After being empowered by God at CKRM, my cell group is never the same again / 在CKRM被恩膏装备后,我的小组再也不一样了

I want to thank God for leading me to CKRM Singapore and Malacca.

The Lord is equipping and empowering me to do His work in healing, deliverance and empowerment. Back to last year in November, after received the prayer of impartation through telephone from Pastor Paul, the level of anointing in my house especially in cell group time just shoot to high level. I saw healing, deliverance and empowerment took place when I exercised 'CKRM's anointing. We move into high praise and worship under the open heaven.

Tonight, I want to praise God that the Lord used me in healing, deliverance and empowerment in CG. After praise and worship, silver stain appeared in my song sheets. The anointing was very strong and we flow in prophetic in praying for the nation after watching Healing Crusade by Benny Hinn. After fellowship, I was led to declare the fire (Mat 3:11) upon my friend. She was vomiting each time I called down the fire of God. Brother Chia, who waited upon the Lord for 4 years, came to my house tonight. The Lord blessed him with 'The Sword' (Isa 27:1, Eph 6:17). I asked him to practice 'The Sword' upon my wife and my CG leader; he operated 'The Sword' with the great authority and power!! Both my wife and friend experienced deliverance when the Sword wielding upon them! I ccould see Holy Spirit was empowering Brother Chia in my house.

Then later I was explaining how I received the weapons of warfare and fire anointing and the purpose of deliverance and empowerment. I was led to 'blow' (John 20:22) to my friend, she was vomiting again!!! Just a blowing causes each deliverance!!! In the spirit, I saw the breathe of fire being blow in her! Wow, by yielding to the Holy Spirit and operate under the Glory of God, healing and deliverance is so easy and accelerated!! Also, the Lord inspired me to impart "The Sword' to my friend for self-deliverance. I obeyed and imparted. She received it with such’heaviness in her hand. Praise God that the Lord is equipping and empowering my friend. I believe she will come to CKRM Malacca soon. After much deliverance in my friend, I just spoke a word 'Joy of the Lord’; my friend broke out in Holy Laughter! WOW!

All the signs, miracle, healing, deliverance, empowerment, bring us back to the Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. It stirred our passion in our heart to worship Him!

I give all the Glory to God!

Thomas Ong


Pastor's Footnote: Bro Thomas is a Civil Engineer and resides in Klang, Selangor about 2 hours ride to CKRM Malacca. He faithfully come to attend CKRM Power & Prophetic Meeting every Saturday with his wife, also a Civil Engineer by profession. They are now both co-workers in our worship team.


感谢神带领我来到新加坡和马六甲的CKRM。神在装备我,让我领受祂的能力好让我可以做祂的工, 行使在医治, 释放,和让其他人领受神的能力。去年十一月,保罗牧师在电话中传递恩膏给我之后, 我家里的恩膏,特别是在小组聚会时, 达到一个高峰。每当我使用CKRM的恩膏时, 我就会看到医治, 释放和小组会员领受神的能力。在敞开的天堂下, 我们的敬拜赞美也达到一个高峰。

今晚我要赞美神, 因为在今晚的小组聚会时,祂使用我在医治, 释放和让小组会员领受神的能力。敬拜赞美之后, 我发现我的歌纸出现银色的染料。恩膏非常的强, 我们看完Benny Hinn的 医治布道会的光碟后,一起在先知启示恩膏的浇灌流动下为国家祷告。聚会完后, 圣灵感动我宣告圣火(马太福音3:11) 降临在我一位朋友的身上。每当我呼求圣火降临,圣火就降在她身上, 她就会呕吐。今晚一位等候主四年的谢兄弟也来到我家中。主赐他”圣灵的宝剑”' (以赛亚书 27:1, 以弗所书 6:17). 我就叫他在我妻子和小组长身上操练”圣灵的宝剑”'; 他大有权柄和能力的使用”圣灵的宝剑”!! 当”圣灵的宝剑”' 运用在我的妻子和朋友身上时, 她们都经历释放! 我看得出圣灵正在我家中装备谢弟兄。后来, 我解释我是如何领受这些作战的武器和圣火的恩膏。我也解释,释放和被神大能装备的意义。圣灵感动我向一位朋友”吹气” (约翰福音 20:22), 她又开始呕吐!!!

