属灵生命的突破 – Sis Gloria 姐妹的见证 / Breakthrough in my spiritual life - Sis Gloria Teo

我是美国爱修园的学生。在我参加二零零七年美国爱修园在马六甲举办的特会时,我心中渴慕,想再去参加2008年美国爱修园创办的密集训练营--由麦约翰牧师负责授训。当我请教美国爱修园的院长陈忠辉牧师为此提供意见时,陈院长建议我说,与其花更多时间和金钱,千里迢迢的飞往美国,倒不如参加新加坡CKRM 由洪保罗牧师负责的权能事奉事工的聚会就已撮撮有余。感谢神,我故此顺服的来到CKRM。

回想起这两年我加入CKRM的时光,从事工的开始直到如今,CKRM的服事,无不带着圣灵的大能 (林前2 : 4-5)和充满神的恩膏!在这里我不断经历圣灵能力的浇灌和圣火的施洗,以至把我那充满理性和知识的花岗岩头脑给解冻了。从之前灵性的捆锁变成了今日灵里的敏锐,能够借着祷告来领受和辨认出是否来自神的启示;用灵来印证事件的真实等等,这一切都要归荣耀于神!


在CKRM,我也亲眼目睹,不只是我一个人在属灵生命里有这么多突破。 每一个在CKRM的弟兄姐妹,他们的属灵生命和恩赐,都得到快速的更新,甚至叫人惊叹的增长!而且几乎每个人灵里的敏锐度都被提升。




马六甲超自然事工训练学校从开创至今,少过半年。我因为负责一堂的第二届约书亚营会,所以有机会与马六甲的弟兄姐妹们相聚。我观察到多位弟兄姐妹的灵性竟在少过半年的时间内被提升到惊人的敏锐度, 确实令我感到非常惊讶! 真是做梦也没想到竟会有那么快速和大的突破。不但这样,多位弟兄姐妹也得了很多的属灵武器并且能彼此服事。

这次到访马六甲CKRM,整个约书亚营会都充满着神的同在和恩膏。靠着神的恩典,在浓浓的恩膏下,因圣灵不断赐下启示,服事起来也很轻松。在其他堂的聚会中,圣灵的能力和同在就是一一的彰显在我们当中,使我也受益不浅。我深信在来临的九月十一和十二日新加坡CKRM的约书亚营会,圣灵的彰显将会更大,一切将超过我们所求所想的 (以弗所书 3:20)。

约书亚营会结束后,我和十多位不是住在马六甲的弟兄姐妹都留在圣所里自由的敬拜赞美神。弟兄姐妹和睦共处,享受神的同在。过后,我们用所得的武器彼此操练服事。给我印象最深刻的是谢弟兄。回想第一次见到他是在今年第一届的约书亚营,那时从他的脸,能看出他的灵已枯萎,且受到极大的捆锁。从他的外表能体会到他确实有异于常人,似乎对生命全无盼望。但是,在短短三个半月的时间里,现在的他跟以前已成了180°的对比。他脸上不但充满了荣光,喜乐,现在的灵更是非常敏锐。无论我们使用什么武器在他身上,如: “大卫的石子” (撒母耳记上17:49),“鞭子” (约翰福音2:15),“宝剑” (希伯來书4:12),“神的手指头” (但以理书5:5), 向他“吹灵气” (约翰福音20:22) 等等,他都能一一的领受。 他甚至能说出身上被属灵武器“击中”的正确部位。圣灵在谢弟兄身上这样大的奇妙作为, 让我留下了深刻的印象。

更妙的是一位年仅两岁半的小女孩,见了Thomas弟兄“吹灵气”和谢弟兄“神的手指头”的恩膏后,便有样学样地向我们吹气和用手指头指向我们。哈利路亚!神做事真是不受限制的。虽然她距离我们有超过十尺,但当她向着我们吹气时, 我灵里能感受到那股力量是多么的真实! 当她用她的小指头指向我时,我的灵眼能看见一股能力流向我。这股能力把我们这些大哥哥和姐姐们击倒在地上或使到我们的身体遥摆不定。若不是亲身体验,你或许不相信这些是真实的小。原来这小女孩跟了她父母亲来了CKRM有半年了。


Breakthrough in my spiritual life - Sis Gloria Teo

I was a student of Agape USA. While attending 2007 Agape Malacca Conference, I had a desire to attend Agape USA’s intensive spiritual training camp which was to be conducted by Pastor John MacLennan in 2008. I consulted the President of Agape USA, Rev Dr Ernest Chan and Dr Chan suggested that I should attend Pastor Paul’s empowerment ministry meetings in CKRM Christian Centre, Singapore instead ,which should be good enough rather to spending time and monies travelling to USA. I obeyed and came to CKRM.

