My Spiritual Breakthrough - Pastor David Yew (In Mandarin and English)

在太太的带领下,我前年尾第一次来到CKRM ,记得那是一个星期六的下午,他们称为权能事奉。这是我第一次看见圣灵恩赐的彰显,如 犹大狮子的吼叫,老鹰的彰显,等等。还有其他恩赐的彰显是我以前从来没有见过的。同时被一位弟兄向我说出知慧的言语所感动,因他所说的正是我当时的光景。
我也第一次接受保罗牧师的服侍,也是第一次被圣灵击倒在地上,我觉得被神触摸 那感觉真好。这对我来说是一个突破,因为在这之前我是不大愿意到讲台前接受牧者的祷告。其中一个缘因是骄傲的心态,觉得自己不需要被服侍。后来 终于明白,被服侍也是一种祝福,以往不正切的心态让自己失去许多祝福。
我被这里的服侍所吸引,若不是亲身经历,我还真难相信所发生的事情,看到圣灵极大的作为,无论是敬拜或祷告,当圣灵来时,总是有奇妙的事情发生,我太太也一样,几乎每个星期都到,常常听到许多的见证, 很多人的生命被改变,被更新,有病得医治,邪灵被赶出去,得释放,很多弟兄姐妹被圣灵充满,灵命被挑旺,领受各种属灵恩赐,传福音时感觉更有能力,愈渴慕的,领受越多,当然也包括我本人,感谢主把圣灵的能力降在我身上彰显有如打雷闪电一样。(哈巴谷书3:4)
过了不久,按着神的旨意,开始了华语的聚会,感谢神的恩典让我们夫妇能参以服侍,也藉着这些服侍让我们有机会学习操练神所给我们的恩赐,我们也进一步融入CKRM 的事工中,也从一名会众变成 同工。成为 CKRM 的同工,让我再一次被装备和提升。在这里让我看到牧者和同工,在圣工上,无论大小,凡事都先祷告,寻求神的旨意,以及他们在灵里的那种敏锐,与神关系的密切是我以前没见过的。
在不断领受恩膏之下,我发觉在我预备信息时更有亮光,更有神的话语,还有在写歌,填词方面,神也给我更多的恩膏。自从来了CKRM 我也感觉到在写歌填词方面,进度也比以前快多了。感谢赞美神,祂是伟大的创作者,我只不过是祂的抄写员。把从祂那里领受的写出来。一切荣耀都归给祂。
过去一年,神在多方面装备我们夫妇领受不同的恩赐,神也通过异梦告诉我要带很多的老人进来 。今年2009是时候了,我们夫妇要全心全意回应神对我们的呼召,满足他的心,感谢主!



Translation to English

I never thought that coming to CKRM is God’s arrangement, and the beginning of a new season of serving.

Under the leading of my wife, I went to CKRM for the first time at the end of 2007. I remembered that it was a Saturday afternoon and CKRM was running an Empowerment ministry. It was the first time I saw the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; manifestations such as the roar of the Lion of Judah, the prophetic eagle etc. There were also other manifestations which I have not seen before. I was also touched by the words of wisdom spoken by a brother who correctly described what I was going through back then.

It was also the first time I was ministered by Pastor Paul and the first time I fell to the ground under the power of God. It felt really good to be touched by God. This was a breakthrough for me because prior to my visitation to CKRM, I was reluctant to go to the front to be prayed for by the pastors. My pride hindered me from receiving many blessings and impartation of gifts by the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, I finally understood that being ministered to is a form of blessing and my incorrect mentality has caused me to miss out on many blessings in the past.

I was drawn to the ministry in CKRM. If not for my own experience, I would find it incredible to believe the amazing work of the Holy Spirit. Be it worship or prayer, whenever the Holy Spirit comes, wonderful things will happen. My wife who attended CKRM almost every week, heard and witnessed plenty of testimonies of lives of many people transformed, the sick getting healed, deliverance from evil spirits and many brothers and sisters being filled with the Holy Spirit. Many of them were imparted with various gifts of the Holy Spirit and felt more effective when spreading the Gospel. Those with greater hunger receive even more, and that includes me. I received the lighting anointing as described in Hab. 3:4. Praise God !

Some time ago, my wife was down with high fever. I prayed for her by faith and her fever was gone! Praise God ! Shortly after, according to God’s will, CKRM started a Chinese church service. By the grace of God, my wife and I became part of this ministry. It provided us the opportunity to learn and practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit while we served. Through serving, we also got more and more involved in the ministry in CKRM and eventually served as ministers there. As a minister in CKRM, I was again equipped and raised by God. Here in CKRM, I saw the pastors and workers seeking the will of God in all things big or small in the ministry. Their level of sensitivity and intimacy with the Holy Spirit was something I have never seen before in the past.

As the anointing increased, I receive even more revelations and God’s word as I prepare my sermons. God has also increased my anointing in song writing and I could do it more quickly than before. Praise God for He is the great Creator and I am only a vessel who pen down what I receive from Him. All glory to God !

By the grace of God, I was ordained as a pastor for the Hokkien/Cantonese church service in mid 2008. I continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling, fearing that my flaws will let God down even as I served. I told myself that I have to cast my eyes even more on God, lean even more on Him, discipline myself even more, learn and enrich myself even more and ultimately, serve God with more of my heart.

Over the past one year, God has empowered my wife and I with various spiritual gifts. God has also prompted us to bring more elderly to church through the dreams we had at night. 2009 is the year where my wife and I will fully devote ourselves to the calling God has placed in our lives. We want to please Him … praise God.

Under the wonderful leading of a wonderful God, I experience the wondering process of being called, and had a very enriching spiritual life in 2008. All glory, authority and praise to God !!!

Pastor David Yew


Anonymous said...


他再CKRM所领受的,从我认识他到现在(5个月)又有很大的改变了,加添了活泼与幽默,因我们的 神是活泼幽默的。

Ps David,我忠心支持你,加油、加油
Your "Fans"

Anonymous said...

感谢神!不知不觉与姚牧师夫妇相处也有一年多的时间。刚开始时,姚牧师给我的感觉是谦卑和好好先生,但却非常保守的类型。我总觉得他会很难接受CKRM圣灵彰显。 但在最近的这几个月看到他的大突破,唱大戏,使用神的恩赐等等的!真是令人感到兴奋!真是在神凡事都能!


Ps David & Sis Alice, 多多加油!