每一次向她吹气” 她就得释放!!! 在灵里, 我看见圣火的气息吹向她! Wow, 只要顺服圣灵的带领,运行在神的荣耀里, 医治和释放是那么容易与快速!! 还有, 主引导我将”圣灵的宝剑”' 传递给我的朋友好让她能为自己做释放。我顺服并传递了给她。她领受时, 感觉手中有” 重量”。赞美神装备我这位朋友。我相信她在不久的将会会前来马六甲CKRM 接受更多的装备。经历那么多释放后, 我说一句“主的喜乐”; 我的朋友就被圣灵充满, 破口大笑! WOW!所有的神迹奇事,百般异能 ,医治, 释放, 被神的大能装备等等是为了引导我们回归主耶稣-我们信心的创始成终者。这些东西燃起我们心中的渴慕来拜赞祂!将一切荣耀归给神!


牧师的留言: Thomas弟兄是个土木工程师家居住在Klang, Selangor 距离马六甲CKRM 是大概两个小时的车程。他与妻子(也是个土木工程师)一起忠心地参加每个星期六的马六甲CKRM 能力启示事工。他们两位现在是我们敬拜赞美团的同工。

Joshua Camp - Testimony from a Deacon / 约书亚营 - 一位执事长老的见证

Hole in shirt appeared after Bro Joel was "hit" by the stone of David

Bro Mark,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful reports of the works of the Holy Spirit during the Joshua Camp.

I sincerely thank Pastor Paul and Ps Esther for freely accepting and blessing my family to operate in the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

When Bro Julian Ma invited me, in my heart I was thinking which church in Malacca I have not been that God is moving supernaturally?

I went in CKRM with much anticipation and hunger. I saw signs and wonders happening right with my own eyes. As the meeting was coming to a close I wasn't singled out by Pastor Paul. In my heart I was praying God please don't bypass me, I want to receive from You! Then Ps Paul called me out to the Altar.

I raised my hands towards God but I was struggling to enter into his presence. Then I heard the word of God through Ps Esther - "you have been there and you can experience Him."

Immediately I was slained and the power that went into me was so great and wonderful that I had never experienced before in my entire Christian walk!

I went home telling the encounter to my wife Anna and my daughter Lingli. I brought them to the camp the second day. It was the greatest and most wonderful encounter and from then on no turning back, no turning back. My daughter and wife were greatly blessed.

Upon careful checking on my T-shirt, I found the hole made by the stone released by Ps Paul - the cut was made from inside out! Haleluyah and praise the Lord! I am amazed by the power of God. My prayer is I will be able to see into the spiritual realm when Ps Paul says "in my hand are a sling and a stone" (1 Samuel 17:49).

The next day, I went back to my church (which you mentioned big) to me big or small is not important. I want to experience the Big, Mighty God that we serve. During the middle of worship I observed my daughter was already in the anointing of God as she was shaking and later I was also in the anointing that I roared like a lion (Amos 1:2, 3:8, Revelation 5:5, 10:3) and later prostrated in the awesome presence of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you, Bro Mark Tay that we met in this divine camp. I thank every brothers and sisters too who were at the camp.

May God bless you all abundantly!

Bro Joel How
A Reader's Research on the Lion's Roar.
约书亚营 - 一位执事长老的见证



当Julian弟兄邀请我出席马六甲CKRM的公开特会时, 我心里在想,在马六甲还有哪一间教会是充满着神超自然能力在运行,而我还没有去过的。我带着极大的渴慕和期待出席这特会。在这聚会里,神迹奇事就在我眼前不段的发生,但就是没有发生在我身上。当聚会要结束之前,我在心中向主祷告,“神啊,请别漏了我, 我要从袮那儿领受祝福 。接着保罗牧师忽然把我叫出去,邀请我到台前。

我向神举起双手,但是心中却在挣扎,不能完全进入祂的同在里。 然后,我听到了神的话语,通过以斯帖牧师的口“你曾经到过那里,你是可以经历祂的同在。”我马上被圣灵的能力击倒。然后,有一股很强烈的能力进入了我的身体。这是我一生虽然做了基督徒这么久,却从未经历过。

回到家时, 我和我的妻子Anna,以及我的女儿Lingli, 分享了我的经历。 我就带了他们出席第二天的约书亚营聚会。那是我生命中最美好的经历。我也知道此刻开始是没回头路,也不再有冷淡退后的时刻。我的妻子和女儿都得到极大的祝福。经过仔细的查验,我发现当保罗牧师向我释放了大卫的石子后,却造成了我的衣服破了一个小洞,而那小洞是从里面穿向外去。赞美神!我确实对神的能力感到惊讶。我的祷告就是当保罗牧师说他手上拿着“机弦与石子”(撒母耳記上17:49)时,让我能够在属灵的境界里,看见这大有能力的武器。

