我终于等到了!- 林宝算 (With English Translation)


但心里却非常渴慕。我常常在家祷告神洁净我,更新我的灵;但是我的灵命还是那样的枯干,事奉没有能力, 生命也没有圣灵的彰显。神明白我的心意也了解我肉体的软弱。蒙主恩典, 不久后我在CKRM 经历了圣灵成了我生命的转泪点。以下是我的见证。


许多人身上都彰显了圣灵超自然的能力。我恒心的向神祈求传福音的恩赐然后等候。 29-09-07 当保罗牧师说神降下传福音恩膏时,我毫不犹豫开口张手领受。感谢主耶稣,我终于等到了!

今年中秋节我家开放作小组布道会。事前我为失丧灵魂祷告,高举和赞美神大能的荣耀来吸人归向主 耶稣。结果总共有20多个人出席而其中有好几人接受了主耶稣。荣耀归于神。


馬太福音 7:7-8



My wait is finally over ! - Sis Lim Poh Suan
One day, while reading a book about the Holy Spirit, I realised that Christians are to receive supernatural power from the Holy Spirit. Although I did not know how to get this supernatural power, my heart yearned very much for it. I often prayed at home for God to sanctify me and rejuvenate my spirit but my spiritual life remained dry, my serving had no power and there was no manifestation of the Holy Spirit in my life. God knows my heart and understands my weaknesses. By the Grace of God, I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in CKRM shortly after and that was the turning point. Below is my testimony:

I did not feel out of place when I first came to CKRM as everybody treated each other like family and I felt joyous there. Pastor Paul taught about the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, and God also gave me scriptures on it. I saw with my own eyes how God is using Pastor Paul. Whenever God’s anointing falls, many have physical manifestations of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Determined, I prayed to God for the anointing to spread the Gospel and waited. When Pastor Paul said that God is pouring out the anointing for spreading the Gospel on 29th of Sept 2007, I did not hesitate to open my mouth and arms to receive it. Thank you Jesus, the wait is finally over.

A cell group meeting was held at my house during the mooncake festival in 2008. Prior to the meeting, I prayed for the souls of the unsaved, highly exalted and praised God so that the people will come to the Lord, Jesus. In the end, more than 20 people attended the cell meeting and quite a number of them accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Glory to God !

I encourage everybody to grab the opportunity to come to CKRM regularly to be anointed, always be spiritually hungry and don’t give up; open your mouth and arms to receive the blessings of God.

Matthew 7:7-8

Ask, Seek, Knock

7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

I hereby thank God’s anointed servants, Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther, and also the brothers and sisters in Christ for their love, care and help. All Glory to Jesus !!!