Before I went to CKRM, I’m just a normal Christian. I hate to go to church because for me it’s meaningless and there is nothing to look forward to. When I heard about CKRM from my dad, in my heart it’s just another church with nothing special and I didn’t want to go. I said “it’s boring!”so my father got angry and we exchanged words. In the end, my father said that if I didn’t want to go, he would not give me pocket money to school. I went reluctantly. When Ps. Paul & Ps. Esther saw us coming in, they were very friendly.
When ministry started, I saw Ps. Paul using the“Sword Of The Spirit” (Heb 4:12), the “Hammer” (Jeremiah 23:29), the “Whip”(Isaiah 10:26) and other weapons. He usually gave me “Holy Laughter (Psalm 126:2) but I was still not interested in this gift. I would find excuses not to attend CKRM but my father was persistent. So, I went but on that day, Ps. Paul didn’t give me“Holy Laughter”. Instead, he gave me the “Whip”. When he whipped me, I could feel the whip going through my flesh and it hit my spirit man. I could also see the whip and its colour. I felt something different and amazing. Since then, I looked forward to go to CKRM and I felt happy after each visit. In one of the meetings, my spiritual eyes were opened and I could see angels in CKRM. When Ps. Paul talked about a“Wall of Fire” (Zechariah 2:5), I could see the“Wall of Fire”. Since then God had also given me visions. It was an exciting and interesting spiritual walk with the Lord after all these encounters.
When I attended the 2nd Joshua Camp, I felt very different. I had attended a lot of church camps but this was different. I witnessed the awesome Power of God in CKRM which I had never experienced before in my entire Christian life. My spirit man has become very sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
The 3rd Joshua Camp was even better. The people from Singapore were very friendly and I loved to fellowship with them. I witnessed all kinds of manifestations of the Power of God and I was very blessed. I didn’t know why but every time when Ps. Paul or Ps. Esther asked “Yes” or “No” regarding things of God, I will automatically say“Ya,ya,ya”. It’s indeed very funny and I couldn’t control saying it aloud.
Now I am not scared of praying and I even prayed during the camp! I even prophesied during the camp. God has brought me and my sister to Heaven’s gate and I even went inside the gates and met Jesus. He spoke to me and told me that I cannot stay in Heaven yet. I have work to do for Him on earth. Heaven is very very beautiful, filled with gold, diamonds, rubies, crystals etc. The experience was awesome and fantastic!
Now, I look forward to go to CKRM with enthusiasm. I will obey what my God asked me to do and I pray more people will come to CKRM to experience God. God does not look at the outward appearance of a person but He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). I want to thank Ps. Paul and Ps. Esther for this opportunity to write my testimony. Thank you and God bless you abundantly.
Joel Quek (Little Joel )
Pastor’s Footnote:
Little Joel is 14 years old. Many teenagers today are addicted to playing demonized computer game at the game arcade. A man of God wrote, “I believe that if the Churches do not begin to move in greater power than is recorded in Church history, we will lose the current generation who is starved to see the supernatural --- causing millions to flock to movies like Harry Porter and join the demonically influenced streams and cults.”
小Joel 的见证 - 我在约书亚营发预言
在去CKRM之前,我是个普通的基督徒。我讨厌去教会因为对我而言,教会即没意思也没有什么可期待的。当我从父亲那里听到CKRM, 我心里想只是另一个没什么特别的教会,所以我根本不想去。我对父亲说“无聊!”使他非常生气,因此我们发生争辩。最后,我的父亲说如果我不去,他就不给我上学的零用钱。我唯有心不干情不愿的去了。当保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师看见我们进来,他们都非常友善。
当聚会开始时,我看见保罗牧师使用“属灵的宝剑” (希伯来书 4:12), “锤子” (耶利米书 23:29), “鞭子” (以赛亚书 10:26) 和其他的武器。他通常让我经历 “圣灵的喜乐” (诗篇 126:2)。但我对这恩赐并不感兴趣。我会找借口不出席CKRM的聚会。但是我父亲却坚持我得去。所以我去了。但是那天,保罗牧师没有让我经历 “圣灵的喜乐”。他反而让我领受“鞭子”。当他鞭我的时候,我可以感觉到鞭子穿过我的皮肉并且击中我的灵人。我也可以看到鞭子和它的颜色。这使我感觉到不同和惊奇。从此之后,我期待去CKRM并且在每次聚会后都很开心。在其中一个聚会,我的灵眼被打开而我看见CKRM里有天使。当保罗牧师讲到“火墙”时 (撒迦利亚 2:5),我可以看见这“火墙”。从此之后,神也给我看见异象。经历过这些属灵遇际后,与主同行确实刺激又有趣。
现在,我不怕祷告甚至在营会时祷告! 我也在营会时发预言。神带我和妹妹去到天堂的大门而我甚至走进去见主耶稣。祂与我交谈并且告诉我,我还不可以呆在天堂因我在世上还有事要为祂办。天堂非常非常美丽,布满了黄金,钻石,宝石和水晶等等。这经历真是惊叹,太棒了!