Recalling the two years in CKRM, from the beginning till now, CKRM ministry is filled with God’s anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 2:4-5) which I had never in my life witnessed such powerful ministry before. Here, I continuously experience the outpouring and sanctification of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit “defrosted” me, who has a sturdy head full of logic and knowledge. While I was spiritually blinded in the past, I have been transformed and am now spiritually sensitive; able to discern via prayer if something is of God, testifying things in the spirit etc. All glory to God!

About two months ago, God gave me the “entertaining” anointing to entertain the King of kings and Lord of Lords. Subsequently, I received the “prophetic” anointing from God which allowed me to minister to the brothers and sisters in Christ. To be honest, the two years in CKRM surpass the revelations and ministry I had for more than ten years of my previous church life.

I have seen with my own eyes that I am not the only one in CKRM who had so many spiritual breakthroughs. The spiritual life and gifting of each and every brother and sister in CKRM has grown rapidly, some shockingly fast. The spirit of almost everyone has become very sensitive. Thank God. From the commencement of CKRM till now, the ministry is always filled with the Power and Anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is because we seek the Lord in everything; obey God and let Him lord over everything. All praise and glory to the Holy Trinity, our true God!

Brothers & Sisters in Malacca growing rapidly in the spirit

It has been less than 6 months since the commencement of CKRM Leadership Training (SEA) Sdn Bhd. As I was scheduled for one of the sessions for the 2nd Joshua Camp, I had the opportunity to meet up with the brothers and sisters in Malacca. From my observations, the spiritual sensitivity of many brothers and sisters has increased incredibly in less than 6 months. I am truly very shocked by it! I would not have dreamt of such rapid and huge breakthrough and furthermore, many of them are equipped with numerous spiritual weapons and serving one another.

For this trip to CKM Malacca, throughout the Joshua Camp, the whole place was filled with the presence and anointing of God. By the Grace of God, it was easy for me to minister as the revelations keep coming. Even for other sessions, the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit manifested in our midst and I benefited greatly from it. For the CKRM Singapore Joshua Camp from 11th-12th Sept, I long for the Holy Spirit to do more than we can ask and imagine (Eph 3:20).

When the 2nd Joshua Camp ended, about 10 of us who were not from Malacca (including me) remained at the sanctuary that day to freely praised and worshipped God. All of us, brothers and sisters in Christ lived together in harmony and enjoyed the Presence of God as one Body. Later on, we exercised the spiritual weapons we received from God and ministered to one another. Bro Chia left the deepest impression in me. Back in the 1st Joshua Camp, from the look on his face, I could tell that his spiritual life was dry and he was heavily bonded spiritually. From his outer appearance back then, he looked abnormal compared to the typical man on the street. But within 3 months, there was a 180°change from who he was to who he is now. His face is radiant and joyful, and his spirit is very sensitive. No matter what spiritual weapons we used on him, for example: the “Stone of David” (1Sam 17:49), the “Whip” (John 2:15), the “Sword of the Spirit” (Heb 4:12), the “Finger of God” (Dan 5:5), “Blowing” at him (John 20:22) etc, he could receive them all. Besides being able to receive the anointing, he could also tell what spiritual weapon was used on him and where it “hit” him. The great work that the Holy Spirit is doing in him left a deep impression in me.

There is no limit to what God can do. He used a girl who is only two and a half years old to manifest His power. She imitated Bro. Thomas & Bro Chia and exercised the “Blowing” anointing and the “Finger of God” on us. Although she performed both feats from more than ten feet away from us, I could still sense the force in my spirit. That power is so real! When she pointed her finger at me, I could see with my spiritual eyes, a bolt of energy flowing towards me. This power knocked us, big brothers and sisters to the floor or caused us to sway left and right. If you didn’t experience this for yourself, you may not believe that all this is true.

