I and my family have been so blessed because the Lord has been so faithful to us in all His promises. When I first came to know the Lord in August last year, my sister told me that from that moment onwards I was able to pray and asked all that I desired through prayers. (Mark 11:24 – What things so ever I desire, When I pray, I believe that I receive them, and I shall have them).
My foremost desire was to be able to lead my husband to the Lord for he had gone through many trials in his life and he had lost hope. God answered my prayer after 3 weeks! This was a miracle for us because my husband was a medium and he told me that he had only worshipped his “gods” all these years. He had the desire to remove all the “godly” spirits because he has felt that “they” had made his life miserable. We went to temples for advice but we were told that it was “lucky” to have this gift!
By the grace of God that my sister brought us to CKRM Malacca a day after he accepted the Lord! He was completely delivered and set free from all the ungodly spirits. Praise God! Hallelujah! Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus that not only he was delivered spiritually but was also delivered from his smoking and drinking habits! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ that my husband is now a changed man from being a bad tempered man to a loving father and husband (Galatians 5:22-23 – The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against these things!)
I also had a weak bladder for a few years since I went through an operation and this has limited my movements. But by the grace and mercy of God, I am completely healed even without me even realizing it. This happened during the Ministry of Healing by Bro Thomas on the 13/3/2010. Normally I dared not run due to my weak bladder but that day I felt that I was led by the Holy Spirit to run. Miraculously I even ran while carrying my son! After that I realized that I had also been healed of this infirmity! Praise God! Hallelujah!
神奇妙大能翻转了一个前庙宇乩童的生命 - Cecilia Chong 姐妹的见证
因着神的信实和所应许的都不落空,我和我的家人都非常的蒙福。当我在去年八月接受主时,我姐姐告诉我,从那时起我能以祷告来向主祈求我所需要的一切。(马可11:24 – 所以我告诉你们,凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是甚麽,只要信是得着的,就必得着。)
感谢神的恩典!我姐姐在他接受主后的第二天把我们带到马六甲CKRM!就在当天,神把他从一切不敬虔魂结的捆绑中完全释放出来。赞美主!哈利路亚!把一切的颂赞和感谢都归给主耶稣!因祂不但把我先生从邪灵的困锁中释放出来,也让他介掉多年来的烟瘾和酗酒的恶习。荣耀都归给主耶稣基督!我的先生从一个脾气暴躁的人变成了一个慈爱的爸爸和好丈夫(加拉太书 5:22-23 – 圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实 、温柔、节制。这样的事没有律法禁止!)
我原本也有一个非常弱的膀胱。自从几年前动过手术后身体的活动就受到限制。但因神的怜悯和恩典,神在我毫不知情的情况下医治了我。 这发生在三月十三日Thomas 弟兄所带领的医治事工里。因着膀胱的情况,我通常都不敢跑动。但当天我竟神迹般的被圣灵感动和引领抱着儿子一起跑。我之后才惊觉神全然医治了我!哈利路亚赞美主!
After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” (Rev 4:1 ESV)
John was shown the wondrous and glorious heaven.
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven–whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into paradise–whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows– (2Co 12:2-3 ESV)
Apostle Paul was referring to himself; his own spirit man was caught up to the third heaven.
Experiencing third heaven, a place where the paradise of God, place of throne room, should be natural in a Christian life. We cannot have a close relationship without an experience. It’s same like a bride who says to her bridegroom that she will follow and fulfill whatever is written in the marriage covenant but she doesn’t want and have no desire to have any ‘experience’ or intimate relationship with him. How will the bridegroom feel? When Christians do not want to experience God and reject things which are supernatural, how will God feel?
In the Old Testament, I believe King David ascended to heaven on a regular basis.
If I ascend to heaven, you are there! …(Psalm 139:8a ESV)
What is the secret of King David that enables him to access to the throne room on regular basis? The secret is the ‘one thing’! The “one thing” in his life that he desires- that is to please God.
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple (Psalm 27:4 Amplified Bible)
A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. (Psalm 63:1-2 ESV)
The one thing that David desires is His presence, beholding His power and glory. Not only that, David delights himself to meditate on God! Meditate in Hebrew word is ‘hagah’ which means to read out loud.
When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches (Psalm 63:6 KJV).
