Before we went to Malaysia, Dorcas and I often prayed together for the trip. God gave us a lot of words and dreams. In one of the dreams, Dorcas saw a huge barrel of high quality oil and she was saying “This is the oil I wanted; clean and pure.” When she shared with me about this dream I told her that oil is the anointing of God and CKRM has such kind of oil. True enough, during the 8th Joshua Camp at CKRM she received a lot of grace and anointing from our Lord.
When we prayed on the plane while flying to Kuala Lumpur, God did not say anything to us but gave Dorcas a vision- which was only a donkey and nothing else. We didn’t understand the meaning of this vision until the first day of the camp.
Ps Paul was sharing with the campers why he chose to be a donkey for Jesus. He shared a testimony given by a man of God who wrote: “Our beloved Jesus went to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people took off their clothes and spread them on the road. It was the donkey who walked on the clothes, not Jesus. The donkey was honoured because he carried Jesus. I am like that donkey. People honour me not for my sake but because I preach Christ.”
In 1 Samuel 2:30 the Lord declares, “… Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”
Nebuchadnezzar praised the Most High: “I honored and glorified Him who lives forever.” Then his sanity was restored, his honor and splendor were returned for the glory of his kingdom (Daniel 4:34-36).
When Pastor Paul mentioned donkey in his teaching session, I smiled and said to Dorcas. “Don’t you think that this is the donkey you saw in your vision?”
Today when I read an article from BOB JONES, I was surprised to find that there is also a vision of the donkey in his article. The Lord prompted me to link the donkey with CKRM.
God raised CKRM’s ministry to equip and empower the saints of this generation for the coming end time where the darkness and evil forces will increase greatly on the earth. But in this season, many people could not understand such ministry. Only those who know God’s will and are sensitive to the leading of Holy Spirit will recognize God's work.
Excerpt from Bob Jone’ vision:
“The Burden Bearers
In the next vision Bob saw a donkey that was loaded with supernatural provision essential for this interval of God's Spirit. Interestingly, though the little donkey was loaded with cargo, many people were mocking his appearance. We much remember, it was a lowly donkey that brought the Savior of the world in Jerusalem at the appointed time.
This will be a dangerous time to mock at the vessels God has chosen to bear His Glory, because they will be carrying all that we need to survive in this generation. Many religious leaders of the day had a difficult time comprehending John the Baptist because of his appearance and style. Nevertheless, he was God's messenger providing the essential direction for that season. We cannot afford to not recognize the day of His visitation and miss the tremendous opportunity set before us.
It was John’s directive to prepare a people for the Lord’s coming and restore the inheritance of God's children. The Lord said the spirit and power of Elijah is given to restore all things and turn the hearts of this generation back to God.
This analogy clearly identifies the symbolic nature of the donkey shown in the visions. It is a symbolization of humility and utter dependence upon God demonstrated by those who are trusted with spiritual empowerment. Furthermore, we must develop keen spiritual discernment to recognize their true value and the importance of the provision they carry."
Pastor' Footnote: Some of the greatest achievements of men have come from the outcast and the greatly misunderstood. The disciples of Jesus who were the unschooled, ordinary men (Acts 4:13) courageously went to storm and change the world preaching the gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
负重的驴驹——Sarah Shan 姐妹的见证
在来吉隆坡的路上,我们在飞机上祷告的时候,神没有对我们说什么,但给了多加一个异像,她看到一个驴。除此什么都没有。我们不明白什么意思。直到在营会第一天 。
尼布甲尼撒称颂至高者说:“我便称颂至高者,赞美尊敬活到永远的神。” 他的聪明和荣耀都复归于他。(但以理书4:34-36).
今天我阅读美国先知BOB JONES的文章,惊奇的发现里面也有一段关于驴的异像,我马上想到了CKRM。
Having hosted the Five Fold Ministers’ Retreat at our newly renovated Canaan Penthouse Conference Hall for the morning session of the ‘Prayer for Malacca’ on 1st December 2011 with pastors and ministry leaders from several countries, this is my brief sharing of my encounter with God have touched the hearts of some participants.
The Lord has revealed to us that it is time now to proceed with building a large convention centre (Auditorium) with a seating capacity for 5000 people and has also identified His chosen location for the project. The project will include a multi-storey block of service apartments and other facilities in a prime location. It is such a privilege and honour the Lord has given my development, now ministering partner Bro Gabriel Eng and I the task to do something great for Him. Ps O.K.Thian who is the advisor for CKRM Leadership Training Malaysia is the Architect for the project.
Ps Thian was also the Architect for the following projects:-
Stadium Negara – 1983
Full Gospel Assembly Prayer Mountain, Genting Highlands – 1993
Education Block of Holy Light Church, Johor Bahru – 1965
Glad Tidings Church, Petaling Jaya - 1984
Attempt something so great for God, it is doomed to fail unless God be in it as per Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.”