I offer my thanksgiving and praise for all the wonderful work God did in CKRM, Praise God for it is His will to raise up His own warriors through a ministry like CKRM.

第二届的约书亚营 - Joel How报道 / 2nd Joshua Camp - reported by Joel How

DL Moody说 “除了那些自以为是的人以外, 神不会让任何人空手而归”

这一切在CKRM约书亚营都已成就了! 第二届的约书亚营在二零零九年八月二十一日, 星期五晚上八点开始。保罗牧师开始分享神的话语和为着明天的聚会预备我们的心。Nellie姐妹是第一次来到CKRM。保罗牧师邀请她来到台前并且叫她专注仰望十字架。保罗牧师为她祷告时,她出乎大家意料之外的向前扑倒。她俯伏在神的面前 (创世记17:3 ) “亞伯蘭俯伏在地;神又对他说”。 我们知道圣灵已经在我们当中开始祂全能的作为。保罗牧师继续分享并且再次叫Nellie姐妹来到前面。保罗牧师说 “这是来自天上的酒, 拿去喝。” Nellie姐妹用她的手掌接过了这酒, 凭信心喝了下去。她接着就在灵里醉了。她坐在地上一边笑, 一边摇头说 “祂给了我这么多!” 多到Nellie姐妹捂住嘴巴,因为圣灵不停的把酒倒进她的嘴里。

第二天的约书亚营在早上八点半开始, 由弓射手Archer Girl带领琴与卢。真令人惊叹!神的Shekinah荣耀很强的充满在当中。接着是Benjamin和Thomas弟兄所带领的敬拜赞美。神的荣耀浓浓的充满在整个圣殿里。保罗牧师开始分享神的话语。他分享神的话语是“灵和生命” 。保罗牧师说:“神的话语被阅读时, 祂会自我彰显。他叫Benjamin弟兄读耶利米书23:9 (论到那些先知,我心在我里面忧伤,我骨头都发顫;因耶和华和祂的圣言,我像醉酒的人,像被酒所胜的人) 给来自万津的Choi弟兄听。Benjamin弟兄首先叫Choi弟兄的名字, 接着把这经文读给他听。当Benjamin弟兄向Choi弟兄重复阅读神的话语时, Choi弟兄开始颤抖并且在灵里醉了,就如圣经里所写的那样。

接着,保罗牧师叫Thomas弟兄向年少的 小Joel阅读约翰福音20:22 (说了这话, 就向他们吹一口气,说:你们受圣灵!)。小Joel就当场开始操练“吹气的恩膏” 。接下来的经节是玛拉基书3:2 (他來的日子,谁能當得起呢?他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢?因为他如炼金之人的火,如漂布之人的硷)。当这经文向一位来自万津的女士阅读时, 她开始颤抖。这是她第一次被神的圣火充满。我们继续读到了列王纪上18:46 (耶和华的灵( 原文是手)降在以利亞身上,他就束上腰,奔在亞哈前头,直到耶斯列的城门)。当这经文向着Jane Sue姐妹被释放出来时, 她开始快速地绕着殿里的会众跑。 赞美神因祂的话语就如圣经所写的,是生命,是活泼的道。

另一个经节实在太棒了!罗马书8:22-23 (我们知道一切受造之物一同叹息、劳苦,直到如今。不但如此,就是我们这有圣灵初结果子的,也是自己心里叹息,等候得着儿子的名分,乃是我们的身体得赎。) Georgina和Deborah姐妹屈膝在地痛苦呻吟, 就如神话语中所谈到分娩时的阵痛。真像是一本视听皆备的圣经!

