God commanded his children to be holy as He is holy. In order to walk in the Power of Christ we must live a Christian life of purity. When the message of the Kingdom of God is preached there should be a demonstration of God’s power. Signs, wonders and miracles always follow while preaching the gospel because these are testimonies of the Kingdom of God. We as children of God carry the DNA of the Supernatural God. Jesus lived a life of total obedience to the Father thus, preserving the purity and fullness of the perfect spiritual DNA of God in his life.
God is calling his church to a time of sanctification, so that we can become a blemish free bride for Christ's return and to be set free from all that hold us captive in our lives and stop us from moving forward with God and coming into our God given destiny. Inner healing and deliverance are incomplete and inadequate without each other. Reconciliation between the fields of inner healing and deliverance will help to bring freedom, wholeness and maturity to the Body of Christ. Sis Gloria and Sis Mary conducted the Inner Healing and Deliverance lessons with explanation on how Christians could be brought into bondage because of generational curse, praying to idols, hurts, anger, guilt and other bondages that made us sin against God. Sis Gloria explained in depth how we can co-operate with the Holy Spirit during the practical steps of the Inner Healing and Deliverance session.
Many campers had tremendous breakthroughs during the Inner Healing and Deliverance session. Sis Georgina saw a vision of a straight line where a man was carrying a luggage and as he walked down the line his baggage (burden) was falling away. As she reached the end of the line she saw plenty of burdens lifted off into the sky like balloons. The souls of the campers were purified and liberated. Sister Jessie was cleansed off the fear spirit of facing her future. Now she puts God as her first priority above everything else. Sister Jeannie testified she was set free of the spirit of guilt and the more she yielded herself and co-operated with the Holy Spirit the more she was cleansed. At one stage she literally felt itchiness like ants crawling on her hands and she shook off all the ungodly spirit in her life. A pastor from Kuala Lumpur also felt that something went out through his throat during deliverance. After the inner healing Bro Thomas ministered and many campers experienced instant healing in their physical bodies as they had undergone cleansing during the earlier session.
During the final day of camp, Ps O.K. Tian a pastor with an experience of 40 years shared Luke chapter 5: 36-39 to the campers. He went on to elaborate on the effect of drinking new wine. New wine would bring a very fast and strong effect upon the drinker. He believed that the Lord will be pouring more new wine in the near future. We, as believers should be prepared to drink more new wine, press in and thirst for the outpouring of this new wine from the Lord. As a senior pastor he observed that CKRM was able to drink new wine as much as the Lord poured on them. As the spirit led, Ps Paul extended the invitation to Ps O.K.Tian to be included as one the advisors of CKRM and it was confirmed by the Holy Spirit.
The Lord raised 5 persons with great anointing upon them in preparation for His ministry when the right time comes. The Lord continuously puts tests on His called, chosen and the faithful children so that they can forward His Kingdom. A brother and a sister were also baptised at Legenda Condominium swimming pool during this camp. The brother received a new name called Joseph which means “God will increase.” The Lord gave Genesis 41:18 to CKRM “when out of the river there came up seven cows, fat and sleek, and they grazed among the reeds.” A brother and a sister from Malacca were prayed by the leaders of CKRM Singapore, Petaling Jaya and Malacca for the Lord to bless them and prepare them for the works of the Lord to come. Despite having a camp outside the church sanctuary, the Lord blessed the meeting with awesome works of the Holy Spirit and confirmation of a new and fruitful season for CKRM in 2011.
许多弟兄姐妹在这次的内在医治和释放的服事中都经历了很大的突破。Georgina姐妹在异像中看到一位男士提着行李箱走向一条笔直的道路,他一边走,行李(重担)就不断的从行李箱内掉出来。当她走到那路的终点时,她看到很多重担像气球般向高空升起。很多弟兄姐妹的魂也得着医治和从获自由。Jessie 姐妹也从惧怕未来的辖制中被释放出来。她现在已把神放在她生命的首位。Jeannie姐妹见证说,她从内疚感中被释放出来。她说当她越倾向圣灵和顺服祂的带领就越得着洁净。在释放的过程中,Jeannie姐妹曾一度感到有成千上万蚂蚁在她手上乱爬,当她的手不断上下摇动时,许多不属神的灵都被甩掉了。一位来自吉隆坡的牧者也感觉到邪灵从他的喉咙被驱赶出去的经历。接着下来,营会的第二天下午是Thomas弟兄带领的身体与疾病的医治服事。许多人都立即得着身体上的医治。
营会的最后一天,拥有四十年经验的O.K.Tian牧师和我们分享了路加福音5:36-39。他向我们解释有关喝了新酒后的感觉和反应。新酒的反应与功效会比旧的来得快且强。Tian牧师相信主在未来的日子要把更多的新酒赐下。身为基督徒的我们因该准备好喝更多的新酒,要更渴慕并竭尽所能的去得着神所倾倒下来的新酒。身为一位资深的牧师,Tian牧师认为CKRM 弟兄姐妹是有足够的能力去领受一切神所要倾倒下来的新酒。Tian牧师也答应了保罗牧师在圣灵感动下邀请他成为CKRM顾问的请求。
神在这一届的营会里兴起了五位弟兄姐妹。以祂的大能恩膏来预备他们在祂所定的日子里进入祂的事工服事。主持续不断的试练祂所呼召、拣选和忠心的孩子来扩展祂的国度。一位弟兄和一位姐妹也在这次的营会里受洗。神也赐给这位弟兄一个新的名字叫约瑟,意思是“神会加增”。神更把创世纪41:18赐给CKRM “有七只母牛从河里上来,又肥壮又美好,在芦荻中吃草”。新加坡、八打灵再也和马六甲的领袖们也为一对来自马六甲的夫妇献上祝福和求神继续装备他们的祷告。