属灵生命的突破 – Sis Gloria 姐妹的见证 / Breakthrough in my spiritual life - Sis Gloria Teo

我是美国爱修园的学生。在我参加二零零七年美国爱修园在马六甲举办的特会时,我心中渴慕,想再去参加2008年美国爱修园创办的密集训练营--由麦约翰牧师负责授训。当我请教美国爱修园的院长陈忠辉牧师为此提供意见时,陈院长建议我说,与其花更多时间和金钱,千里迢迢的飞往美国,倒不如参加新加坡CKRM 由洪保罗牧师负责的权能事奉事工的聚会就已撮撮有余。感谢神,我故此顺服的来到CKRM。

回想起这两年我加入CKRM的时光,从事工的开始直到如今,CKRM的服事,无不带着圣灵的大能 (林前2 : 4-5)和充满神的恩膏!在这里我不断经历圣灵能力的浇灌和圣火的施洗,以至把我那充满理性和知识的花岗岩头脑给解冻了。从之前灵性的捆锁变成了今日灵里的敏锐,能够借着祷告来领受和辨认出是否来自神的启示;用灵来印证事件的真实等等,这一切都要归荣耀于神!


在CKRM,我也亲眼目睹,不只是我一个人在属灵生命里有这么多突破。 每一个在CKRM的弟兄姐妹,他们的属灵生命和恩赐,都得到快速的更新,甚至叫人惊叹的增长!而且几乎每个人灵里的敏锐度都被提升。




马六甲超自然事工训练学校从开创至今,少过半年。我因为负责一堂的第二届约书亚营会,所以有机会与马六甲的弟兄姐妹们相聚。我观察到多位弟兄姐妹的灵性竟在少过半年的时间内被提升到惊人的敏锐度, 确实令我感到非常惊讶! 真是做梦也没想到竟会有那么快速和大的突破。不但这样,多位弟兄姐妹也得了很多的属灵武器并且能彼此服事。

这次到访马六甲CKRM,整个约书亚营会都充满着神的同在和恩膏。靠着神的恩典,在浓浓的恩膏下,因圣灵不断赐下启示,服事起来也很轻松。在其他堂的聚会中,圣灵的能力和同在就是一一的彰显在我们当中,使我也受益不浅。我深信在来临的九月十一和十二日新加坡CKRM的约书亚营会,圣灵的彰显将会更大,一切将超过我们所求所想的 (以弗所书 3:20)。

约书亚营会结束后,我和十多位不是住在马六甲的弟兄姐妹都留在圣所里自由的敬拜赞美神。弟兄姐妹和睦共处,享受神的同在。过后,我们用所得的武器彼此操练服事。给我印象最深刻的是谢弟兄。回想第一次见到他是在今年第一届的约书亚营,那时从他的脸,能看出他的灵已枯萎,且受到极大的捆锁。从他的外表能体会到他确实有异于常人,似乎对生命全无盼望。但是,在短短三个半月的时间里,现在的他跟以前已成了180°的对比。他脸上不但充满了荣光,喜乐,现在的灵更是非常敏锐。无论我们使用什么武器在他身上,如: “大卫的石子” (撒母耳记上17:49),“鞭子” (约翰福音2:15),“宝剑” (希伯來书4:12),“神的手指头” (但以理书5:5), 向他“吹灵气” (约翰福音20:22) 等等,他都能一一的领受。 他甚至能说出身上被属灵武器“击中”的正确部位。圣灵在谢弟兄身上这样大的奇妙作为, 让我留下了深刻的印象。

更妙的是一位年仅两岁半的小女孩,见了Thomas弟兄“吹灵气”和谢弟兄“神的手指头”的恩膏后,便有样学样地向我们吹气和用手指头指向我们。哈利路亚!神做事真是不受限制的。虽然她距离我们有超过十尺,但当她向着我们吹气时, 我灵里能感受到那股力量是多么的真实! 当她用她的小指头指向我时,我的灵眼能看见一股能力流向我。这股能力把我们这些大哥哥和姐姐们击倒在地上或使到我们的身体遥摆不定。若不是亲身体验,你或许不相信这些是真实的小。原来这小女孩跟了她父母亲来了CKRM有半年了。


Breakthrough in my spiritual life - Sis Gloria Teo

I was a student of Agape USA. While attending 2007 Agape Malacca Conference, I had a desire to attend Agape USA’s intensive spiritual training camp which was to be conducted by Pastor John MacLennan in 2008. I consulted the President of Agape USA, Rev Dr Ernest Chan and Dr Chan suggested that I should attend Pastor Paul’s empowerment ministry meetings in CKRM Christian Centre, Singapore instead ,which should be good enough rather to spending time and monies travelling to USA. I obeyed and came to CKRM.