For more information about ‘hagah’, refer to : http://heputanewsong.blogspot.com/2009/05/discover-ancient-jewish-way-of-praying.html
During CKRM Malacca Supernatural and Anointing Ministry on 27 March 2010, The Lord confirmed His word by accompanying signs. I was sharing that we have been given access to the throne room/ third heaven, based on our identity in Christ. If Christ is seated on the throne and we are in Christ, by faith we could access to the Throne of Grace in times of need.
Upon declaring or ‘hagah’ Revelation Chapter 4 as led by Holy Spirit, at least 3 people in congregation was translated into heavenly! Here are their testimonies:
Heavenly Encounter by Ruth Kok
I saw the throne room and so many people dressed in white kneeling down and praising the Lord. They all seemed to be facing down unable to lift up their heads. Then I saw the Lord on his Throne(chair), so glorious because I could not see his face. His face shone so bright that I could hardly lift up my head to see Him. The multitudes were just praising Him continuously. It sounded like an orchestra in high praise.
Then in another scene, I saw myself like a little child entering this room where I saw the Lord seated (not able to see his face again)and behind Him, I saw a row of people and I had the understanding that they were his apostles. I saw a very tall man in the crowd. It seemed like my spirit knew who this man was and I called him Father Abraham. He reached out his hand to me and said to me that I was the recipient of his Abrahamic covenant.
I thanked The lord for giving me this opportunity to have a heavenly encounter when I just stepped out in faith to receive from the Lord. Thank you Lord. God Bless! …Ruth Kok
Heavenly Encounter by Sister Cecillia
During last Saturday’s ministry of Signs & Wonders by Bro Thomas, he was led by the Holy Spirit to pray for those who desired to go to heaven. It had been my desire to go to heaven! When he ‘hagah’ or read out loud Revelation Chapter 4 to us, I saw myself standing in front of a door on the clouds & I was knocking at a door. Someone opened the door, I could not really see his face but I sensed that he was an angel. As I was walking, I just saw everything was white & suddenly I saw myself flying above the clouds. I was wearing a long white robe & I was wondering how I could. When I looked back I saw I was with wings! Then suddenly, I could see the whole congregation of CKRM happily dancing & worshipping God. At the same time I saw a long queue outside waiting to go in. Praise God!
Bro Thomas was also led to give spiritual rose to those who desired to have it. When he gave me the rose, I was filled with joy! I could smell the fragrance & I could see many petals of red roses and I was just tossing them in front of my face. After that I could see myself like a little child and I was holding His hand. I could not see His face and He was tall and I believed that He is our Lord Jesus! I was just running around with Him in circles and was playing in His garden! Praise God for these wonderful experiences that by the grace of our Heavenly Father that I was able to experience all this. AMEN!…Sister Cecillia
Heavenly Encounter by Sister Nellie Quek
To say that my experiences in CKRM have been amazing is an understatement. God has been simply awesome! Since attending CKRM (from late August, 2009), I have been extremely blessed and my once roller coaster spiritual life continues to grow richly in the Lord. All glory be to God!
Recently, on the 27 March 2010, I had a wonderful experience in the supernatural. After Bro. Thomas Ong shared the Word of God, he invited us to the altar (the Glory Zone). He commenced to read a portion of the scripture alluding to the Heavenly Throne. The anointing was so strong that I could not stand straight. The minute I heard Bro. Thomas mention the word “door”, I fell to the floor.
I saw a golden door. A wizened old man in white welcomed me and said that the Lord was waiting. I walked in. I saw a big area surrounded by people uniformly dressed in white. They were all standing and facing the middle portion. Theere appeared to be something high up; like a throne but I could not see it clearly. The entire place was so vast. I could not see any walls. There was no floor – only what appeared to be white clouds.
The people in white then turned their heads to the side. I looked to the right and I saw Bro Thomas walking into the area, followed by a group of people. It was like walking into an arena. I could not see their faces. They appeared so small in comparison to the others. It was as if all the people there were expecting Bro Thomas and the group.
Next I saw Bro Thomas coming out from the golden door. I could see his face clearly. He looked so happy. He was smiling broadly as he walked down which looked like a flight of stairs amidst the clouds. I remembered saying that I did not want to leave. I wanted to spend more time in the presence of the Lord. The next moment I found myself as a little girl in the garden, sitting at His feet and resting my head against His knee. I could not see His face but I knew it was the Lord. When I woke up, I just felt dazed but very much at peace.
May you be blessed by this testimony…Nellie Quek
The Rose of Sharon
The Glory is the manifested presence of God and the Glory is the love of God. It’s the love of God that translates & transports his children to the heavenly place. In CKRM Supernatural and Anointing Ministry, the spiritual rose from the Garden in Paradise was dropping from heaven during ministry time. Many experienced the love of God when the spiritual roses were given to them.