隔天,当我回到我的教会时,(你说是大教会)我觉得无论是大教会或小教会,这不重要。我要经历的是我们所服侍的那位伟大的神。在敬拜赞美的时候,我女儿在圣灵恩膏里浸泡并颤抖。我也在圣灵的恩膏下发出狮子吼叫(阿摩司书 1:2,3:8;启示录 5:5,10:3) 。过后,我便俯伏的浸泡在神的同在中。

谢谢你,马可弟兄。 确实是上帝的安排使我能够在这约书亚营遇见你。我也同时要谢谢在约书亚营里的每一位弟兄姐妹们。



第一届约书亚营 / Joshua Camp 2009 - Bro Mark Tay


新加坡CKRM的代表团队在四月三十号,晚上八点左右,抵达马六甲的CKRM. 在圣灵的引导下,约书亚和迦勒弟兄带领着大家一同展开步伐,前往着应许之地。在欢呼和喜乐中,新加坡的CKRM团队跨越了属灵界的约旦河,正式踏入马六甲应许之地。哈利路亚!

跨越了约旦河之后,在约书亚营开始的第一天,神的儿女们都非常渴慕与期待圣灵的同在。 首先,来自新加坡CKRM的弓射手以琴与炉来邀请神与我们同在。在敬拜的时候,圣灵感动了提摩太弟兄带领大家围 绕整个圣所。这是一个启示性的动作,在灵界里,这乃是在拆毁耶利哥城的城墙。得胜后,大家高声的歌颂和高举主名。



许多的会众都到台前给于见证,述说神的大能和恩惠。Benjamin弟兄的父亲提到他知晓在槟城有一间教会也在神的能力中运行。但是,他却对马六甲的CKRM感到惊讶,因为 CKRM 马六甲不但充满着神的能力,而且也有神话语的教导。这是很难得的。他接着也提醒,当大家各自回到自己的教会时,请不要被别人的不信和怀疑污染大家的思想,因为在CKRM所发生的一切确实是完全从神而来的。最后,他壮胆的宣告说,复兴将会临到马六甲。 哈利路亚!


Joshua Camp marks an important milestone in the history of CKRM Christian Centre Ltd as the Joshua generation crosses the Jordan River to possess the Promised Land. The team from CKRM Singapore arrived in Malacca on 30th April at around 8 pm. Led by the Spirit, Bro Joshua and Bro Caleb led the way into the land while the worship team and the rest followed closely behind. In the midst of much rejoicing and celebration, the team from CKRM Singapore crossed the spiritual Jordan River and stepped into the Promised Land. Hallelujah!

After crossing the “Jordan River”, the people of God continued to press in on the first day of the camp. Spearheading the day was Archer Girl from CKRM Singapore, whom the Lord used mightily to usher in the presence of God as she sang and played on the piano. As the people were worshipping the Lord, the Holy Spirit prompted Bro Timothy to circle around the sanctuary. This is a prophetic act of advancing the kingdom of God by tearing down the walls of Jericho in the spiritual realm. Having secured the victory in the spiritual realm, we praised the Lord and exalted His name.

Pastor Paul went on to teach and show for “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power,” (1 Corinthian 2:4). A sister’s doubts about God and CKRM were completely removed when the Holy Spirit “grounded” her legs to the floor. Subsequently, she underwent deliverance and was filled with the Spirit. One of the highlights of the camp was the open night meeting that day. Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther prophesied and empowered many that night using the various gifting and “weaponry” that God has blessed CKRM with. The power of God came upon Bro Robert, a deacon of a large church in Malaysia very strongly.

The next day, Bro Robert brought his family along. Once again, he had a taste of the power of God when the stone of David went right through him and burst a hole at the back of his shirt as it came out from his back! The Lord gave Bro Robert a new name, called Joel, signifying the beginning of his new life and walk with the Lord. His family was greatly blessed too. Bro Joel’s wife was swept with the joy of the Lord while his daughter spent an hour on the carpet as her prophetic gifting was stirred up. She was swept with joy too.

Many testimonies poured in as different people went up the stage to testify the power and goodness of God. Benjamin’s father commented that he knows of a church in Penang that moves in power, and was pleased to stumble upon another church (CKRM Malacca) that not only moves in power but also teaches the Word. He went on to warn the people present not to be “contaminated” by doubts and disbelief when they return to their own churches as whatever is happening in CKRM Malacca is completely from God. He closed his testimony by boldly proclaiming that revival will break out in Malacca. Hallelujah!