Recalling the two years in CKRM, from the beginning till now, CKRM ministry is filled with God’s anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 2:4-5) which I had never in my life witnessed such powerful ministry before. Here, I continuously experience the outpouring and sanctification of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit “defrosted” me, who has a sturdy head full of logic and knowledge. While I was spiritually blinded in the past, I have been transformed and am now spiritually sensitive; able to discern via prayer if something is of God, testifying things in the spirit etc. All glory to God!

About two months ago, God gave me the “entertaining” anointing to entertain the King of kings and Lord of Lords. Subsequently, I received the “prophetic” anointing from God which allowed me to minister to the brothers and sisters in Christ. To be honest, the two years in CKRM surpass the revelations and ministry I had for more than ten years of my previous church life.

I have seen with my own eyes that I am not the only one in CKRM who had so many spiritual breakthroughs. The spiritual life and gifting of each and every brother and sister in CKRM has grown rapidly, some shockingly fast. The spirit of almost everyone has become very sensitive. Thank God. From the commencement of CKRM till now, the ministry is always filled with the Power and Anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is because we seek the Lord in everything; obey God and let Him lord over everything. All praise and glory to the Holy Trinity, our true God!

Brothers & Sisters in Malacca growing rapidly in the spirit

It has been less than 6 months since the commencement of CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd. As I was scheduled for one of the sessions for the 2nd Joshua Camp, I had the opportunity to meet up with the brothers and sisters in Malacca. From my observations, the spiritual sensitivity of many brothers and sisters has increased incredibly in less than 6 months. I am truly very shocked by it! I would not have dreamt of such rapid and huge breakthrough and furthermore, many of them are equipped with numerous spiritual weapons and serving one another.

For this trip to CKM Malacca, throughout the Joshua Camp, the whole place was filled with the presence and anointing of God. By the Grace of God, it was easy for me to minister as the revelations keep coming. Even for other sessions, the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit manifested in our midst and I benefited greatly from it. For the CKRM Singapore Joshua Camp from 11th-12th Sept, I long for the Holy Spirit to do more than we can ask and imagine (Eph 3:20).

When the 2nd Joshua Camp ended, about 10 of us who were not from Malacca (including me) remained at the sanctuary that day to freely praised and worshipped God. All of us, brothers and sisters in Christ lived together in harmony and enjoyed the Presence of God as one Body. Later on, we exercised the spiritual weapons we received from God and ministered to one another. Bro Chia left the deepest impression in me. Back in the 1st Joshua Camp, from the look on his face, I could tell that his spiritual life was dry and he was heavily bonded spiritually. From his outer appearance back then, he looked abnormal compared to the typical man on the street. But within 3 months, there was a 180°change from who he was to who he is now. His face is radiant and joyful, and his spirit is very sensitive. No matter what spiritual weapons we used on him, for example: the “Stone of David” (1Sam 17:49), the “Whip” (John 2:15), the “Sword of the Spirit” (Heb 4:12), the “Finger of God” (Dan 5:5), “Blowing” at him (John 20:22) etc, he could receive them all. Besides being able to receive the anointing, he could also tell what spiritual weapon was used on him and where it “hit” him. The great work that the Holy Spirit is doing in him left a deep impression in me.

There is no limit to what God can do. He used a girl who is only two and a half years old to manifest His power. She imitated Bro. Thomas & Bro Chia and exercised the “Blowing” anointing and the “Finger of God” on us. Although she performed both feats from more than ten feet away from us, I could still sense the force in my spirit. That power is so real! When she pointed her finger at me, I could see with my spiritual eyes, a bolt of energy flowing towards me. This power knocked us, big brothers and sisters to the floor or caused us to sway left and right. If you didn’t experience this for yourself, you may not believe that all this is true.

I offer my thanksgiving and praise for all the wonderful work God did in CKRM, Praise God for it is His will to raise up His own warriors through a ministry like CKRM.