我们要如何才能将路加福音 10:19/马可福音16:17-18 的应许,这样的信念运用到我们的日常生活上?亲身体验永活真神的超自然的大能,自由自在,体验祂的大爱的浇灌,享受祂的同在,滋润受伤的人的心。
首先我们这种缺乏神迹奇事的心态需要被改变,百年来,神一波又一波地催促激励信徒们起来实践权能服事,从圣灵第一波的五旬节运功,第二波的灵恩更新运功,第三波的葡萄园运功,到多论多祝福(Toronto Blessing),布朗斯维爾复兴(Brownsville revival)等的圣灵浇灌。可惜的是,这些运动都不能传遍整个基督身体。
国际基督徒事工网络的比爾翰蒙博士(Bill Hamon)说我们正进入圣徒的时代,这代表我们这活在末世的一群将要看见许多新事,以前从没见过,我们的前辈也未见过,神将在普世教会大大的运行,要知道祂正在全世界各地膏祂的百姓,这不是教条,也不是神学上所论的教会,而是要成全基督的身体。许多的人要大大的惊奇,超自然的神迹奇事将不断增加,这将要带领许许多多的人归向基督 ,这不是憑各人的意志或按照什么步骤可以做得起来,而是神自己要施行大能。不是依靠势力,不是依靠才能,乃是依靠神的灵方能成事。(撒加利亚 4:6)
你准备好了吗?你愿意让神的大能透过你涌流出去释放医治需要的人吗?愿意成为末世复兴及收割的器皿吗?实践主耶稣的命令:随走随传,医治病人吗?CKRM 就是在这样的信念下创立的。请点击以下更多详情:
http://ckrm.org/cn/?page_id=3 (基督国度崇高掌权基督中心)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?p=442 (第二届的约书亚营报道)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?p=859 (中国大学副教授在马六甲CKRM 难忘的经历)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?page_id=1043 (六届约书亚营开始接受报名)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?p=1111 (加利福尼亚 Isaac Jang 牧师的见证)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?p=841 (Joyce Tai 牧师的见证)
http://ckrm.org/cn/?m=200910 (司徒文朝长老的见证)
http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2008/10/fire-anointing-and-its-purpose.html ( 圣火的恩膏及其目的)
Introduction of CKRM Supernatural & Anointing Ministry
I believe believers will agree that our God is all knowing, all powerful and all present. He is a powerful and supernatural God, nothing is impossible with Him.
He has pardoned all our sins, healed all our sicknesses, redeemed us from eternal death and crowned us with love and mercy. But the churches today are helpless in the face of sicknesses and evil spirits, devoid of authority and power. They can only at best, shower the sick with some care and comfort.
While reading the book of Acts, I wonder what do the believers in the early churches had that the churches today lack? Why aren’t we capable of doing what they did? Didn’t Jesus say God is the same yesterday, today and forever?
How can we see the promises in the gospels of Luke 10:19 and Mark 16:17-18 coming to life in our daily lives? To personally and freely experience the supernatural power of our living God, the outpouring of His love, His presence and letting Him tenderizes and heals the wounded hearts of many.
Firstly, we need to change our attitudes regarding the lack of God’s miracles, signs and wonders. Over the past 100 years, God has send waves after waves to urge and encourage believers to arise and minister in power. From the first wave of the Holy Spirit back to the days of the Pentecostal Movement. The second wave was during the Charismatic Renewal. The third wave was the Holy Spirit outpouring in Vineyard Church to the fourth wave of the Toronto Blessing, Brownsville Revival etc. But it's a pity that these movements did not spread to the entire body of Christ.
Bill Hamon who co-founded Christian International Ministries Network said that we are entering “the Day of the Saints”. This means that we, who live during the end times, are going to see many new things that neither our forefathers nor anybody in the past have seen. God is going to move mightily in the universal church; He is anointing His people all over the world. This is happening not because of doctrine or what theology says about the church but because God himself wants to build up the body of Christ. Many people will be greatly amazed because the supernatural signs and wonders will keep increasing and bringing many people back to Christ. This cannot be accomplished by the will of man or by following some steps but by God demonstrating His awesome power. Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty (Zechariah 4:6).
