About 150 people were entertained to a ‘show’ put up by our wonderful Church pastors & co-workers for the Christmas celebration. After the show, there was an awesome display of the Holy Spirit’s power.
By the grace of God, about 10 people came forward to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
The revival of supernatural signs & wonders is the most powerful & biblical way to witness to unbelievers and people of other faith.
The glory of God appears in different forms & ways. It could be in the form of gold dust, fire, or some supernatural encounter. How can this be explained? Isaiah foretold: “... the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:2). Moses had a visible manifestation of the glory when his face shone after descending from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony (Exodus 34:29).
Though the founding members of CKRM do not have any formal Theological training, the Holy Spirit has been training us for many years. For me, He gave me revelation, taught me how to manifest His power in supernatural signs & wonders, and took me in the spirit to the spiritual realm. Once, the Holy Spirit took me in the spirit to a home of a prophet in USA.
It may sound strange but this was how Apostle Paul was taught by the Holy Spirit for 3 years in Arabia. Paul said in Galatians 1:11-12, “I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
Jesus had never separated the word and the work when He was walking the earth. This is because He is the word, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was on Him.
Bill Johnson wrote in his book, “Those who restrict themselves to mere word limit their gift and many may unintentionally lead believers to pride by increasing knowledge without an increased awareness of God’s presence and power. The spirit of the antichrist is at work today, attempting to influence believers to reject everything that has to do with the Holy Spirit’s anointing. That spirit has worked to reduce the gospel to a mere intellectual message, rather than a supernatural God encounter.”
Miracle is the work of God. Without God in our life and ministries, we cannot perform supernatural miracles, signs & wonders.
Dear readers,
My name is Mark and I began to attend CKRM Sat Empowerment Ministry on the 2nd Nov 2008. Back then, I was spiritually unstable and under the bondage of sin. All these were hard to swallow for me as I was once on fire for God and even graduated with good results for a diploma course in Theology. I naively assumed that all this will point to a life of blessings and ministry. Neither materialised and I was struggling very badly in 2008. Everything I touched turned into dust and I was experiencing setbacks in every aspect of my life. It was against such a backdrop that I stepped into CKRM.
I never expected God to touch me through CKRM. After all, I had been part of Benny Hinn's choir, and if Benny Hinn could not knock me down with his anointing, who could? Deep in my heart, I reasoned that experiencing God was a tall order I shouldn't hope for because of my sins and pride. But driven by desperation as well as obedience to prophecy, I keep returning to CKRM. I also told my friends Daniel, Janice, Joshua, Huiliang, Jieying etc about this ministry. God ministered to all of them!!!! I don't really understand what was going on in CKRM but I believe that God does show up on Sat with this peculiar group of people. In the midst of the turmoil surrounding my life, I felt that the safest place to be is where God is - at CKRM.
I was especially impressed with what the Holy Spirit could do with aunties, uncles .. lay-men who had no theological certificates whatsoever. The reality of God rekindled my spiritual zeal and I began to attend church service, cell group, prayer meeting etc faithfully. By the grace of God, a sister prophesised over me on the 29th Nov and what she said drove me to tears. That set the stage for Pst Paul to impart God's anointing on me. True to the prophecy, I was set free from the bondage of sin and is now sensitive to the presence of God. There is also a sense of destiny, knowing that I have a calling in my life to fulfil. The world continues to be gripped by fear and terror but I was at peace with myself and God. I know everything is going to be alright because God is now in the picture.
I was renamed Mark (formerly known as Gordan) in Dec 2008; a prophetic name for how God intends to use me. My new found sensitivity to the presence of God, in the form of shaking, wasn't something my church mates understood. I was told to control my shaking (which I couldn't quite control) by my church leader. My body would shake during worship, during Kathie Walter's seminar and even at home or in public places! I couldn't explain to my mother or my friends for this weird manifestation which accompanied even as I write now. I was also jolted out of sleep on the 12 Dec at 4.30 am by a sharp pain in my right chest. It felt as if someone thrust a long sharp needle through my ribcage and I awoke to find my inner man praying in tongues within me! I became fearful because there was nobody around me! The thought that a demon had attacked me during my sleep came to mind. I realised I have to pray for protection since then.
I never expect God to accomplish so much in five weeks which I couldn't in 8 years as a Christian! I look forward to the days ahead with the Lord. I also look forward to persecutions and spiritual attacks if I am of any value in the kingdom of God. It's inevitable if I want to be part of God's army. I rather die as Mark... than live as Gordan again.
Lastly, I want to thank CKRM for the price they pay for the anointing and God for giving me, his prodigal son... a 2nd chance.