现在,我热切期待去CKRM。我会顺从神叫我做的事并且我祷告更多的人来CKRM经历神。神不看外貌;耶和华是看内心 (撒母耳记上 16:7)。我要感谢保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师给我这机会写我的见证。谢谢你们。愿神丰丰足足的祝福你们。
Paul 牧师注:
小Joel 今年十四岁。今日许多青少年都被电子暴力与魔幻游戏吸引而在电动游戏场所流连忘返。有一位神的仆人如此写:“我相信今日的教会若不开始运行在比以往教会历史中更大的能力的话,我们将会失去这些对超自然能力饥渴慕义的年轻一代---促使千万的灵魂涌向‘哈里波特’般的电影和受到邪恶潮流的影响或加入异教团体”等。
In the afternoon, Ps Esther taught on the 5-fold ministry and prophecy. Each and every one has a different calling and needs to complement one another. God, not us, decides where we will be positioned in the body of Christ (John 15:16). For those in the 5-fold ministry, God demands more from them. She illustrated the 5-fold ministry by using our 5 fingers. The personalities that usually accompany the various callings were also mentioned. If you are called to be an Apostle, you will have a prominent leadership character. However, a Prophet’s personality is rather unpredictable. The Evangelists is a people-person while a Pastor carries a harmonies character. The Teacher on the other hand, is likely to be a perfectionist who is very orderly and systematic.
After touching on Apostles and Prophets, Ps Esther taught on prophecy, pointing out that it is God’s heartbeat for all to prophecy. Scripture is the highest form of revelation and all modern day’s prophecies are subjected to the authority of God’s Word. She ended her teaching by pointing out the difference between gift of prophecy, the office of prophet and the Spirit of prophecy as well as how one can receive a Word from God. This is followed a practical session whereby everyone got into groups of four to exercise the gift of prophecy. There was reluctance in many of the brothers and sisters as they were afraid of giving inaccurate prophecies. However, when Ps Esther encouraged them to step out in faith, signs and wonders began to happen. All of them were able to prophecy. Initially, Ps Esther interpreted most of the prophecy. Later Ps Esther began to train the interns to interpret the prophecy that were spoken in an unknown tongue. Many were able to do so.
Ps Esther told the Singapore group not to stop here but to continue to exercise the gift of Prophecy because God wants CKRM to be a church known for its strong prophetic gifting. The best was kept to the last. Ps Paul said it was time to entertain the King of Kings. He began to call sis Gloria, Doris, Elder Sitoh, Cynthia, Uzziah, Lingli, Andy, Maureen, Thomas and others to entertain the Lord. It was a fabulous Holy Spirit party, entertaining the King of Kings. Ps Paul said when our King of Kings was happy, His favor would be greatly upon us to “Dance and sing in the Spirit” (Colossians’ 3:16). Archer girl did a wonderful job on the keyboard by ushering in the mighty presence of our Lord. It was a glorious sight, foreshadowing the throne room encounter in Heaven
For the grand finale, Sis Ruth prophecy to all of us while being drunk in the spirit. It was an educating cum humorous session where God even joked with His people. He asked who would like to have gold. Many responded with eagerness by stepping forward. To their dismay, God rebutted them by saying “Why you all wanted gold? In Heaven, the streets are paved with gold.” What we see is finite but what we cannot see is infinite and eternal. God told us to “store our treasures where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” (Mathew 6:20). God reminded us to invest in His Kingdom and not hoard up wealth on earth. All Glory to God for such a glorious Joshua Camp!
