God bless my family & set us free from financial debt at CKRM Malacca - Sis Ruth Kok / 神透过马六甲CKRM 祝福我的家人和把我们从债务困锁中赎出来 - Ruth Kok 姐妹

A friend from my previous church brought me to CKRM last year, and it was just before the 3rd Joshua Camp. Being someone who is always hunger for the great move of the Holy Spirit, I was amazed by what was happening with the strong presence of God!

Before coming to CKRM, God has been speaking to me through His word in Isaiah 61:1: “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners”. Since then, I have been declaring this word of His upon my life, and I know my calling is in the area of deliverance.

Since coming to CKRM, the Lord has been anointing and empowering me. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I am able to cast out demons from people without getting hurt, because the demon recognizes the anointing (Acts 19:15-16). I rejoice with God when I see that person has been set free.

In November 2009, as I was worshipping God, I received a vision. I saw myself holding a few cheques in my hand, and I could even see the bank’s logo in them. I told the Lord I know I must leave my previous church to join CKRM but I had taken a loan from them which I am not able to settle yet. God then gave me this verse to declare: The Blessings of the Lord it makes rich and He add no sorrow to it. Every time when I pray, I will be led to declare this verse. I also feel the peace and joy of the Lord within me.

On the 23rd of January 2010, my husband and I were amazed at how God work things out for us. Pastor Seth Tan told us God has touched his heart, and that it is the Lord’s heartbeat for Pastor Seth to settle my debts with my previous church, so that we can be set free completely. When Pastor Seth took out his cheque book, I was surprised to see the same bank logo that I saw in the vision. God is truly awesome! Pastor Seth said he had wanted to settle all the outstanding balance in one payment. However, God told him to make a few monthly payments instead. This is in accordance to the vision which I saw, come to pass. I shared with Pastor Seth the vision I had. Not only that, Pastor Seth’s younger son also received a vision. All these are confirmation of what Pastor Seth received is truly from the Lord.

I thank God for choosing me and my family to be part of what He is doing through the CKRM ministry. My husband had responded to countless altar call at church to be healed of the virus attacked in his brain which he suffered for a long time. However, by the grace of God and with the leading of the Holy Spirit at CKRM, my husband was completely healed after just two altar call without anyone laying hands to pray for him. He is set free, empowered and able to move in the Spirit with the gift of discernment. Now, I begin to understand the importance of God’s anointing if we want to be a witness unto Jesus and to serve Him effectively.

Thank you Pastor Paul, Pastor Esther, Pastor Seth, Bro Joel, Bro.Wong and all the family members of CKRM. I believe because of your obedience and faithfulness toward your calling, God will continue to pour His Spirit without measure in CKRM!

神透过马六甲CKRM 祝福我的家人和把我们从债务困锁中赎出来 - Ruth Kok 姐妹

我是在去年第三届约书亚营之前,由我前教会的一位朋友带领来到CKRM 的聚会。一直以来非常渴慕经历圣灵大能运行的我,对神大能同在和圣灵在CKRM的作为感到咋舌。

在还没去到CKRM之前,神就不断的以以赛亚书61:1向我说话 –“主耶和华的灵在我身上;因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人,差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢”。因此我不断的以祂的话对自己的生命宣告,也清楚知道神对我生命的呼召是在释放这方面的事工。





谢谢您保罗牧师,以斯帖牧师,塞特牧师,约珥弟兄,黄弟兄和所有CKRM 的家庭成员。我相信因着你们的顺服和忠心于神所赐的呼召,神会继续无限量地把祂的灵浇灌在CKRM!