Are you ready? Are you willing to let God’s power flow through you to heal those who need them? Are you willing to be a vessel in the end time revival and harvest? To fulfill the commandment of Jesus to go wherever and whenever to heal the sick? CKRM was set up by such a belief. Please click below for more information:
http://www.ckrm.org/?page_id=1089 (Brief Introduction about CKRM Christian Centre Ltd)
http://www.ckrm.org/?p=1873 (2nd Joshua Camp Report)
http://www.ckrm.org/?p=2469 (Joshua Camp’s Testimony of Associate Professor, Dr Sarah Shan, China)
http://www.ckrm.org/?page_id=1525 (Registration for the CKRM 6th Joshua Camp Training)
http://www.ckrm.org/?p=546 (Testimony by Pastor Isaac, Irvin, California)
http://www.ckrm.org/?p=2433 (Testimony of Rev Dr Joyce Tai)
http://www.ckrm.org/?p=2100 (Testimony of Elder Sitoh Mun Chew)
http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2008/10/fire-anointing-and-its-purpose.html (Article of Fire Anointing and its purpose – is the ministry of CKRM – calling of Isaiah 61:1 raising up and empowering Christians for ministry).
Pastor Esther Chow
The Registration is now opened for the 6th Joshua Camp Training in Malacca, Malaysia (26 – 28 November 2010)
The testimonies and the article “ http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2008/10/fire-anointing-and-its-purpose.html” will explain the awesome power of the Fire Anointing over the power of darkness.
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power” (1 Corinthians 4:20).
“My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power” (1 Corinthians 2:4).
….These spiritual weapons are mighty to destroy strongholds and yokes, and shatter the gates of Hades. As Ps. Paul used the "hammer" on me, clarity began to come into my mind. I was able after that to set my hand to modify my academic doctorate thesis into a reader friendly version, something which I have wanted to do since I graduated from the Doctor of Ministry program in 2006. The clarity of mind plus the deepened experience of the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit have also enabled me to revise and expand a book I published in 2004, which is written on the subject of understanding the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit in God's present move. The anointing of fire on Ps. Paul's life and ministry has also wrought deeper inner cleansing in my life. Most of the conference participants testified to being blessed and revived by Ps. Paul's ministry and the corporate anointing of our church has gone up to another level because of the spiritual breakthroughs our people have experienced….. http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2010/04/testimony-of-pastor-joyce-tai.html
Rev. Dr. Joyce Tai
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Co-founder of Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly
……. Different spiritual gifting and anointing builds up each other but there is one fundamental anointing – The Fire Anointing. Truthfully, I didn’t know what its purpose in the beginning was. Did it serve as an experience? Interestingly, after reading the article on Fire anointing by Pastor Paul (http://pastorpaulang.blogspot.com/2008/10/fire-anointing-and-its-purpose.html),I was greatly inspired. Now I know the reason behind the fire anointing which is the very foundation of a true disciple of Jesus – Fire Anointing purifies me, removes the blockages done by the enemy and enhances my spiritual sensitivity. Once all this is done the other gifting will be activated too…. http://www.ckrm.org/?p=2650
Praise God, for His wisdom and power which are limitless!
Dr Sarah Shan
(Associate Professor Dr Sarah Shan works in a University in China)
第六届约书亚营开始接受报名 (26 – 28 November 2010)
因为神的国不在乎言语,乃在乎权能(林前 4:20)
我说的话讲的道,不是用知慧委婉的言语,乃是用圣灵和大能的明证。(林前 2: 4)
……………这些强而有力的属灵武器 能毁灭我们生命中坚固的营垒,困锁和粉碎地狱之门。
当保罗牧师把“锤子”敲在我的头上时,我开始感觉到我的思想变得逐渐清晰。我之后竟能提 笔把我的博士教学论文修改成简单且容易明白的版本。这是我在二零零 六年从神学教牧博士学位毕业后一直想做的。清晰的思想和更深的经历圣灵的神迹奇事使我能更详细的描述并修改我在二零零四年所出版的一本书,内容是神今日如 何透过圣灵彰显祂的神迹奇事。
Joyce Tai 牧师 博士
B.Sc., M.Div., D.Min.
Wingspread School of Ministry and the Fountain of Life Assembly 联合创办人
Sarah Shan博士