第三届的约书亚营(第二部份) – 郑马可牧师报道
以斯帖牧师在下午时分教导五重职事和预言。因每个人的呼召都不一样所以我们须要互相配搭。神全权决定我们在耶稣肢体的岗位 (约翰福音 15:16)。至于那些在五重职事里的,神对他们的要求会比较高。她以我们的五根手指头来代表和解释五重职事。以斯帖牧师也逐一的分析五重职事呼召的不同个性。比如有使徒呼召的通常会有显著的领导个性。先知的个性大都难以抓摸。传道人拥有善于跟人打交道的个性,人缘好。而牧师则是与人和睦相处的个性。在另一方面,教师比较有可能是个完美主意者并且非常系统化和有条理。
分享过使徒与先知的区别后,以斯帖牧师教导预言并且指出神的心意是所有的人都能说预言。 圣经经节是启示预言最重要的应征。而今时今日的预言都限制在神话语的权柄下。以斯帖牧师以先知启示的恩赐和先知职份的分别,启示的灵与如何领受从神而来的话语结束了当天的教导。接着是实习时间,所有的人分成四人一组来操练先知启示的恩赐。许多弟兄姐妹因害怕发出的预言不准确而迟疑。但是在以斯帖牧师的鼓励下,当人人踏出信心的一步时神迹奇事便开始发生。大家都能发出预言。有趣的是,弟兄姐妹大都以方言的方式发出预言。较早时是以斯帖牧师翻出大多数的预言,后来她鼓励我们向神求翻预言的恩赐。接着许多弟兄姐妹都能翻出以方言所发出的预言。
以斯帖牧师告诉新加坡的团队不要停在那里而要继续操练先知启示的恩赐。因为神要新加坡CKRM行走在先知启示的恩膏里,以这先知启示的恩赐高举祂的名。好戏在后头,保罗牧师接着说是娱乐万王之王的时候了。他请Gloria, Doris, Sitoh长老, Cynthia, Uzziah, Lingli, Andy, Maureen, Thomas和其他人出来娱乐主。真是好棒的属灵舞会! 罗牧师说当万王之王高兴时,祂的恩宠会大大降在我们身上来 “灵里歌颂跳舞” (歌羅西书 3:16)。躬射手美妙的琴声引领我们进入神的同在。这是个荣耀的景象,似乎进入了天堂宝座前敬拜的先兆。
整个约书亚营可说是高潮迭起。压轴曲是Ruth姐妹在灵里醉时向大家所发的预言。这是个具有教导性又幽默的时段,神甚至与祂的子民开玩笑。当祂问谁要金时,许多人积极回应地走向台前。使他们惊愕的是,神责备他们说 “为何你们要金?天堂街道都是用金铺成的”。我们能看见的是有限的但是那看不见的是无限和永恒的。神告诉我们 “只要积攒财宝在天上;天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷” (马太福音 6:20)。神提醒我们投资在祂的国度而不要在世上累积财富。为着这辉煌显赫的约书亚营把所有荣耀都归给神!
In Jeremiah 1:12, The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” God always stand behind His Word and ensure its fulfillment. If there is no power in the Gospel, there is no good news. Furthermore, miracles, signs and wonders confirm the message and attract the multitude. When we are confronting the devil, we need to exercise the power and authority God has given us. Nowhere do we see a meek Jesus asking the devil politely to leave. Ps Paul empowered many in the morning by writing on their palms (Daniel 5:5). Some were blessed with the anointing to entertain the Lord while others were served the “burning coal” (Isaiah 6:6). This spiritual gift helps believers with hindrances that prevented them from obeying the Lord.