Hence, I would like to share this testimony to give glory to God on how a man full of passion for business and the things of the world could suddenly lost all desires and give up everything to serve the Lord, learning to work with Him under His leading, guidance and protection despite being a young Christian of faith without any formal Theological training. An encounter with Lord Jesus will definitely transform life. Apostle Paul was a great sinner and the worst sinner of all persecuting and killing the disciples of Jesus. The Damascus Road Encounter changed him to a man who was full of zeal and love for Jesus. With this unceasing love he defended the gospel to his last dying days and willing to endure all kind of difficulties without the fear of men but only to obey God.
My encounter with the Lord was in California 2004 when the fire of God struck me like a lightning that swept throughout my entire body. My life was transformed. The fire burns away all the dross of my life and draws me to the first love – Lord Jesus (Zechariah 13:9, Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16). The love for the Lord eliminates all the fear of men. After that fire encounter, the Lord began to isolate me as He closed all doors of contact with my past friends, cell group members and later even with my mentors in order to put me in the potter’s house to reshape the clay in His hand. It was during this time I was left to focus on Him alone, learning to work with Him as He taught me many things like He isolated and taught Apostle Paul in Arabia for 3 years.
I learn from a great revivalist, Bill Johnson of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, California and the Bible, never to compromise with men out of fear and I witness and experience how true this is and I see the ministry of God grows without any lack of provisions, resources and funds. Ps Esther and I were being blessed by Bill Johnson in his supernatural school in Redding, California in 2007. We came back to set up CKRM Singapore.
Through these few years of ministry life, I identify myself with the two disciples of Jesus, Peter and John. Peter and John told the religious authority in Acts 4:19-20, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” And their ministries brought in great salvation.
Peter and John did not submit to the religious authority but they chose to obey God, so neither was Daniel when he did not submit to the King’s decree but rather he chose being put into the Lion’s den.
Bill Johnson quote: "Nebuchadnezzar made a golden image that stood 90 feet high. All in his kingdom were to worhsip this thing. But the Hebrew children would not. There is a distinction between submission and obedience. Sometimes we are to go against the command of our leaders - but even then, only with submissive hearts."
I also learn how King Saul lost his calling because of his fear of men. King Saul was fearful of his men and he did not wait for Samuel to come and offer the burnt sacrifice. As a result, his kingdom could not endure as in 1 Samuel 13:13-14, “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.”
The great Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke quote: "True greatness is not bigness or spiritual prominence. It is doing the will of God."
The article through the link below will provide some understanding of my calling:-
The "Fire Anointing" and It's Purpose / 圣火的恩膏及其目的
Being set apart and consecrated for His use, I have become obedient to His voice. Rev Dr Henry Chieng, a Methodist Pastor for more than 25 years and overseeing about 20 Churches as a Superintendent was my college mate in a Chinese Seminary in California. He testified about my absolute uncompromised obedience in an article through this link:
Anyone whom the Lord has ordained and commissioned for a fire ministry has in fact a very controversial ministry where only a few could understand unless they have a similar encounter with the Lord too. My testimony has blessed and encouraged many Christians. Many testified through our website how they witnessed the awesome move of God in our ministry and have been blessed. Praise God!
I share two of their testimonies posted through the link below:- (by Rev Dr Joyce Tai, co-founder of a Seminary School) (By Pastor Isaac of a Church in Irvin, California)
The Lord gave me a choice when my life was in a mess, saying that if I am willing to be consecrated and set apart for Him, leaving everything behind and carry the cross and walk with Him, He will make everything perfect in my life. Now, I can witness how true and faithful He is.
All my four children are very close and very supportive of my ministry. Our relationship today is so close compared with my sinful past. My three sons have graduated from Australia. My daughter is in USA, married a very devoted Christian. Elder son, George left his banking career to set up a food business. The business commenced in 2002 and expanded to several countries. I have posted an article about his business vide
All Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you, Jesus, my Lord and my Saviour. Hallelujah! Amen!