Be blessed in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus!
在马六甲CKRM 超自然与恩膏事工里被提到第三层天
此後,我观看,见天上有门开了。我初次听见好像吹号的声音,对我说:你上到这里来,我要将以後必成的事指示你。(启示录 4:1)
是什么原因使到大卫王能经常进入神的至圣所呢?秘密就是‘那一件事’!他生命中渴慕的‘那一件事’就是 – 讨神喜悦。
有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要 [坚持] 寻求:就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中 [祂的同在],瞻仰他的荣美 [何等吸引人的温柔美善],在他的殿里求问。(诗篇27:4)
(大卫在犹大旷野的时候,作了这诗。) 神啊,你是我的神,我要切切地寻求你,在乾旱疲乏无水之地,我渴想你;我的心切慕你。我在圣所中曾如此瞻仰你,为要见你的能力和你的荣耀。(诗篇63:1-2)
欲知更多有关 ‘hagah’ 的资料,请阅读一下网页:
在马六甲CKRM三月二十七日的超自然与恩膏事工里,主以神迹奇事印证祂的话语。我分享了因基督而拥有神儿女身份的我们,神已赐给我们通往至圣所/第三层天的福份。 也因基督坐着为王而我们又在基督里,在有需要时,我们是能因信来到神的施恩宝座前。
Ruth Kok 姐妹的天堂之旅
Cecillia 姐妹的属天经历
在上个星期六Thomas 弟兄所带领的超自然与恩膏事工里,他被圣灵带领为那些渴慕到天堂的弟兄姐妹祷告。这是我向来都渴慕的!当他大声宣告启示录第四章时,我看到自己站在云端上敲着一扇门。有人把门打开,虽然我无法看清楚那人的脸,但我感觉到他应该是天使。当我进入那扇门后,我看到所有的东西都是白色的。随后我看到自己长了翅膀并穿着白袍在云上飞翔。忽然我看到整个CKRM 的会众喜乐的跳舞和敬拜神。与此同时我也看到门外排着长龙等着进入天堂。赞美神!
Thomas 弟兄也在圣灵的引导下送出属灵玫瑰给那些渴慕得到的弟兄姐妹。当他把玫瑰花放在我手中时,我充满了喜乐!我不但能闻到香气还能看到红色的花瓣。之后我看到自己像个小孩般的牵住主的手。我虽无法看到祂的脸但我知道祂是主耶稣。我在主的花园里在祂身边跑来跑去,又团团转,玩得不亦乐乎。感谢天父的恩典让我有此美好的经历。赞美主!阿门!
Nellie Quek 姐妹的天堂奇遇
我在最近的三月二十七日有一个非常奇妙的超自然经历。Thomas 弟兄分享了神的话语后邀请我们到台前(神荣耀的区域)来。他开始宣读一部份经节提及神的宝座时,神那厚而强的恩膏真使我无法站直。当我听到Thomas 弟兄说:“门”的那一刻,我整个人便俯伏在地。
那些身穿白袍的人接着都望向一边。当我顺着他们望去的方向看时,我看到Thomas 弟兄朝着中央的方向走去,在他后面还跟着一群人。就好像走入中央舞台一样。我看不清楚他们的脸因为太小了。似乎那里的人都在等候Thomas 弟兄和这群人的到来。
接着下来我看到Thomas 弟兄从金门那里出来,这次我可以很清楚地看到他脸上的表情。他笑容满面的走下像似云霄中的飞机梯级. 我记得我说不要离开那里因我要花多一点时间与神同在。之后我便像小女孩在花园里坐在主的脚前把头歇在主的膝盖上享受在主的同在里。
作为人类的我们,靠着自己是绝对不可能拥有一刻的圣洁。我们需要神的同在,也就是神的圣火来洁净和炼净使我们分别为圣。(撒迦利亞13:9, 以赛亚书 4:4, 瑪拉基书 3:2-4).
