CKRM万津超自然治疗中心新一波的神迹奇事 - Thomas Ong弟兄 / New Wave of Signs & Wonders at CKRM Banting Church by Bro Thomas Ong

哈利路亚! 刚从CKRM万津超自然治疗中心回来也对在那儿新一波的神迹奇事感到震惊。在大概两个星期前, 主感动我的灵将会有急速减肥, 金牙和其他令人惊叹的神迹奇事将在CKRM巴生超自然治疗事工里彰显。令人吃惊的, 当保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师为我祷告时, 也印征我的事工会有急速减肥, 金牙神迹奇事的恩膏。当我为CKRM万津超自然治疗中心的会友祷告时, 我们的“飓风Chia”弟兄就得了一颗金牙! 赞美主以这新一波的神迹奇事彰了显祂的爱! 万军之耶和华说:银子是我的,金子也是我的。这殿後来的荣耀必大过先前的荣耀;在这地方我必赐平安。这是万军之耶和华说的。(哈該書 2:8-9)

我分享了威廉西摩尔带领Azusa Street复兴的故事(1906-1910)。威廉西摩尔会把一个盒子放在头顶上十分钟到一小时, 然后顺从神的指示将盒子拿下来, 起来做神叫他做的事。那谦卑和顺服的举动显然是神的能力被大大的彰显出来的原因之一。神使用威廉西摩尔展示的两个最显著的神迹是一个十年没有手臂的人长出一只全新的手,还有一位装着木脚的人长出一只全新的脚! 这些神迹奇事当场发生在会友面前!

这使我想起保罗牧师的谦卑和顺服于圣灵的带领下, 不怕被批评地在讲台使用属灵的武器, 以施展神在医治和装备祂子民的大能。

西摩尔很可能是屈服于人的压力而没有顺服神。当他停止将盒子放在头上时, 也是他第一次令人感到失望。

在Azusa,神shekinah的荣耀是很明显的, 就像一朵荣光四射的云彩。小孩们在长凳下爬行, 睡觉, 几乎看不到地上, 甚至在云雾里抓迷藏! 消防员曾因接到电话告知大厦失火而赶到现场。抵达时却什么火都没有看到。John Lake解释说火是从天堂降入大厦继而再往上升与从上面下来的火会合。

威廉西摩尔在1910 年发预言说在一百年后, 将会有神的灵和祂Shekinah荣耀再次倾倒在世上。而那荣耀将远远超越先前Azusa所经历的。如今那一百年将要来临了,我们期待不久后将经历神Shekinah的荣耀。葡萄牙人是在1511年把福音通过马六甲带入马来西亚。保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师发预言自1511年的五百年后, 神的大能将大大的倾倒在马六甲。 从天堂古时的大门, 神将再次探望这干旱之地! 这将会是更大的荣耀,更大的神迹奇事, 更大的恩宠,更大的恩典,敬拜赞美有更大的突破,更大的喜乐,更大的“新事”和神更大的Shekinah荣耀将要到访!

这称为我名下的子民,若是自卑、祷告,寻求我的面,转离他们的恶行,我必从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地。(歷代志下 7:14)

神复兴我们的地的方程式永不改变。 在歷代志下 7:14, 就带着四个基本的重点: 谦碑, 顺服, 祷告和期望。盼望(H.O.P.E.) - 就是复兴的钥匙。

Hallelujah! Just came back from CKRM Banting Church and overwhelmed by a new wave of signs and wonders. About 2 weeks ago, the Lord put inspiration in my heart that there will be miracle of instant weight loss, gold tooth and other outrageous miracle in CKRM Klang Divine Healing Ministry. Amazingly, when Pastor Paul Ang & Pastor Esther, prayed over me, confirmed the anointing of signs and wonders for instant weight loss and gold tooth in my ministry. When I prayed for the congregation in Banting church for the instant weight loss and gold tooth, our Hurricane Chia received gold tooth! Praise the Lord for this new wave of signs and wonders as a manifestation of His love!
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.'" (Hag 2:8-9 ESV) 

I was sharing about the story of Azusa Street Revival that led by Brother William Seymour (1906-1910). Brother Seymour would put the box over his head about 10min to an hour & later would take the box off when directed by God, get up and do what God told him to do. That apparent act of humble obedience led to mighty power when he removed the box. The two significant miracles that the Lord used Bro. Seymour to perform was growing out a new arm for a man with no arm for 10 years, and growing out a new leg for a man with a wooden leg! These miracles happen instantly in front of the congregation!

This reminded me when Pastor Paul Ang, in humble obedience to the leading of Holy Spirit, exercising spiritual weapon in the pulpit, without fear of being criticized, led to mighty demonstration of dunamis power of God in healing and empowering His people.

When Seymour stopped putting the box on his head, it was the first time he was ever disappointed in the man. Most probably Seymour surrendered to the pressure man rather than staying obedient to God.

The shekinah Glory in Azusa was visible. It's like a cloud of glory. Children was crawled under the pew, took a nap, hardly see the ground, and even played hide and seek in the mist! Fire department coming because of a call that the building was on fire. When they arrived, they didn’t see any fire. John Lake explained that the fire was coming down from heaven into the building and fire was going up and to meet the fire coming down.

In 1910 William Seymour prophesied that in 100 years there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Shekinah Glory that will be greater and more far reaching than what was experienced at Azusa. Now that the hundred years are upon us, there is anticipation that we will soon experience the Shekinah Glory. It's in 1511, Portuguese brought the Good News into Malaysia through Malacca. Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther prophesied 500 years from 1511, there will be an outpouring of God's power in Malacca, the ancient portal of heaven, where God will visit this dry land again! There will be greater glory, greater miracle, signs and wonders, greater favour, greater grace, greater breakthrough in praise and worship, greater joy, greater 'new thing', greater visitation of God's Shekinah Glory!

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2Ch 7:14 ESV)

God never change His formula in revive our land. In 2 Chronicle 7:14, 4 basic characteristics: Humility, Obedience, Prayer & Expectation. H.O.P.E - The key of revival.

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Bro. Benjamin explained the reason of gold tooth in his post 'Who is the God of Fire?"

Sid Roth's Interview with Tommy Welchel - Azusa Street Revival