每个人都被荣耀之王大大的膏抹。Lingli姐妹被圣灵大大的膏抹而领受了“死里复活的恩膏”。 弹钢琴的弓射手Archer Girl 有“超自然的恩膏”, 彰显神惊叹的大能。 被神大能击倒在地上的Choi弟兄 (来自万津) 很荣幸的体验了耶稣被钉在十字架的痛楚。他也领受了新的“飓风恩膏” (约伯记37:9-12)。

Gloria姐妹在下午的时段以先知启示的恩膏服事大家。她在圣灵恩膏下的服事使许多生命得蒙祝福。因为荣耀的领域在CKRM大大的敞开, 很多弟兄姐妹都被神的大能触摸倒在地上。Maureen姐妹不但被神的大能击倒在地上, 她也领受了圣灵的喜笑。一向以来都有圣灵喜乐恩膏的Grace姐妹,在除去对CKRM事工的疑惑后,从神哪儿大大的领受更多膏抹。Richard弟兄越来越能领受到从神而来的膏抹。圣灵把最好的留到后头。我们亲爱的黄弟兄, 七十三岁,一直以来未曾有任何彰显。 但当保罗牧师用锤子, 耶利米书23;29 (耶和华说:我的话岂不像火,又像能打碎磐石的大锤么?) 锤在他身上时, 他第一次彰显了犹大狮子的吼叫。黄弟兄的确是蒙福的。他开始操练这恩赐并向许多弟兄姐妹吼叫。他也向我吼叫而我知道我的恩膏又更上一层楼。保罗牧师也使用了锤子在我身上而我被大大的装备。

以斯帖牧师和我们分享雅各书3:1-12。她教导我们先知启示预言的能力,话语在这些领域里的能力是可畏的。她以自然界的法则作比喻,不管是哪个世界都有他自然律法或属灵律法统治。自然的世界有自然的法则。属灵的世界有属灵的法则,属灵的法则就是神的话(圣经)。属灵的世界由神的话语来掌管。我们被教导,因为我们行走在神的恩膏下,因此说话要格外小心。她说在列王纪下2:23-24, 以利沙诅咒戏笑他是禿头的童子, 结果那四十二个童子被兩只熊杀死。

这真是个令人惊叹的约书亚营!约书亚营结束后, 我们与小Joel交谈。 他说他的灵去到了天堂而在哪, 他遇见了使徒彼得。他甚至在约书亚营时看见圣殿里有天使。当保罗牧师使用鞭子或锤子来装备他的时候, 他的眼睛可以看见这些属灵武器。将所有赞美和感恩都献给我们永生的神,天上的父。阿们!

DL Moody says “God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves.”

All this came to pass in the Joshua Camp in CKRM! The second Joshua Camp started at 8.00pm Friday night on the 21 st August 2009. Pastor Paul began to share the word of God and prepared our hearts for the next day’s meeting. Sis Nellie came for the first time to CKRM. Pastor Paul Ang invited her to come to the altar and asked her to focus on the Cross. Ps Paul prayed for her and she fell forward beyond anybody’s expectation. She prostrated before God (Genesis 17:3 ) “Then Abraham fell on his face, and God talked with him.” We knew that Holy Spirit had already started His mighty work in our midst. Ps Paul continued sharing and called Nellie to come forward the second time. Ps Paul said “This is the Heavenly wine, take it and drink it.” Sis Nellie took the wine in her palms, drank it by faith and she was totally drunk in the Spirit. She sat on the floor bursting out in Holy laughter and shaking her head saying “He gave me so much!” So much so, sis Nellie covered her mouth because the Holy Spirit was continuously pouring wine into her mouth.

The second day’s camp started at 8.30 am in the morning with Archer Girl leading in Praise and Prayer. It was awesome because God’s Shekinah’s Glory came in a mighty manner. Then followed by Praise and Worship led by Bro Benjamin and Bro Thomas. God’s Glory was so thick in the temple. Ps Paul began to share the Word of God. He shared that the Word of God is “Spirit and Life.” Ps Paul said “as the Word of God is read It will manifest itself.” He called Bro Benjamin to read Jeremiah 23:9 (“My heart within me is broken because of the prophets: All my bones shakes. I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because the LORD , and because of His holy words.” ) to Bro Choi of Banting by calling this brother’s name as the scripture was read to him. As Bro Ben repeated reading God’s Word to Choi, Bro Choi began to shake and was drunk in the Spirit as written in the Bible. Next , Ps Paul called Bro Thomas to read John 20:22 ( and when He had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them,” Receive the Holy Spirit.” ) to junior Joel. Junior Joel began to exercise the “blowing anointing” immediately after that. The next verse was from Malachi 3:2 ( But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner and a purifier of silver.) When it was read to an aunty from Banting, she began to tremble as the Fire of God filled her for the first time. The reading of the Word of God proceeded to 1Kings 18:46 ( Then the hand of the lord came upon Elijah; and he girded and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel ) When this scripture was read to sis Janesue, she started to run with great speed around the congregation in the temple. Praise God for his Words came alive as it was written in the Bible.