主已启示我们,现在正是时候进行一个可容纳五千人聚会的大型会议中心(大礼堂)的建设工程,同时神也确定了祂所选择的建筑位置。该项目将包括一个在地理位置优越,多层服务的公寓,以及其他主要的设施。感谢主的恩典,我和我的发展与服事伙伴Eng弟兄能有这么一个机会为主做大事是何等的耀幸。Thian 牧师是马来西亚CKRM领袖训练的顾问,也是这项目的工程师。
Thian牧师也是下列项目的工程师: -
马来西亚国家体育场 - 1983年
全备福音大会祷告山,云顶高原 - 1993年
圣光教会的教育室,柔佛 - 1965年
报喜教堂,八打灵再也 - 1984年
2004年在加利福尼亚州,主与我相遇。当时上帝之圣火如闪电般击中我整个身体,就此我的生命完全改变。这圣火烧去了我生命中的老我,并引领我寻着至爱 -- 主耶稣(撒迦利亚书13:9,路加福音3:16,马太福音3:11)。主的爱,能够消除人所有的恐惧。经历过主的圣火后,主开始把我分别为圣,停止我与过去的朋友,细胞小组的成员,甚至我的导师们所有的联系。主在陶匠的家中,用祂的手重新塑造我。就在那个时候,我学习如到何留心独自地专注于祂,学习与祂一起同工。主也在这段时间教会了我许多东西,就如在阿拉伯,祂亲自地教导使徒保罗三年一样。
经过数年的事奉生涯,我效法了耶稣的两个门徒,彼得和约翰。彼得和约翰在使徒行传4:19-20告诉宗教领袖说,“听从你们,不听从神,这在神面前合理不合理,你们自己酌量吧。我们所看见所听见的,不能不说。” 他们的事奉带来了极大的救恩。
通过以下网页的文章,将使你更清楚神对我的呼召: -
The "Fire Anointing" and It's Purpose / 圣火的恩膏及其目的
以下是我与大家分享的其中两个见证: - (Joyce Tai牧师/博士,学院的创始人之一) (加利福尼亚州,欧文教会的以撒牧师,)
The 8th Joshua Camp was held on the 2nd December to the 4th December at Canaan Penthouse Conference Hall, Legenda Condo, Klebang Kecil Malacca. The Biblical meaning of number 8 : comes from my understanding that it normally deals with one who abounds in strength. The number eight is also used in reference to fertility. It has also been used when referring to the Resurrection or new beginnings.
Prior to the 8th Joshua Camp a Five Fold Ministers’ Retreat was held at Canaan Penthouse Conference Hall where pastors and leaders from all over the world came to pray for a spiritual breakthrough in Malacca. True to the meaning of eight which refers to a new beginning, the Lord led a group of young boys and girls from Banting and a sister named Docus from Beijing, China to this Camp.
Pastor Paul shared about the importance of Fire Anointing and Spiritual Weapons so that we can be effective disciples of Christ. The new comers received many spiritual gifts when Ps Paul prayed for the impartation of Fire Anointing. Sister Docus who hardly spoke English burst out worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ with songs of praise in English. Before this encounter while in Israel she noticed many Chinese spoke fluently in English and she desired deeply in her heart to be competent in this language. The Lord graciously gave her new words like “rain”,” “worship”, “bless Fire” and “follow me.” She spoke all these new English word without knowing its meaning.
Ps Thian commented that “the word of God is signs and wonders. If there are no signs and wonders you cannot go very far. So don’t belittle the signs and wonders. We need to learn and able to perform signs and wonders.” Pastor Thian concluded that the teaching about signs and wonders is the hallmark of CKRM.
Ps O.K. Thian who is our Advisor for CKRM Leadership Malaysia shared yesterday in our Joshua Camp that he is so privilege and excited that God has chosen him to work with us in this new Auditorium project as an Architect.
The Lord led a very senior minister who is a PhD holder and his wife to our Joshua Camp. A senior minister in healing and deliverance ministry, he is a certified and licensed as ordained minister by Covenant Ministries International, Inc USA. He said that “many people may not know the implication of signs & wonders but these are the last days of the outpouring. He looked forward to working with us in the healing & deliverance ministry."
Bishop Rev Dr Akintunde the President and Founder of The Weight of His Glory International Ministries, in Lagos Nigeria who has travelled widely around the world shared how God can use us more than He is using us now. In our lives we are vessels to God. 2 Timothy 2: 20-26 says that God wants to use us but we must be clean. He further preached that in Luke 6:27-28 the Lords expect our lives to be different from others. When our hearts are purified completely, then we are special to the Lord. Bishop Joseph a man of God who is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit affirmed that we should not reject the new spiritual things that the Lord is doing in churches today. On the last day of the Camp he preached about the fullness of God to the campers like the mind, the power, the wisdom, the nature, the pattern of God, the character, etc. This means what makes God to be God was all found in Christ himself. When love is in our hearts, then we will have revelations from God.
In conclusion, Bishop Joseph Rev Dr Joseph Akintunde told us to expect a new beginning after this Camp. The Lord would release a new strength in us, so do make a new covenant with Jesus. When there is a covenant from our hearts, expect to see great miracles to happen. We must make up our minds to follow God even though we cannot see Him. People become very afraid if they have not seen new moves of God before. Even when the speaking of tongues started in the 60s, the churches took more than 10 years to accept that speaking in tongues are biblical and it is from God. We need to know the truth so that the truth will set us free (John 8:32). (Photos)