In the afternoon, Ps Paul went on to teach us that we need to move in the power of the king and have the purity of the priest. Jesus said in John 6:63, “….The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” We should not just read the bible but medidate on it. Bro Thomas, Bro Benjamin and Sis Nellie were then called to open the door which Ps Paul has shut by a spoken word. Bro Thomas managed to get to the door but was unable to stay there and had to back off. Bro Benjamin couldn’t even get near the door! While Sis Nellie succeeded in pushing the door open, she fell flat and prostrated at the door. After the demonstration, Ps Paul went on to say that we must die to our “flesh” if we want to walk in the Spirit. The Lord then selected 5 from Banting: Bro Choi & Chia, Bro Thomas Ong, Sis Jane Sue and Georgina to move in signs and wonders. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon them mightily and some of them manifested with weeping and shaking. They will be the 5 pillars of CKRM Banting Advisory Centre.
The Lord empowered Sis Elizabeth with the worship anointing. As she worshipped the Lord, her face was glowing with God’s glory and His presence continued to thicken, causing some to cry out as His glory came on us. Those sitting in front of her such as Bro Joel, Bro Uzziah, and little Joel were all shaking and trembling as the power of God swept through the sanctuary. After being ministered by Ps Paul, Jessica and her brother, little Joel went to heaven in the spirit and the Lord confided in him about CKRM. Sis Docas also reported seeing a place of great brightness while she was on the floor. She could hear the wind blowing and sense God’s awesome power. Bro Richard drank the heavenly wine and fell under the power of God. Sis Serene, who came for her 1st Joshua camp, was also ministered to. She was moved to tears as Ps Esther released the words of the Lord for her. Finally, Ps Paul used the whip (Isaiah 10:26) to empower Sis Doris, little Joel, Bro David and Bro Thomas Chong.
In the night, the Lord confirmed the nicknames of some in Banting. They are “Hurricane” Chia, “Archer” Choi, and “Runner/Chariot”Jane, “The warrior & the scholar Thomas Ong. Bro Choi wasted no time to exercise the new “weapon” he received by shooting arrows at some of us. These spiritual weapons help to get rid of the “rubbish” in us such as pride, disobedience to the Lord, religious mindsets etc.
For the last day of the Joshua Camp, Ps Paul taught that one encounter with God will change our whole lives. A moment of favor from God is worth more than a lifetime of labor on our own. God uses everybody differently and we should be faithful to what God has called us to do. Do not meddle in the affairs of another ministry and touch not God’s anointed (Psalms 105:15). We were reminded once again the importance of “eating” the Word and not just reading the bible. Ps Paul wrote the word “Fire” on three chairs at the altar and asked the Holy Spirit to lead His chosen vessels to their respective seat. The first person was the Archer of Singapore, followed by Lingli. Before the third person was called, the youngest son of Banting Chia came running and took a seat. To our amusement, it was confirmed by Ps Esther that God had indeed chosen him. Lastly Little Joel was called to take the last seat. Altogether 4 chairs were placed in front.
When Ps Paul shared there were many weapons found in the Bible such as “Flying Arrow” (Habakkuk 3:11), immediately the chosen three stood up and demonstrated the action in unison. Likewise for the “Stone of David” (1 Samuel 18:49), “The Lightning of the Flashing Spear” (Habakkuk 3:11), “Writing on the Wall” (Daniel 5:5). When the Words of God was read, all the chosen three would instantly stood up and portrayed the depicted weapons of God. The interesting thing was that even the manner they stood and pulled the strings of the Bow was in perfect harmony. That showed God’s Spirit is uniform in all of us. As they used these weapons on the congregation, the power of God was released through the weapons to empower everybody.