The next scripture was so wonderful. Romans 8:22-23 ( For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, we also have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body ) Sis Georgina and Sis Deborah were on their knees and groaning and manifesting the birth pangs as mentioned in the Word of God . It was like the Bible in an audio visual form!

Everyone was empowered greatly by King of Glory. Lingli was empowered greatly by the Holy Spirit. She received the “resurrection anointing.” Archer girl who played the keyboard had the “supernatural anointing” where she manifested the awesome power of God. Bro Choi of Banting who fell under the power of God had the privilege to experience the pain and agony of Christ nailed on the Cross of Calvary. Bro Chia had a new “hurricane anointing” (Job 37:9-12).

Sis Gloria ministered in the prophetic in the afternoon session. She ministered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and many lives were blessed. Many brothers and sisters fell under the power of God because the Glory Zone was opened wide in CKRM. Sister Maureen fell under the power of God and received the Holy laughter too. Sister Grace who had the Holy Laughter all the while was able to receive greatly from God after all her doubts about CKRM were cleared. Richard began to receive more and more from God. The best was kept to the last by the Holy Spirit. Bro Wong, our beloved brother at 73 yrs.old had never manifested all this while, but when Ps Paul used the Hammer, Jeremiah 23;29 ( “Is not my word like a fire?” says the LORD, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? ) on him, he manifested the roar of the Lion of Judah for the first time. Bro Wong was indeed blessed. He began to exercise this gifting by roaring to many brothers and sisters. He also roared to me and I knew my anointing has gone up to a new level. Ps Paul also used the hammer on me and I received the empowerment extensively.

Ps Esther shared to us from James 3:1-12 . She taught us that there were the natural realm and the spiritual realm. Each was governed by laws whether the natural laws or the spiritual laws. We were told to be careful with what we speak as we walked under the anointing of God. She said in 2 Kings 3:23-24 when Elisha pronounced a curse on the youth who mocked him as baldhead, the 42 youths were killed by the two bears.

It was an awesome camp. After the camp when we talked to junior Joel, he told us that his spirit went to heaven and he met Apostle Peter. He even saw angels in the temple during the camp. When Ps Paul used the whip or the hammer to empower him he could see these weapons with his eyes. All praises and thanks to our Father, God in Heaven.
http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2009/03/readers-research-on-lions-roar.html (A Reader's Research on Lion's Roar)

Our God is "Outside the Box" - My Testimony by Bro Benjamin Khoo / 我们的神是在“箱子”以外的! – 我的见证 (便亚悯弟兄)

I remember hearing a preacher making a statement that nearly caused the audience to brand him as a heretic. He said, “Our God is wild!” Before the audience began hurling stones at him, he qualified by saying, “…in the sense that He cannot be domesticated as a pet!” Hilarious as it may sound, it is indeed a statement worth pondering as our God is indeed “outside-the-box”.

God has led my family to the supernatural ministry of CKRM Malacca more than four months ago. Despite having experienced God’s presence and power through different ministries in the past, I adopted a very careful attitude during the earlier days’ trips to the Saturday meetings. Many people may have been taken aback by the boisterous physical manifestations and unconventional methods of ministry employed by the pastors. However, by the grace of God and all glory to Him, God has done great things through this supernatural ministry in my life!

