Anointing of the Lion of Judah's Roar & Jesus' Whip made me more sensitive to the move of God - Sharon / 犹大狮子吼叫的恩膏和耶稣的鞭子使到我对神的带领更加敏锐。

Email from Sharon

Well Pastor Paul, I missed your session during Chinese New Year time as I was away hometown and when I came back and heard of all the things that God did and what happened in Portals of Glory and also from Gina and also reading your blogspot and the various testimonies I was very eager to experience for myself for it is nothing like seeing and experience it for yourself.

When you finally agree to come to Portals of Glory on 15 April 2009, I came early from office and did not go back home in Subang as I did not want to be caught in the traffic jam and we started early and worship before the rest arrived.

When you called me for to be prayed for the anointing of the ‘Roar’ of the Lion of Judah, yes I was a bit sceptical at first as I have never done it before and yes I have seen the manifestations before.

When the anointing was released to me, I felt like something within my body and sometimes it is so hard to describe I just know something is different and it just makes me want to just let go and I could not control it. I have always been a back bencher and observe and that day I just let the Lord use me and it was my first experience.

I can’t believe myself roaring in front of people ...that is not me ...anyway....!!!! When you called me for the second time to be prayed again, I felt more comfortable and was able to receive more. Praise God!!!

Again the whip is very different, the fact that you don’t literally see the whip and when it is released, I felt so much power, fire, and I don’t know,,,very strong anointing, entirely different from the first and it was yes very very strong.

As a result, I am now even more sensitive to the move of God when I am in the presence of God and just wanting more of God..., spending more time in worship and the word.

Praise God and all glory to Jesus for what He has done!!!!



A Reader's Research on the Lion's Roar.

Our Mission to the Klang Valley


Sharon 姐妹的电邮

保罗牧师,因着我回了家乡,很可惜的,我错过了在农历新年时的聚会。当我回来的时候,我听到好多神奇妙的作为,以及在Portals of Glory祈祷院所发生的一切事。除了Gina姐妹的分享,我也上网到你的部落格读了许多的见证。我好渴慕,很想自己也能亲身经历到神的能力。

当你答应在2009年四月十五号来Portals of Glory 祈祷院 时,为了避免遇到交通阻塞, 就提早从办公室离开到祈祷院去。在其他人还没到达之前,我们就开始在那儿敬拜。 我虽然曾经见过犹大狮子吼叫的彰显, 但是,当你要为我祷告领受犹大狮子吼叫的恩膏时,我起初有点怀疑,因为我从未吼叫过。当那恩膏浇灌 在我身上时,我觉得我身体里有一股力量(有时就是不知怎样用言语来形容,只知道在我体内跟平时是不一样的), 这股力量使到我无法控制,那感觉就是想要释放出来。




Sharon 姐妹


Thomas Ong said...

Praise God at least one more person receive the roar of Lion of Judah in Klang Valley. Look forward the testimony from a brother (fr DUMC?) who receive the impartation on The Sword in Portal of Glory.