末世桩稼收割—道与灵结合/The Endtime Harvest - The Word & The Spirit

就如史密斯•威格尔斯沃思 (Smith Wigglesworth) 在1947 年所发的预言,末世收割将会是神的话与神的灵合并的时候。他说我们将见证神的话与神的灵结合如斯蒂布 (Stibbe) 所描述的“教会历史上前所未见,神的灵大大运行的极点。”

哈该书2:9 “这 殿 后 来 的 荣 耀 , 必 大 过 先 前 的 荣 耀 。 在 这 地 方 我 必 赐 平 安 。 这 是 万 军 之 耶 和 华 说 的。”

彼得前书 4:17 因 为 时 候 到 了 , 审 判 要 从 神 的 家 起 首 。 若 是 先 从 我 们 起 首 , 那 不 信 从 神 福 音 的 人 , 将 有 何 等 的 结 局 呢 ?

以西结书 34:10 主 耶 和 华 如 此 说 :我 必 与 牧 人 为 敌 , 必 向 他 们 的 手 追 讨 我 的 羊 , 使 他 们 不 再 牧 放 群 羊;牧 人 也 不 再 牧 养 自 己 。 我 必 救 我 的 羊 脱 离 他 们 的 口 , 不 再 作 他 们 的 食 物 。

亚 拿 尼 亚 , 同 他 的 妻 子 撒 非 喇 因为欺 哄 圣 灵,把 田 地 的 价 银 私 自 留 下 几 分。使徒彼得责备他们,圣灵即刻审判,他们先后仆 倒 断 了 气 。 全 教 会 , 和 听 见 这 事 的 人 , 都 甚 惧 怕(使徒行传 5:11)。就如圣经记载,这是现时圣灵运行最大的特征,其目的是要培养敬畏神。我们将看到一场浩大的属灵争战,而神的灵将大大的胜过恶势力。


许多愿意顺服神的将会被呼召进入这末世的事工,就有如阿尔贝特•库姆斯•巴恩斯 (Albert Coombs Barnes) 所引述的:“要成为基督徒并确信圣经的真理,并不需要很大的学问。神要的只是一颗诚实和愿意顺服祂的心。”


The marriage of the Word and the Spirit will be the end time harvest of the 1947 prophecy by Smith Wigglesworth. He said that a movement of God was coming in which the Word and the Spirit would be combined in what Stibbe describes as “the greatest movement of God’s Spirit ever witnessed in Church history.”

Haggai 2:9, ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

As in 1 Peter 4:17, "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"

And in Ezekiel 34:10, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them."

Ananias and Sapphira fell down and died immediately when they lied to the Holy Spirit and great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these event (Acts 5:11). As the Bible described, the purpose is to instil fear as the main characteristic of the Current move of the Holy Spirit is that it will be a victorious movement of spiritual warfare against evil forces.

That is why, the fourth model of the Church will be a warrior army that will battle, invested of purity and holiness, and will conquer all the territory so that the kingdom of God will come, until Christ shall return in the clouds to rapture His Church, and here in the earth will begin a sequence of final events in the history of mankind.

Many with willingness to obey God will be called for such ministry as Albert Coombs Barnes quotes: “It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.”

God is raising up a special breed of warriors who are bold and fear nothing except the fear of the Lord. Read on through the link below of the kind of warrior God is preparing His armies:-


基督国度崇高掌权中心的使命/The Calling of Christ's Kingdom Reigns Majestically (CKRM)



撒母耳记下11:11 乌 利 亚 对 大 卫 说 , 约 柜 和 以 色 列 与 犹 大 兵 都 住 在 棚 里 , 我 主 约 押 和 我 主 ( 或译:王 ) 的 仆 人 都 在 田 野 安 营 , 我 岂 可 回 家 吃 喝 , 与 妻 子 同 寝 呢 ? 我 敢 在 王 面 前 起 誓 ( 原 文 作 我 指 着 王 和 王 的 性 命 起 誓 ) :我 决 不 行 这 事 !

