护了我, 意外没有发生。当巴士停在我面前时, 我看见一个很大的”神”字。接着, 我接到一位教会小组的组员, Thomas弟兄的电话信息, 邀请我去马六甲的CKRM。他说他已向神求证,是神的心意主要我去。

Thomas弟兄与妻子还有我三个人,在二零零九年四月六日从Klang前往马六甲。在途中, 我看到在我的右手旁,有许多旗挂在路灯上。当汽车停在交通灯路口时, 我看见一辆Toyota的汽车停在我们的车旁, 车后的镜子贴着“God” 。我在这时跟Thomas弟兄说这就是我在梦里见到的景象一模一样。

抵达马六甲CKRM后, 我兴奋地与Pastor Paul分享我的异梦。Pastor Paul接着叫我向神敞开我的心。忽然, 神的大能降在我身上, 使我身体不停战抖与震动

在聚会时, 神的大能几次大大地降在我身上。我这一生从没经历过那么强的恩膏。神的圣火降在我身上,启动了犹大狮子的吼叫(阿摩司书3:8)。同时, 我也彰显如老鹰飞翔。CKRM的两位牧师告诉我,主在增加我启事的恩膏。接着, 我在恩膏下使用犹大狮子的吼叫服侍一位姐妹, 使她从许多属灵的捆绑中得释放。
赞美主的大爱和恩典, 拣选我,带领我来到CKRM来领受恩膏,刚强我的灵,装备我,好让我有能力来事奉祂。

主 耶 和 华 若 不 将 奥 秘 指 示 他 的 仆 人 ─ 众 先 知 , 就 一 无 所 行 (阿 摩 司 書 3:7)。神 实 在 恩 待 以 色 列 那 些 清 心 的 人 (詩 篇 73:1)!我 要 教 导 你 , 指 示 你 当 行 的 路 ; 我 要 定 睛 在 你 身 上 劝 戒 你 (詩 篇 32:8)。阿门!

Sis Georginia