CKRM Malacca, being an empowerment ministry, has the mandate to prepare and empower God’s end-time army to fulfill their callings and destinies of God for their generation. Little did I know that empowerment would also mean God clearing up the mess in my life, healing and restoring my life and sharpening my spiritual sensitivity towards God and His voice. Indeed, the Lord has empowered me with the roar of the Lion of Judah and other gifts but I would like to share the fruit of God’s work through CKRM ministry. Amongst the many things that God has done, I would like to testify, giving all glory to Jesus of the following: -

(1) God has set me free from the bondage of habitual sins that I have struggled with for many years. The holy fire of God has broken the yoke of bondage and delivered me completely;
(2) He has healed and delivered me from my inner hurts and rejections which was hindering my walk with Him;
(3) God has led me to forget the past and not to allow the past to become a stumbling block for God to fulfill His destiny in my life. Through different ways, He began to restore to me my spiritual inheritance and other things that the enemy has stolen from my life;
(4) God has sharpened my spiritual sensitivity to His leading and His ways. He has also led me to a deeper level of yielding and surrendering to Him;
(5) Most of all, God has drawn me closer to Himself. He has intensified my inner desire to love Him, worship Him and walk with Him in deeper measures.

Through God’s supernatural ministry at CKRM, He has also taught me to treasure His calling in my life and the basic spiritual principles of obedience, guarding our hearts and mouths and not judging falsely have become powerful truths to live by within His perimeters of protection.

I rejoice and I am very thankful for the many good things He has done in my family and we believe and expect more of Him. There was once in a meeting where my 2-year old daughter drank of the heavenly wine and was healed of a bout of persistent cough. Praise the Lord! God has done many marvelous things that deserve all praise, glory and honour!

CKRM Malacca is indeed a place where the Spirit of God is given the room to move freely and minister to His people and to draw them to God and His love using unconventional “spiritual weapons” that confound the wise. Even though one may not fully understand what is going on initially, when we open our hearts and let God “outside-the-box” of religion and our limited knowledge, we will truly be blessed. In Acts 5:38-39, we read that even a Pharisee named Gamaliel had enough sense regarding God’s ministry, “V.38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; V.39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”
Pastor's Footnote:
Benjamin is an in-house legal counsel from Kuala Lumpur. The Lord led him and his family to CKRM Malacca. Since attending the Saturday meeting for the 1st time few months ago, he has faithfully attended & never missed any Saturday meeting despite the travelling time. He now serves in CKRM in the worship, playing the keyboard.

我们的神是在“箱子”以外的! – 我的见证 (便亚悯弟兄)

我记得曾经听过一位传道人因他所说的一句话,差点使听众把他列为异教徒。他说:“我们的神是狂野的!”在听众还没向他扔石头之前, 他继续解释说, “…意思就是祂不像宠物般被驯养!” 听起来也许滑稽,但这句话是值得反复思考的,因为我们的神确实是在“箱子以外”的。

神在四个多月前带领我的家人来到马六甲CKRM超自然事工。虽然以往, 神通过不同的事工使我经历过祂的同在和大能, 我还是抱着谨慎的态度参加星期六早期的聚会。许多人也许会被喧闹而充满活力的彰显和牧师们非一般事工的服事方式感到震惊。但是,蒙神的恩典,神通过这超自然事工在我生命里做了许多伟大的事! 将所有荣耀都归于祂!

马六甲CKRM既是一个装备信徒的事工,神所赐的宗旨就是预备和装备神末日军队,并成就神在他们这一代的呼召和使命。我当时并不晓得被装备也包挂被神清理我生命中的污秽,医治,复苏我的生命和使我对神和祂的声音更敏锐。的确,主赐我犹大狮子吼叫的恩膏和其他恩赐。但我最想分享的是神通过CKRM事工在我生命里所结出的果实。其中神做的许多事当中,我想为以下做见证, 将所有荣耀归给耶稣:

(1) 神把我从挣扎多年的罪恶和捆绑中释放出来。神的圣火灭尽了罪的枷锁并且完全释放我。
(2) 祂医治和释放阻拦我与祂同行的内在创伤和被弃绝的伤痛。
(3) 神使我忘记过去并且不让我的过去成为神成就祂在我生命中旨意的绊脚石。通过不同的途径, 神恢复我属灵的权柄和其他生命中被敌人偷走的东西。
(4) 神使我属灵的感官对祂的带领和思路更加敏锐。祂也带领我进入更深一层的顺从和降伏于祂。
(5) 最重要的是神使我更亲近祂。祂加增了我内心的渴慕来更深的爱祂,敬拜祂和更深一层的与祂同行。

通过CKRM超自然事工, 神也教导我珍惜祂在我生命里的呼召和基本的属灵原则比如顺服, 警守我们的心与口和不要妄下断语。这都成为活在祂保护区和圈子里强有力的真理。

我庆兴和感恩祂为我家庭所做的许多美事而我们也相信和期待祂更多的作为。我两岁的女儿在一次的聚会喝了属灵酒后, 持续已久的咳嗽得着医治。赞美主! 神做了许多不可思议的事, 祂配得一切赞美, 荣耀和尊荣!

