Miracle of Instant Weight Loss at CKRM Malacca - Bro Thomas Ong / 马六甲CKRM 急速减肥的神迹

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.(Isaiah 43:18-19 NLT)

During CKRM Malacca service, I have been asked by Pastor Paul Ang to share and minister to the congregation. When I prayed for miracle of instant weight loss. Our Sister Deborah, Vice-Chairman of CKRM Banting, received miracle of instant weight loss! Deborah said "I am filled with the power of Holy Spirit and I have lost 6kg, from 65Kg to 59Kg! My hips has been reduced by 8 inches miraculously in the Glory!" She then added 'As a professional beautician it has been a part of my job to help people to lose weight, and now, the miracle of instant weight loss will help me to evangelise to my customers that God can do all things!"

Praise the Lord for the new wave of signs and wonders!


马六甲CKRM 急速减肥的神迹

“你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。看哪,我要做一件新事;如今要发现,你们岂不知道麽?我必在旷野开道路,在沙漠开江河”( 以賽亞書43:18-19)


当我祷告神向会众彰显急速减肥的神迹时,我们的底波拉姐妹 (CKRM 万津 超自然治疗中心的副主席), 竟神迹般的领受了超自然的急速减肥!

底波拉姐妹说:“我被圣灵大大地充满并减少了6公斤的体重,从65公斤 减到 59公斤!我的臀部在荣耀中神迹般的减少了8寸” 。她继续说:“身为一位专业美容师,帮助顾客瘦身减肥是我工作的一部分。现在这急速减肥的神迹将在我向顾客传福音述说神凡事都能行上给于很大的帮助!”