Lingli and little Joel were called out to exercise “the Finger of God”. After little Joel wrote “Fire” on the pulpit, Sis Mary placed her hand on it and subsequently fell under the Power of God. CKRM is an end-time church and end-time ministers will move in signs and wonders. If believers believed what is in the Bible (Faith) and are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, they will see the Glory of God (Photos)
第三届的约书亚营(第一部份) – 郑马可牧师报道
在耶利米书1:12,耶和华对我说: "你看得不错;因为我留意保守我的话,使得成就"。神时时站在祂话语的背后确保祂所出的话语都必成就。福音如果不附带能力的话,就不能传出好消息来。更何况,神迹奇事能应征所传的信息和吸引大众的心。当我们对抗魔鬼时, 我们需要运用神赐给我们的能力和权柄。在圣经中,我们找不到任何记载耶稣温顺地请魔鬼离开的纪录。在早上的聚会里,保罗牧师以神的手指头在许多人的掌心写字 (但以理书 5:5) 来装备他们。有些被娱乐主的恩膏充满,另一些却领受神在以赛亚书6:6 “红炭” 的膏抹。这些属灵恩赐能帮助信徒克服拦住他们顺服主的障碍。
在下午, 保罗牧师教导我们必需运行在君王的能力和拥有祭师的纯洁里。耶稣在约翰福音 6:63说, “….我对你们所说的话就是灵,就是生命”。我们不应该只读圣经而是要研读和默想经文。接着Thomas, Benjamin弟兄和Nellie姐妹尝试打开保罗牧师以启示录3:7-8 封锁的大门。Thomas成功的走到门口但是无法逗留而必需后退。Benjamin弟兄连走近门口都不能! 至于Nellie姐妹,她成功的推开门后就被击倒俯伏在地上。圣灵展示了祂的能力之后, 保罗牧师继续教导我们如果要在灵里运行就必需对我们的“肉体” 死去。主接着从万津拣选了五位弟兄姐妹: Choi & Chia弟兄, Thomas Ong弟兄, Jane Sue和Georgina姐妹运行在神迹奇事的服事中。圣灵的大能大大的浇灌在他们的身上。他们会是CKRM万津超自然治疗中心的五根柱子。
主以敬拜赞美的恩膏膏抹Elizabeth姐妹。当她在敬拜主时,她的脸焕发出神的荣光而祂的同在继续不断加增促使一些人在神的荣耀大能中喊叫。一些坐在Elizabeth姐妹前面的人比如Joel弟兄, Uzziah弟兄和小Joel在神的大能扫过整个圣殿时都不停地在颤抖。被保罗牧师服事后, Jessica和哥哥小Joel的灵里都去了天堂。而主向小Joel透露了一些有关CKRM的事物。Docas姐妹分享当她被充满躺卧在地上时看见一个很亮的地方。她可以听见风吹的声音和感觉到神的大能。Richard弟兄喝了属天的酒后被神的能力击倒在地上。第一次出席约书亚营的Serene姐妹也被服事。她被主通过以斯帖牧师释放的话语所感动并且流泪。最后,保罗牧师使用鞭子 (以赛亚书10:26) 装备Doris姐妹,小Joel,David和Thomas Chong弟兄。
当天晚上,主应证了万津教会一些弟兄姐妹的绰号。他们是“飓风Chia”, “躬射手Choi ” , “火战车Jane” 和 “文武学者Thomas Ong”。Choi弟兄迫不急待地使用他领受的新“武器” 向一些人射箭。这些属灵的武器能帮助我们除去生命里面的“垃圾” 比如骄傲,不顺服主,宗教思想等等。
约书亚营的最后一天保罗牧师教导我们,一次与神相遇的经历可以改变我们的一生。神一刻的恩宠胜过我们一生靠自己努力所赚取的。神使用每个人的方式都不一样。所以我们应该忠于神呼召我们去做的事。不要去干涉别人的事工或为难神恩膏的仆人(诗篇 105:15)。我们再次被提醒“吃”神话语的重要性而不要只单单读圣经罢了。保罗牧师在台前的三张椅子上写了“火” 字并且请求圣灵带领祂拣选的器皿各就各位。第一个是新加坡的“躬射手” 接着是Lingli姐妹。在第三个人出来之前, 万津Chia最小的儿子跑过来坐在椅子上。有趣的是,以斯帖牧师应证神确实挑选了他。最后,小Joel被请到最后一个座位上。一共有四张椅子摆在前面。
当保罗牧师分享圣经里有许多武器比如“飞箭”(哈巴谷書3:11), 那被拣选的三人马上同一时间站起来示范射箭的姿态。同样的“大卫的石子”(撒母耳记上 17:50), “有如闪电的枪” (哈巴谷書3:11),“在墙上写字” (但以理书 5:5)。当神的话语被释放时,那被拣选的三人马上站起来同时示范那些武器。有趣的是就连他们的姿态和拉躬线都是一致的。这显明在我们里头神的灵是一致的。当他们使用这些武器在会众身上时,神的能力通过这些武器被释放出来装备大家。
Lingli和小Joel被叫出来操练“神的手指头” 。小Joel在讲台写上“火” 字后, Mary姐妹把手放在那里并且被神的能力充满倒在地上。CKRM是个末日的教会而末日的服事者会运行在神迹奇事中。如果信徒相信圣经所言(信心) 并且敏锐于圣灵的带领,他们就会看见神的荣耀。
It was an auspicious day as we convoyed at 1.00 pm heading for Banting, Selangor. The journey was smooth as we had prayed and God had sent His armies ahead of us. Reached Banting at 3.30 pm and we stepped into the CKRM Banting Church for the first time situated on the second floor of a shop house.
