Blessed beyond measure in just one session at CKRM Malacca - Jane Then / 出席一次在马六甲CKRM的特会,领受了难於估计的祝福

It was truly a divine appointment for me to be at CKRM Malacca’s official opening on the 14 March 2009. I went because my friend was invited and I was blessed beyond measure in just this one session.

Sometime last year, my friend told me about CKRM Singapore, but I never desired to go. Before going to CKRM Malacca, the Lord in His supremacy & grace revealed the followings to me:

· I will begin to see Miracles, Signs & Wonders,
· A picture of the Lion & the Lamb.

All these happened at CKRM Malacca. So when I saw the manifestations during demonstration time, I was speechless but at the same time I was excited & I wanted to experience it.

So, when Ps Paul called us (the first timers) to go out to the front, I was really eager to see what would happen to me? First, he prayed for the fire of God to come upon us & then later he asked if I wanted to receive the arrows of God. Yes of course I wanted it. He then shot 3 arrows at me from a distance of about 5 meters and I fell onto the floor.

As we were about to leave after the session, Ps Paul prayed to empower me, simply by pointing his finger on my hand from a distance. WOH! I went down on the floor again, this time screaming & then laughing. O it was just awesome. I have never seen or experienced anything like this before.

We stayed on and we received anointing after anointing through Ps Paul & his team.

I received the Lion of Judah’s roar, spiritual wine, fireball, prophecy wine, & many more. At one point, I asked Ps Paul, is it possible to receive so many anointing in one session and he responded “Our God is the God of the impossible!” Oh! That really whets our appetite to want to receive ‘More’.

After we were activated & empowered, the Lord gave us opportunities to minister in Petaling Jaya & to put into practice what we have received.

The days that followed after the empowerment were simply awesome. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon us, He will lead us and do what He wants for that session. Never before have had I experienced such awesome manifestations like playing the Guzhen, the drum for deliverance under the anointing (never played these instruments before in my life) and hosting the Presence of God & many more.

Even after returning to Singapore, the Lord gave us assignments to impart & empower some ladies back home. It was simply amazing! This verse that says: For My yoke is easy & My burden is light – Mt 11:30 became a Rhema Word to me.

We were so hungry for more, that shortly after, we flew to Kuala Lumpur again to attend a teaching seminar conducted by Ps Paul & Ps Esther at Jubilee Initiative Malaysia and also at Portals of His Glory. Here we witnessed the Mighty & Awesome Power of God at work again.

Ps Paul invited us to CKRM Singapore and here we were blessed with even more. I am so grateful & blessed by all of you. Thank you.

Indeed God rewards those who earnestly seek Him and He never fails to bless us each time we take that step of faith to trust in Him.

All Glory to our Lord God Almighty! Hallelujah!
Jane Then - 23 April 2009


是神的旨意与安排, 让我能够参加马六甲CKRM超自然事工训练学校在2009年三月十四号的第一个聚会。 因着我的朋友有被邀请出席,我便和她一同参加这个聚会。神就在这一堂聚会里,超过我所求所想的祝福了我。

在去年的时候,我的朋友曾经和我分享过关于在新加坡CKRM的事工, 但是,我没想要去那里参加聚会。 在我还没去马六甲CKRM超自然事工训练学校之前, 感谢主的怜悯和恩典,祂向我显明我将会开始看见神迹奇事和一幅犹大狮子与羔羊的图案。神向我显明的,就在我来到马六甲 CKRM超自然事工训练学校时,这启示给成就了。 当牧师在示范圣灵的能力时,我看见了,惊讶地说不出话来。我也同时感到兴奋,也很想能亲自经历到圣灵的能力。





当我们回到新加坡之后,主给了我们任务去传递恩膏给一些姐妹,让她们得着圣灵的能力。这好极了!马太福音11:30“因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”也就成为了我瑞马的话语。我们都好渴慕,想要领受更多圣灵的能力。不久过后,我们乘着飞机到吉隆坡去参加保罗牧师和以斯帖牧师在禧福训练中心的教导以及在Portals of Glory祈祷院的聚会。在那里,我们再次见证了神的大能在当中运行。保罗牧师也邀请我们到新加坡的CKRM去。在那里,我们得到更多的祝福。 我心中真正充满了感恩。

确实, 神奖赏那些认真去寻求祂的人。祂是信实的,并且当我们踏出信心的脚步来信靠祂时,祂必定赐福于我们。


Jane 姐妹
2009年 四月 二十三号


Paul said...

Jane and her two friends are senior adult Christians, strongly grounded on words. Her friend Janice was in the Florida Lakeland Outpouring with Todd Bentley for 4 months. Janice shared her testimony that when she came to CKRM for the 1st time, she doubted about the manifestation that whether it was staged until the anointing of the Lion’s Roar came upon her that removed her doubt.

On her 2nd visit to CKRM Malacca, Janice spoke to me about her disagreement on a certain gift of the Spirit during fellowship time. As she was arguing, I told her to look at what I was holding on my hand. She was fearful of looking at me. Then the Lord blessed her with the gift that she was in disagreement. She manifested in the gift so ended the argument as she repented to the Lord.

Praise God! What she didn’t ask for and wanted, God gave it to her. I didn’t have to waste my breath trying to argue with her. The Holy Spirit did the job. Glory to God!