马六甲CKRM确实是个让圣灵自由运行服侍祂子民使他们的心回归神的地方。祂使用使非一般的“属灵武器”使智慧人混惑。虽然起初我们未必能完全明白发生了什么事,但当我们敞开我们的心让神走出我们宗教和有限知识的“箱子”时,我们确实是蒙福的。在徒行传 5:38-39,我们甚至读到一位叫迦玛列的法利赛人如何明理的对待神的事工,“现在,我劝你们不要管这些人,任凭他们罢!他们所谋的、所行的,若是出於人,必要败坏;若是出於神,你们就不能败坏他们,恐怕你们倒是攻击神了。”

Benjamin兄弟是吉隆坡的一名法律顾问。主带领他和他的家人来到马六甲CKRM。自从几个月前,第一次参加星期六的聚会后,尽管路途遥远,至今未曾缺席过。他现在在马六甲CKRM 赞美敬拜团服侍,负责弹钢琴。

Spiritual Authority / 属灵的权柄

We should not cross the line of our authority beyond the Office & Anointing.

Miriam, Aaron and King Saul illustrate a dangerous trap into which leaders can fall. Leaders cannot try to exercise authority beyond their office and anointing. Both women and men must be aware that crossing the line without God's given authority is arrogance and pride which can destroy.

In who appears to be a racist motive, Miriam wrongfully challenged Moses' authority. "And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married ... " (Numbers 12:1).

The Lord immediately called Miriam and Aaron to account. "And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow ... " (Numbers 12:10).

And Moses cried out to the Lord, "O God, please heal her!"

The Lord replied to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, would she not have been in disguise for 7 days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back. So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move till she was brought back" (Numbers 12:13-15).

Every leader, man and woman needs to respect the limits of their ministry. They should not intrude presumptuously into areas for which they do not have responsibility. Miriam made her mistakes as just as other great leaders. She was severely disciplined.

Joyce Meyer: "Don't have an opinion where you don't have a responsibility."

King Saul did not wait for Samuel and cross his line of authority to offer and burnt offering. Because of that, his kingdom could not endure. David was chosen to replace Saul (1 Samuel 13:9-14).

King Uzziah went beyond his authority to burn incense and the Lord inflicted him with leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:18-20)."

Once, there was a senior pastor from Crown of Glory Church, Singapore who led pastors and a few of his Church’s leaders to come and disrupt our peaceful meeting. His team displayed aggression and he wanted to lay his hands forcefully on our leaders, where he has no spiritual authority to do so, hence crossing the line of his authority.

We cannot cross the line of our authority charging into our neighbour’s home and want to minister to our neighbour’s children where we have no spiritual authority to do so.

Like Saul, Uzziah and Miriam, it is a very dangerous to cross the line of our authority beyond the office and anointing. We cannot disregard the spiritual authority God has given to each of the spiritual leaders entrusted to take care of His house, where the person He has called for the specific ministry has a responsibility and accountability to God.

Ecclesiastes 11:5, "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."

Since we could not understand the work of God, we should not be critical of the ministries & calling of others as the Bible teaches us not to judge as per James 4:12, "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you–who are you to judge your neighbor?"

We should heed the wisdom of Bill Johnson when he wrote:- "In spiritual warfare, the safest place in this war is obedience. In the center of His will, we face the situations where we are equipped to win. Outside of the center is where many Christians fall, facing undue pressures that are self-inflicted. His will is the only safe place to be."

Hence, we should devote to what the Lord has called each one of us to do and walk in His will and not to cross the line of our authority & calling in doing something which we are not called to do.