As we stepped in we saw everything was in order to function as a church.
Ps Paul started by introducing himself and Ps Esther too. Ps Paul shared his testimony when he was a businessman and how he struggled to obey the voice of God. One problem came after another until finally he surrendered himself to serve God. God called him for a very unique ministry to empower God’s people to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to be an army of God to fight the enemy. As he was sharing, the Holy Spirit directed him to a man standing at the back of the church. He called the man to come forward and prayed for the power of God to come upon him. As the awesome power of God touched him the man hands began to tremble (Daniel 10:10) and he roared like a lion (Amos 1:2, 3:8, Revelation 10:3). This man continued to roar each time the Word of God was mentioned.
From then on, the Holy Spirit began to work mightily. Ps Paul called a Church Elder to step out. As Ps Paul said the word “Fire’, The Church Elder began to tremble vigorously. The Holy Spirit revealed that the Church Elder is called to be a pastor and to be ordained during the 4th Joshua camp. His wife was asked to come to the front. Ps Paul asked her “Are you happy that your husband is going to be a pastor?” Interestingly, his wife Simone couldn’t speak but laughed loudly. Each time Ps Paul asked her, the louder she laughed and she couldn’t speak at all. Sis Gloria could hardly stand as the anointing was very strong. She fell under the power of God and was in holy laughter all the while.
As we work with God and not for God, it was an interesting and enjoyable time with the Holy Spirit. When Ps Paul shared that the handkerchief Paul in Acts 19:11 healed the sick. Ps Paul asked for a handkerchief, rubbed it with his hands and passed it to little Joel. Little Joel began to tremble and he passed it to Uzziah. Uzziah roared in a loud voice. As the hanky was passed to Sis Linda, she burst into holy laughter and when Sis Anna got it she also burst into holy laughter. As many as those who held the hanky they either tremble or burst into holy laughter. The Bible came alive as what Jesus’ disciple did 2000 years ago. In 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power).
The whole atmosphere was electrified as God demonstrated His power. “Is not my word like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29). As Ps Paul used the hammer of God, so many brothers and sisters could not take it. They roared, trembled vigorously or felt the pain on the head. Little Joel was rubbing his head each time the hammer struck him. As Ps Paul used the whip on little Joel, little Joel was limping and shouting in pain. As these were methods God used to empower His children. Ps Paul shared in the spiritual realm the enemy are also carrying weapons. The angels of God are also equipped with weapons as we need spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy. When we can see in the supernatural, we are able to do the impossible. To defeat the enemy we need the weapons God has prepared for his people. God wants to build an end time army for Him.
A lady with a spine pain from Banting came forward for healing. When the power of God came upon her she began to turn her waist continuously forgetting her pain and began to worship God. Jesus wants to turn sinners into saints to worship Him. In the Old Testament, God commanded Moses to tell Pharaoh to release God’s people so that they would be free to worship Him. We were made by God for the purpose to worship Him.
Many pastors, first time visitors and even a YB (Selangor State Assembly man) of Banting were amused and in awe of the works of the Holy Spirit in CKRM Church Banting.
Ps Esther led the congregation in prayer dedicating the Church to the Lord. As Ps Paul announced that in Jesus’ name the church was commissioned, those sensitive to the Holy Spirit could sense the fire anointing coming down in volumes in the temple. Ps Paul began to anoint the Banting team with oil and everyone felt the great anointing poured upon them. God had started an awesome work in Banting and Ps Paul acknowledged without God we could do nothing. All Kingdom, Power and Glory belong to God.