吃长斋不能救我脱离鬼魂的纠缠–Deborah Yim 严桂香姐妹的见证(第二部分)/ Prolong vegetarian diet cannot free me from harassment by spirits – Deborah Tim’s Testimony (Part 2)

在1995年上帝给我看见异象和异梦,我看见彩虹和听到神跟我说,要把万津一间戏院买下来成为主的殿。我经过多次的祷告,也叫我的主任牧师Pastor Erickson Kam 为我祷告。这十年左右他们每天都为我们夫妻提名祷告。神开始预备我。在11年里,神差我去〖得胜之家〗2年带领吸毒者事工。过后的9年,神差我去〖使命宣教关怀事工〗,带领孤儿、老人院、单亲妈妈、乐龄事工、舞蹈、及赞美操。2002年我开始加入〖亚洲事工〗。一直到2009年4月13日清晨,我接了一位姐妹的电话说,她在祷告的异象中见到我,圣灵感动她一定要带我去上课。我从来没有这么的顺服和被感动而去上这两天的课程。





在1995年,神给我的使命,是要我建立教会,我不懂得要如何进行神的旨意,就唯有祷告等候神。有一天,当我在凌晨灵修祷告时,我听见圣灵在我耳边说,你要带谢松汉来见我。当时我在心里很害怕,谢松汉发生了什么事,要去见神!过后,我唯有顺服的安排谢松汉弟兄去2009年5月1-2日的约书亚营。在营会的第一天,他什么感觉都没有,进入第二天也没有什么进展,我就很担心,直到中午3点多的时候,我发现他的脸发红,口在动了,忽然他大声的呼喊,狮子孔叫声从他口里发出来了!他终于被释放了!我真的很高兴,感谢耶稣!营会过后,我每个星期都从万津来到马六甲CKRM领受神的恩膏,回家后就不断的祷告。经过洪保罗和以斯帖牧师的服事、神的预言、和神的同在下,我开始回应神的呼招,踏出信心的步伐 – 开教会。


开幕当天有中文部总监汤牧师、新加坡新亚兴院长Pastor Ngiam、新加坡司徒长老、和众弟兄姐妹的见证。洪保罗和以斯帖牧师也在当天按立了万津CKRM的领袖与同工。我们都一起领受神的恩膏。当天我看见很多天使降临和圣灵的火球,还有一位天军站在保罗牧师的身边。


感谢主耶稣,全能的主,神把我之前Susan 的名字改为Deborah。之前的Susan已经死了,我Deborah Yim已经被神完全翻转过来,我是新造的人。而在2009年11月27日的约书亚营里,我的丈夫张启万也正式被按立成为万津CKRM超自然治疗中心的牧师。我衷心感谢洪保罗和以斯帖牧师的带领,让神装备我们,愿神祝福他们,啊们!


In 1995, God gave me visions and dreams; I saw a rainbow and heard His voice telling me to buy a movie theatre in Banting and convert it into His sanctuary. I prayed about it many times and also asked my senior Pastor, Ps Erickson Kam to pray for me. They prayed for me and my husband. God began to prepare me for His ministry. God started to lead me to the “House of Victory” to minister to drug addicts. After that God led me to “Missions and Care Ministry” to work with orphans, old folks’ homes, single-mums, the elderly, dance, praise & worship exercise. In 2002, I joined the “Asia Ministry”. On 13th April 2009, I received a call from a sister. She told me that she saw me in a vision and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to invite me to attend a course. I was extremely touched, and agreed to attend the two-days course.

When I arrived at “Jubilee Initiative Malaysia Bhd” on 14th April, I found out that the topic for that day was “Supernatural Power and Anointing”. It sounded very interesting! The speakers were Ps Paul and Ps Esther from CKRM Christian Centre. During this course, I received many blessings from God. In fact, the anointing I lost during the 4 years has been restored in only a two days’ meeting! I also began to realize my vision and God’s direction in my life. I recalled the experiences and anointing were quite similar to a course I attended in Agape.I had not cried for years as my heart was hardened However, every prophecy given by both Ps Paul and Ps Esther was like arrows piercing right into my heart. I wept in silence before God in repentance.

On the 2nd day of the course Ps Esther shared about prophecy, prophets, Holy Spirit, Spiritual gifting and the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit and 8 administrative gifting from 1Corinthians 12. Ps Paul taught about Fire of the Holy Spirit, “turning water into wine”, the “Roar of the Lion of Judah” (Hab 3:4), Rays that flashed from the Hand,” “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” and the supernatural weapons of the Lord. Ps Paul also shared from the Book of Revelation, the Throne of God, the 7 Seals, Blowing of the Shofar, Angels, the Lamb of God, the River of Life, Spirit of Joy, New Heaven, New Earth and the Church.

In 1995, God gave me a mission, and that was to build a church. However, I didn’t know how to carry out His will. So I prayed and waited on the Lord for years. One morning, while I was praying, I heard the audible voice of the Holy Spirit to bring Bro. Chia to come back to Him. I was naive and could not understand. In fact, God had called Bro Chia to build His church too. I obeyed and arranged for Bro. Chia to attend CKRM 1st Joshua Camp on the 1-2nd May 2009. He did not receive on the 1st day of the camp, and there was not much progress on the 2nd day too. I was getting worried and around 3 pm, I realized his face was red and his lips were trembling. Suddenly, he roared aloud like a lion! He was finally set free and the Lord had restored His anointing upon bro Chia again. I was truly overjoyed. Praise Jesus! After the camp, I continued to travel every week from Banting to CKRM Malacca to be empowered. Upon reaching home after each meeting, I would pray ceaselessly. After being ministered by Ps Paul and Ps Esther with prophecies from God and soaking in His presence, I began to answer God’s calling and stepped out in faith – to set up a church.

My senior pastor and the pastor from the Chinese church prayed a blessing on me and my husband. On 20th Sept 2009, at 4.30 pm, CKRM Banting was officially commenced, with CKRM as our spiritual covering. Pastor Richard Thong from Grace Community Service Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore’s Pastor Ngiam, Singapore Elder Sitoh and many brothers and sisters came to witness the commencement of the church. Ps Paul and Ps Esther were also present to anoint the leaders and co-workers of CKRM Banting. All of us received God’s anointing in abundant. During the ceremony I saw many angels, the Fire of the Holy Spirit and a heavenly Host standing beside Ps Paul.

In just 9 months, God did so many signs and wonders in CKRM Banting. One month prior to the commencement of the church in August, while we were praying at around 8-9 pm, I saw many “clouds” of God’s presence in the church. Even more amazingly, a lot of gold dust fell on our bodies. Subsequently in other meetings, miracles such as gold teeth filling and more amazingly, instant weight loss. I was one of those who were blessed by this creative anointing. My weight was reduced by 6 kg and my waistline reduced by 8 inches instantly. Praise the Lord Jesus for giving me a new name -“Deborah”. The “Susan” of the past is dead and God has transformed me into a new person. On 27th Nov 2009, my husband was officially ordained as the pastor of CKRM Banting. I sincerely thank Ps Paul and Ps Esther’ for teaching and equipping us. May God bless them, Amen!

I thank God for everything, Amen! Hallelujah!