Today's Youth Corner - Testimonies



我是在Trinity Christian Centre接受主,当时是10岁,15岁在Hope of God被圣灵充满。但是我后退了,原因是观念的差别,我从没经历过被神触摸。

从15至24岁,9年当中我过的是挣扎,沮丧和甚至于倾向自杀的生活。得知CKRM是从马克弟兄口中诉说他在CKRM怎样被 神触摸和生命的翻转。认识马克已许多年,知道他的背景与困境。他能有这样的改变,叫我即好奇又兴奋的要去CKRM,希望自已也能被神触摸,能有机会经历神。

从不知道神是那么美好,再不能想象的情况下,第一次参加聚会, 神就在我身上开始动工释放我。当提摩太弟兄在主圣灵恩膏临到他时,我不受控制从椅子上跌到地上,并开始不断呕吐, 虽然我满身是罪,慈爱的神并没有抛弃,我不理我。相反的神的恩膏不断降下,在 长达七小时后,我终于很大被释放,当时也有好几位弟兄姐妹为我祷告赶去邪灵。


在Ps Paul和 Ps Esther不断的向主恳求施下更多的圣火,我不但被倒空,被洁净,我也能开始领受圣灵的能力。 感谢主!我会继续来CKRM领受神的洁净与能力。


在这两个月里,神在我生命的工作没有间断, 我的父母也察觉我的改变,甚至有一天妈妈来问我那来的玫瑰香味,从厨房弥漫到客厅一整晚。我告诉她说那是耶稣爱的芳香。

神不但大大的祝福我的生活,同时也祝福我的经济,在投资上也给于帮助,我现在不能全工作,因为我还是全职学生;我凭着信心给于十一奉献,祈求神来看顾我的一切。祂是听祷告的神,在我的投资上的利润在2个月内上升了3次, 从10%至18%到6%。


Hui Lian

(Translation to English)

Revival of my Spiritual life

I would like to share a testimony of God's goodness to me.

My name is Hui Lian and I began to attend CKRM Sat Empowerment Ministry in the month of Dec 2008. Back then I was a backslider and under the bondage of sin, unforgiveness and depression.

I came to accept God when I was 10 years of age at Trinity Christian Centre, and was filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of 15 at Hope of God. But due to the belief system of the church I attended back then, I had never experienced deliverance.

Hence I struggled for 9 years of my life from the age 15 to 24 with suicide and depression. I came to know of CKRM through Brother Mark, as I knew him for many years, I knew of his struggles so when he told me that CKRM had touched and changed him, I was so excited and decided to come to CKRM with an open heart.

I never expected God to deliver me when I first came to CKRM. When the presence of God and His glory came upon Brother Timothy, I manifested right there in my chair. This lead to a 7 hour deliverance, where everyone in CKRM prayed and started to cast out all the demons.

I was touched by God for He has shown His mercy, despite all my sins and shortcomings.

Through Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther who kept calling down the fire of God, I was cleansed and empowered. I continue to attend services in CKRM to be further cleansed and empowered.

After that, I was ready to receive my first impartation of God's anointing. This rekindled my spiritual zeal and sensitivity for Jesus and I began to attend church service faithfully. I found my purpose in God and even though fear and terror may grip the world, I know everything is going to be alright as God is in control now.

God's hand has moved so powerfully in my life over the course of 2 months, that even my parents notice the change in me. My mother even came up to me and asked me what was the sweet rose scent that was coming out from the kitchen the whole night. And as I began to explain to her that it was the sweet presence of Jesus, the scent began to fill the entire house again.

The Lord has also blessed me financially; as I am a full time student therefore I am therefore not working. Hence as I began to tithe faithfully and I pray and ask God to protect and watch over every area of my life, the Lord turned my investments around. In the last week of January, He grew my investment by 10%. 1st week of Feb by another 18%, 2nd week of Feb by another 6%! Praise God! I want to thank God for changing my life around. He has given me hope when I was hopeless. He has exchanged my sorrow for His joy. The Lord is indeed faithful. Praise God!

Hui Lian


Delivered from playing Computer Warfare Game - by Geraldine Tan

Last Sunday, I brought my 14 year old son to CKRM for the Youth Service.
During Ministry time, when Pastor Paul started to pray for him, he started to feel cold and shivered and that was the first time he fell under the Power of God. One of the co-workers was quick to identify the demonic graphic on the t-shirt he wore was a barrier for him to receive deliverance. After he took out the t-shirt, the deliverance went very smooth for him.

On the same day when he went back, he was obedience to delete the software from his computer. All Praise and Glory to God.

Geraldine Tan


Thomas Ong said...

Ricardo Cid, during his 8 hours to heaven. In celestial realm of darkness where Satan and his demons inhabit, he saw the Thundercats and Power Rangers and caricatures from animations and horror movies in real life. All of the creators of these movies and animations have formed a pact with the devil to produce these things for television and cinema!! All of those drawings come from that spiritual realm that I experienced. Why do you think that nowadays children are so rebellious?? It's because those demons enter into your children as they view these shows that depict them