很多基督徒都被圣灵充满。但很少人能持守祂的大能和荣耀。我们大多数都停顿在使徒行传第二章 ---圣灵降临在信徒身上。我们很多人都说方言,为病人按手和看见教会人数加增。但我们必须跨越使徒行传第四章中所经历的圣灵大浇灌,以便大量的收割成熟的庄稼。就像使徒行传第四章一样,让成千上万的灵魂归入神的国度。
这圣火的恩膏将吸引那些饥渴慕义的信徒来到这事工被神膏抹装备。在箴 言14:4清楚地记载∶“家里无牛,槽头乾净;土产加多乃凭牛力”。
The Power of Fire Baptism
As human, we cannot even have an hour of holiness. We need the presence of God who is the consuming fire to sanctify and purify us (Zechariah 13:9, Isaiah 4:4, Malachi 3:2-4).
When the Lord stirred my hunger to seek Him, I went to a Chinese Seminary in USA despite my pastor advising me that I do not need to go all the way to USA to seek the anointing as we can obtain the anointing in Singapore.
I did not compromise with the voice of man but in obedience to the voice of God, I went to USA in 2004 and was blessed with the fire anointing, far greater than my expectation.
It really blew my mind set when I met a very powerful anointed servant of God who carried such a mighty presence of God where I truly witnessed the manifested presence of God in meetings with miracles, signs & wonders.
This Canadian speaker is a crowd puller and a blessing to the Chinese Seminary in USA as well as to the students attending his class. The fire anointing draws a special breed of hungry people who God has called and chosen for a powerful ministry of miracles, signs & wonders.
Without the Canadian speaker, the Chinese Seminary in USA is just like any ordinary Bible School. Only during his ministry, the place will be packed with extreme hungry believers determined to catch the anointing.
Thereafter, I had never missed his teaching for four consecutive years from 2004 to 2007. I have been blessed by his teaching. Later the Lord called me to start an identical fire ministry.
In Matthew 3:11 John said, “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” The light (Fire) from heaven that flashed on Paul changed him instantly from a man who persecuted the Christians to a man who defended the gospel to his dying days (Acts 9:3).
Fire is a very important product as it is the power of God. Fire is what drives the stream engine to pull the coaches in the train. Fire gives us the power to drive our cars, boats and airplanes. The internal combustion engine, on which we now a necessity of modern day, is totally dependent on the continuous combustion of fire within the cylinders of the engine.
We all have spiritual gifts according to at least seven passages of the New Testament, but we need the fire of God to empower these gifts in order to produce what God desires to give to us. Without the Fire, we have little power to use these gifts effectively with great results.
Christians may be filled with the Holy Spirit but His power & Glory rest on very few. Most of us are struck living in the book of Acts 2 --- when the Holy Spirit falls on His believers. Many of us speak in tongues, lay hand on the sick, and often see people added to the Church but we need to go beyond the book of Acts 4 with great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in order to reap the souls ready for harvest as seen in Acts 4, resulting in thousands being added to the Kingdom of God.
Since CKRM Christian Centre began its ministry in April 2007, many people have been blessed with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with fire through the unique pairing of Pastor Esther and me. Ps Esther under the anointing of God will baptize believers with the Holy Spirit after leading them to repentance of their sins after the Lord has revealed to her. After she has completed her part of leading the people to a repentance prayer, I will then take over to baptize the person with the Fire of the Holy Spirit through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
By the grace of God, many hungry believers have been led to CKRM Singapore and Malaysia to be empowered and to be imparted with spiritual gifts for ministry as well as having their spiritual lives restored and revived. Some have received the Fire Anointing in order to baptize others with Fire when the Lord begins to consecrate and set them apart for the ministry of miracles, signs & wonders.