乌利亚被派到最前线去攻打敌人。战胜仇敌和征服土地是神的旨意,但以色列百姓以及直接参与战场的都必须与他们的家人远离隔绝,以神的事工为优先,全心全意专心去打战,完全没有後顾之忧才能打胜仗。所以乌利亚在战争还未结束之前是不能回到自己家的。从这例子看到: 神与神的事工是连在一起的,是不能分开来的。


要知道有不同的属灵成熟度。那最极端的就是我们的主在马太福音与路加福音的教导;马太福音 19:29 凡 为 我 的 名 撇 下 房 屋 , 或 是 弟 兄 , 姐 妹 , 父 亲 , 母 亲 , ( 有 古 卷 添 妻 子 ) , 儿 女 , 田 地 的 , 必 要 得 着 百 倍 , 并 且 承 受 永 生 。

在马太福音 10:37-38 爱 父 母 过 于 爱 我 的 , 不 配 作 我 的 门 徒 , 爱 儿 女 过 于 爱 我 的 , 不 配 作 我 的 门 徒 。 不 背 着 他 的 十 字 架 跟 从 我 的 , 也 不 配 作 我 的 门 徒 。

对很多的基督徒来说,这种教导是很困难,很难以领受的。所以戴得辉牧师虽然本身被呼召进入使徒性的事工,他在 2012 年6月12日在沙巴教会分享说:在战场上第一个被殉职的军人(我们的大母指)是那些在最前线的。那代表着最前线的战士是那些愿意忍受大逼迫,大有勇敢心智,不战到最后不罢休的。有如使徒保罗为福音的原故坚持到最后一口气。林後 12:12 我 在 你 们 中 间 , 用 百 般 的 ,忍 耐 , 借 着 神 迹, 奇 事, 异 能 , 显 出 使 徒 的 凭 据 来 。


精锐的突击队员是很少的,他们不同于一般的军士。有如士师记记载神在1万个基甸勇士中,只挑选三百位。(士师记记 7:3-7)。你是否愿意被呼召进入这样的事工???
CKRM is a ministry of apostolic, prophetic and evangelism; called to be the front line warriors to battle the power of darkness. When King David discovered that Bathsheba was pregnant he sent for Bathsheba’s husband - Uriah. To cover his sin of having an affair with Uriah’s wife, David relieved Uriah temporary of the battlefield frontline to return home and to go back to his house. But Uriah slept at the entrance of the palace with all his master’s servants and did not go to his house.

When David questioned him about why Uriah did not go home, Uriah said to David in 2 Samuel 11:11, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in tents, and my master Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the open fields. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and lie with my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing.

Uriah was assigned to be on the frontline to attack the enemies. In the will of God to defeat the enemies and capture the land, it was a ministry for the Israelites and those directly involved in the battle fields have to be separated from their families as the ministry of God became their first priority. Hence, Uriah could not go home to his house. This illustration shows God and the ministry of God are inseparable. The battle was the promised land God gave to Abraham for the future generation of Israel and for that sake; the warriors on the battle had the calling for the assignment. For such warriors, it was very painful having to leave their families behind to be on the battlefield.

There are different spiritual levels. The extreme spiritual level is what our Lord Jesus taught in Matthew 19:29, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields (business) for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (Also read Luke 18:29-30).

In Matthew 10:37-38, Jesus said, “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and everyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”

To many Christians, this is hard teaching and therefore apostolic ministry as Dr Joseph Tai has shared in the Sunday sermon at his Church in Kota Kinabalu on 10th June 2012, is the frontline (the thumb on our finger), the first to die on the frontline facing the enemies. It means severe persecution with a lot of perseverance, bold and will fight to the last, like Apostle Paul defending the gospel to his last dying days. 2 Corinthians 12:12, “The things that mark an apostle – signs, wonders and miracles – were done among you with great perseverance.”

Apostle Paul feared no men and would not compromise despite extreme difficulties and persecution. Brave warriors are not afraid of death. If a person dies to self and is not afraid of death, no fear can come to him. God is looking for such warrior like Uriah to serve Him and to move in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit for the end time harvest. This is the basic requirement for extreme discipleship.

Elite commandoes are few, unlike ordinary soldier, like the 300 the Lord picked at the river among the 10,000 (Judges 7:3-7). Are you willing to be called in this category to serve God?