The fire anointing will draw hungry and thirsty believers to the ministry for empowerment. This is stated clearly in the scriptures which says “Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest” Proverbs 14:4
我第一次遇见Wingspread School of Ministry 的创办人兼院长,戴德辉牧师是在大约四年前,美国爱修园所举办的教牧退修会里。营会过后不久神感动我联络他,从和他交谈的口气中,我可以感觉到他还没有作好心里准备邀请我们到他的学院服事。
戴德辉牧师在我们马六甲牧师的邀请下于二零一零年一月七日见证了马六甲CKRM英语教会的诞生。在未离开之前,他邀请我在三月份的Wingspread 特会中分享。并且给了我两个早上的时段来分享。他说是上帝感动他这么做的。我当时回答他说若这是上帝的心意,我将会与我的事工伙伴以斯帖牧师一起去,她也将是我的翻译员。
我给戴牧师的回应是:是神命令我与以斯贴牧师配搭,这样的一组不合传统,不合逻辑的一男一女的配搭,神的本意就是要违反那守旧古板的传统,冒犯那些自以为义的宗教领袖的思想,有如耶稣时代的法律赛人和宗教领袖,也印证以赛亞书29:13-14 。虽然对这些人来说,如此的同工配搭是不合情理,但对神给我们的命令,我们选择不向人妥协,只向神绝对顺服(使徒行转 5:29),且定意行在神的纯洁中,尽心尽性尽力的来事奉祂。
我们选择情愿像但以理那样因不顺从王的禁令而被扔在狮子坑中(但以里书6:10-22)所以我们才需要面对一大堆在坑中的狮子所发出的叫声。因为我们的事工是完全依靠圣灵来作的。 我们只是一个愿意被神使用的器皿。我们需要完全降服于祂,更要完全遵从祂的命令。否则离了祂,我们不但什么都不能做,更别想有任何事工,甚至有可能要关门大吉。因此,明知道世人不能接受这样的配搭,我们还是选择只讨神喜悦,不讨人欢心,这也是我和以斯帖牧师身上的那根刺(林后12:7-10)。
我感谢主,允许我们为祂的名领受外面流传的许多对我们负面的论断,(马太 5:11)纵然被众教会拒绝和孤立,甚至被我们的属灵遮盖,爱修园领导层遗弃,是祂超自然的恩典使我们依然坚定不移的站稳脚跟。因祂与我们同在,不撇下我们。更让我们见证祂给我们的事工是力上加力,荣上加荣。祂给予我们的祝福也是多不胜数.
Our Mission to Wingspread School of Ministry
I first met Rev Dr Joseph Tai, the Founder/President of Wingspread School of Ministry in a Pastoral Retreat organized by Agape, USA about 4 years ago. Shortly after the retreat, the Lord prompted me to call him and inferring from his tone during our conversation, I could sense that he was not ready to invite us to minister at his school.
Dr Joseph Tai, invited by our Malacca Church pastor, attended the commencement of CKRM Malacca English Church on 7 January 2010. Before leaving, he invited me to the March Wingspread Conference and allocated two morning sessions for me to share. He said that the Lord prompted him to do so.
The two days’ meeting was awesome and there was such a great hunger among the participants who attended the conference. As a result, almost all who attended were blessed.
After witnessing how the Lord used the unusual pairing of Ps Esther and me to bless the students in his school, Dr Tai shared with me that if others could accept and welcome the ministry which the Lord had called us, they would definitely be blessed by our ministry. He advised that when the two of us are on long distance trips to minister, it would be wise to have a third companion traveling with us as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
My response to Dr Tai was “God commanded me to pair up with Ps Esther, a male-female pairing which neither conforms to tradition nor logic to offend the tradition and the mindset of the religious leaders and testify to Isaiah 29:13-14. Although to these people, such a partnership is not acceptable, we chose not to compromise because of man and obey God fully (Acts 5:29), walking in God’s holiness and serving Him with all our hearts and strength."
We would rather be like Daniel who was thrown into the Lion’s den for disobeying the decree issued by the King (Daniel 6:10-22). As such, we had to face the roars from the lions which are in the den. We are completely dependent on the Holy Spirit for the ministry He has called us. We are just willing vessels that God uses. We need to be completely obedient to God and and His commands to be in His presence (Exodus 33:14). Otherwise we would go against His commands, causing His presence to leave us. Without Him, we can do nothing, much less any ministry and have to close shop. Hence, despite knowing that many in this world could not accept this unique pairing, we still choose to please God and not man. This is also the thorn in the flesh for Ps Esther and me (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
Previously, Ps Esther and I were serving in Singapore Christian Prayer House (SCPH). When the senior pastor of SCPH imposed upon us not to travel or minister together, the Lord commanded us to leave SCPH. After leaving SCPH, God prompted us to set up CKRM Christian Centre Ltd, Singapore. We obeyed the voice of God and witness how the ministry of CKRM continues to grow in provisions, money etc God also personally led many co-workers into CKRM to serve. The once vibrant ministry of SCPH on the other hand, gradually becomes oblivious.
I thank the Lord for allowing us to endure the negative criticism circulated on us for His name (Mat 5:11). Although we are rejected or ostracized by many churches and was even disassociated by our spiritual coverage Agape Leadership, His supernatural Grace has made it possible for our footing to be unshaken and firm. Because He is with us and has never forsaken us, we have seen Him grow the ministry from strength to strength, glory to glory. The blessings from God are so numerous that we can’t count them all.
Testimony from Rev Dr Joyce Tai through the link below:-